Latest from Woman Law

Human Trafficking and The People Affected By It


In today's scenario if we look at the situation of crime taking place in India at a very high note people are getting justice also in return. Human trafficking not only in India but all over th...

Impact Of Female Labour Force On The Economic Growth Of India


India's female workforce participation has, in contrast to the rest of the world, declined slightly in the last three decades. The percentage of women of working age who are considered principl...

Legalisation Of Abortion: A Boon Or Ban


Despite 30 years of liberal legislation that is the Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act, 1971, in relate to the majority of women in India still lack access to safe abortion care. Amendments in...

How the Vishaka Case Changed the Game for Women's Rights at Work in India


The landmark case of Vishaka & ors. vs. State of Rajasthan (AIR 1997 SC 3011) stands as a pivotal moment in Indian legal history, establishing the foundation for addressing sexual harassmen...

Addressing Workplace Harassment in India: The Effectiveness of the Sexual Har...


For ages, in this patriarchal society; women have been treated as inferior to men. They are expected to stay home, do household chores and look after the family. In ancient India, women were pr...

Challenges For Women Lawyers In India


It's not simple for a woman to practise law in India. The legal profession faces prejudice and gender bias, just as many other professions. The legal profession in India is beset with structur...

The Maternity Amendment Act, 2021: Advancing Rights and Support for Working M...


The Maternity (Amendment) Act, 2021, a significant legislative reform in India, aimed to enhance the welfare and protection of expectant mothers and new parents. Enacted on March 25, 2021, this...

Exploring Feminist Jurisprudence: Law, Equality, and Women's Empowerment


The designated article talks broadly about the idea of law and feminism. The article starts with an introduction to law and its connection to feminism. All through the article, the statements o...

The Legal Nuances: Can Women Be Held Liable For Rape In India?


Rape, a heinous crime, is defined in Section 375 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860. However, the legal landscape concerning women as perpetrators of rape is complex. This article explores the lega...

Gender Biased Laws In IPC And Fundamental Rights


Whether the gender bias in the provisions of IPC is in violation of fundamental rights enshrined in the Constitution of India or not?At the time when IPC was drafted and codified in 1860 by Lord ...