Marriage, a sacred institution, raises complex questions about rights and consent. Legal definitions of rape, based on the absence of consent, create problems when applied within a marriage. Th...
Uniform civil code refers to a common set of law which apply to all the citizen of the nation irrespective of their cast, religion, customs. uniform civil code is a proposal in India till today...
Mensuration period is a time period in which women of age between 13-45 having bleeding from their uterus in this duration woman's face Sevier period cramps, fever, breast pain, heavy blood los...
The EU is the world's number one trade in agricultural products, both in terms of imports and exports. basically, the global export or import of agricultural products helps to fulfil the requir...
Prostitution is a business or practices in which male or female take part in sexual activity in return of money. People who are engaging in this kind of activity is called prostitute. Status of...
Prostitution is a business or practices in which male or female take part in sexual activity in...
Uniform civil code refers to a common set of law which apply to all the citizen of the nation i...
Mensuration period is a time period in which women of age between 13-45 having bleeding from th...
The EU is the world's number one trade in agricultural products, both in terms of imports and e...