Dinesh Singh Chauhan

Dinesh Singh Chauhan

Member since: January 20, 2019
Total live articles: 125

An accomplished Law Professional offering 32 years of rich and verifiable experience, combining sound functional knowledge, analytical skills and result-driven approach to contribute to organizational growth.

Practicing Law in the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India; Hon'ble High Court of J&K at Jammu and in the Courts Subordinate to it.
Richly contributes to the treasury of legal literature while writing the following Legal Books:

  1. Manual of Taxation Laws in J&K,
  2. Manual of Labour Laws,
  3. Election Laws,
  4. J&K Financial Code,
  5. Manual of Motor Vehicles Laws,
  6. Manual of High Court of J&K and
  7. Anti-Corruption Law in J&K

Recent Articles by Dinesh Singh Chauhan

The Doctrine Of Legal Precedent: Analyzing Sub-Silentio And Per Incuriam


What is the correct course to follow when we are faced with a decision which decides in a particular way but does not refer to any statutory provision, decides contrary to statute or ignores re...

The Doctrine Of Legal Precedent: Analyzing Sub-Silentio And Per Incuriam


What is the correct course to follow when we are faced with a decision which decides in a particular way but does not refer to any statutory provision, decides contrary to statute or ignores re...

Whether The Judgment Of One High Court Is A Binding Precedent For Another Hig...


According to Sir John Salmond, A 'Precedent' is said to be a Judicial decision which contains its principles. The stated principle which thus forms its authoritative element is called the Ratio...

Law Officer's Duty Is To Assist The Cause Of Justice, Not Just The Government


The interesting observations of the Chief Justice of India during the Commonwealth Attorneys & Solicitors General Conference (CASGC), 2024, to the effect that Law Officers of the State must...

Whether the Judgment Of The Constitution Bench in National Insurance Company ...


The Principle Of Retrospectivity Of JudgmentsA retrospective (from Latin retrospectare, "look back"), generally, is a look back at events that took place, or works that were produced, in the past...

Whether Interpretation sub-rule (3) of Rule 3-A of Order XLI of Code of Civil...


The provisions of Rule 328 of the J&K Motor Vehicles Rules, 1991 makes it amply clear as to how the provisions of Order XLI of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 apply to appeals under Section 1...

Quantum Of Monthly Wages Notified In Terms Of Section 4 (1)(B) Of Employees C...


The Employees' Compensation Act, 1923 provides for payment of compensation to certain classes of employees (other than one covered under Employees' State Insurance Act, 1948) for injury by acci...

Court Can Turn the Clock Back: SC's Sharp Words on Ladakh Admin Denying NC Us...


Asserting its power to turn the clock back, the Supreme Court came down heavily on the Ladakh Union Territory administration run by the Bharatiya Janata Party-led Union Government for denying t...

Insurance Company Not Liable To Pay Compensation For Death Of Gratuitous Pass...


Question of Law "Whether the Insurance Company can be held liable to answer the claims of persons who are either "Unauthorized Passengers" or "Gratuitous Passengers" in a "Goods Vehicle"? I...

Age Of Deceased And Not Of Dependents In Case Of Death Of A Bachelor Is Basis...


Whether, for working out compensation under Motor Vehicles Act in the case of a bachelor, selection of multiplier is to be made by reference to the age of the deceased or that of the claimant? ...

How The Legal Construct Of National Honour Encourages Toxic Nationalism?


The Flag Code of India, 2002 opens with a declaration that the Indian National Flag represents the hopes and aspirations of the people of India, and it is a symbol of our National Pride. The H...

Person Occupying A Constitutional Position Must Take Oath In The Format Of So...


Preamble Without God One of the last issues vigorously debated in the Constituent Assembly in October 1949 was the framing of the Preamble. B. R. Ambedkar proposed "We, the People of India �" ...

Perjury; Historical & Legal Background And Its Development In India


The word 'Perjury' is derived from the Latin word perjurium. 'Perjurium' was referred to as a sin but not as a public wrong. It was dealt with invoking God to bear witness to the truth of the s...

Corporal Punishment And Child Rights In India


It is not an exaggeration to state that any form of Corporal punishment is evil, degrading, unjustifiable and a gross violation of the rights of children. Corporal punishment, also interchangea...

Powers Provided To The Trial Courts Under Section 216 of CrPC To Add Or Alter...


Exclusive And Wide-Ranging Powers Provided To The Trial Courts Under Section 216 of Cr. P. C To Add Or Alter Charges At Any Time, Even After Reserving Judgment; Supreme Court Whether the Cha...

Constitutional Courts Can't Assume Role Of Appellate Authority In Cases Of Di...


The State is an artificial juristic entity and like any other juristic entity it can employ persons to discharge its functions. Since India has adopted a federal constitutional structure and sc...

Analyzing the Price The Non-Smokers Are Paying For the Actions Of The Smokers...


It is axiomatic that tobacco smoking is hazardous to health. According to the World Health Organization, tobacco consumption is one of the leading causes of death, illness and impoverishment in...

Using Abusive Language Can't Be The Accepted Norm Of The Indian Society?


Abusing someone is an act of using foul language intended to disrespect the victim of such abuse. It is often verbal in nature but can assume other forms too. Such a practice is not acceptable ...

Marriage On Irretrievable Breakdown Can Be Dissolved By Supreme Court In Exer...


Marriage being regarded as a sacrament under Hindu Law is also believed to be made in heaven. This leaves one with the question: does the sacramental nature make it eternal or indissoluble, or ...

Unreasonable Delay Between Hearing Of Arguments And Delivery Of Judgment Repr...


As it is, pending litigation has been a pandemic too. Nani Palkhivala once said, "Law may or may not be an ass; but in India it is a snail - it moves at a pace which would be regarded as un...

Constitutional Courts Can't Assume Role Of Appellate Authority In Cases Of Di...


The State is an artificial juristic entity and like any other juristic entity it can employ persons to discharge its functions. Since India has adopted a federal constitutional structure and sc...

History Of Tricolour: How Did Indian National Flag Reach Its Present Form?


How Did The Tricolour Reach This Present Form? Were There Other Flags Before It? If Yes, How Did They Look And Who Designed Them? History & Evolution Of The Indian Tricolour Mahatm...

Why is the Indian flag hoisted on Independence Day but unfurled on Republic Day?


Key Highlights The Flag is Hoisted on Independence Day from the bottom of the Flag post to the top to mark the country's independence from British Rule. The Flag is tied on the top of the...

Understanding The Meaning Of Discarge Under Section 227 Of Criminal Procedure...


Discharge in legal criminal parlance is defined in Black Law Dictionary as:The opposite of charge; hence to release; liberate; annul; unburden; disencumber as opposed to its meaning in contract...

Origin And Evolution Of Lok Adalat System In India


In every system of government, the effective Justice Delivery Mechanism is a permanent and necessary condition of peace, order, civilization and governance of the country. Just as pollution poi...

Why Indian Judicial System Should Do Away With The Medieval Era Colonial Prac...


"You cannot force someone to respect you, but you can refuse to be disrespected" A quote, by someone unknown, truly encapsulates the natural principle of human tendencies, which,...

The Emergence And Evolution Of High Courts In India Before The Constitution O...


The history of High Courts in India traces back to the period of British Raj. The Britishers came to India as traders but soon established foothold over the Indian mainland and consequently bec...

Doctrine of Harmonious Construction In The Interpretation Of Statutes


"No law or ordinance is mightier than understanding." - Plato Every individual living in a society understands the value of law. Law may be understood as a tool to keep the society peaceful an...

Concept Of Mesne Profits Under Code Of Civil Procedure, 1908


The underlying principle based on which the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 functions is Ubi Jus Ibi Remedium that signifies where there is a right, there is a remedy. The concept of Mesne Profit...

Custodial Deaths and Role of Judiciary: A Critical Analysis


The Constitution of India guarantees various rights to a Prisoner or a person in custody under Articles 20, 21 and 22 of the Constitution of India. The Supreme Court of India has interpreted cert...

What is Delimitation? What Does it Mean for Jammu And Kashmir?


What is delimitation and why is it needed?Delimitation is the act or process of fixing limits or boundaries of territorial constituencies in a country or a province (State or Union Territory) hav...

An Analysis Of Concept Of Per Incuriam


The text of Mahabharata says that path is the right path which has been followed by virtuous men. The concept of precedent is based on this theory. The edifice of the common law is made up of Jud...

What are The remedies available when Order of Injunction is Breached or not c...


The Law of Injunction in India has its origin in the Equity Jurisprudence of England who too in its turn borrowed it from the Roman Law, wherein, it was known as Interdict. The Roman Interdicts w...

The President Of India's Power To Pardon Is Not An Anachronism


"Judges must enforce the laws, whatever they be, and decide according to the best of their lights; but the laws, are not always just, and the lights are not always luminous." ...

Historical Development of Law Of Injunction


The equitable remedy of Injunction bears such a marked resemblance to certain forms of the interdicts, which were granted by the Praetors under the Roman Law, that it has been said by some auth...

Critical Analysis of Judicial Settlement Under Section 89 of Code of Civil Pr...


In each cultivated society there are two arrangements of laws that administer the lives of citizens: meaningful laws and procedural laws. While meaningful laws decide the rights and commitmen...

Where are the Laws to Protect the Rights of Domestic Workers in India?


So long as there's a mindset that the home is a private space even when it's a workplace, and domestic work is just house work and not ‘proper' work, the apathy of the State towards the plight ...

Whether Evidence Of Witness Is Admissible To Whom Oath Is Not Administered?


OathThe oath, perhaps the oldest means for encouraging truthful testimony, forms a link between court proceedings and religious belief since, in its usual form, the witnesses swear by Almighty Go...

When Can Magistrate Issue Non-Bailble Warrant of Arrest, Process For Declarin...


Chapter VI of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 deals with the process to compel appearance. The said Chapter is divided in Four Parts. Part ‘A' relates to summons; Part ‘B' relates to w...

Rights Of Prisoners Under Indian Laws


Every Saint Has A Past; Every Sinner Has A Future – Oscar Wilde Historical Background of Prison and PrisonersThe word Prison doesnt means to use sudden force or to cage. The Prison is an old ag...

Decoding The History Of Sedition Law In India


What Is Sedition?According to Section 124-A of the Indian Panel Code, 1860, Whoever, by words, either spoken or written, or by signs, or by visible representation, or otherwise, brings or attempt...

Golden Hour: The Importance of Emergency Medical Care In Motor Vehicular Acci...


Road accidents occur due to multiple causes such as rash and negligent driving, the use of mobile phones on the go, drunken driving / consumption of alcohol / drugs, overloaded vehicles, poor...

Can A Person Who Lost Election Be Appointed As Chief Minister?


Strangely unique that a Chief Minister lost her seat, but the party registered a bigger victory than achieved in the previous Assembly Election. West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee earned ...

Whether Delhi High Court While imposing costs of Rs.20 Lakhs in Juhi Chawla's...


Hard cases make bad law. Black's Law Dictionary defines a 'hard case' as a law suit involving equities that tempt a Judge to stretch or even disregard a principle of law at issue. The costs of...

Can A Person Who Lost Election Be Appointed As Chief Minister?


Strangely unique that a Chief Minister lost her seat, but the party registered a bigger victory than achieved in the previous Assembly Election. West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee earne...

Whether The Family Members Of Covid-19 Victims Can Be Deprived To See The Bod...


Whether the relatives & friends of Patients admitted in Hospital/Hospitals with Covid-19 or Patients having contracted the disease whilst in Hospitals after getting admitted for some other ma...

Whether Right To Dignity And Fair Treatment Under Article 21 Of The Constitut...


The adage, Funerals are for the living, not the dead, you may be tempted to consider relinquishing control over what happens after your death to your descendants. After all, it is your loved ones...

Concept Of State For The Purposes Of Article 12 Of Constitution Of India


Part III of the Constitution of India guarantees certain fundamental rights to the citizens of India as well as other persons residing in India. These fundamental rights are guaranteed only again...

Bar Created Under Section 397 (2) CrPC is not affected By the Orders Framing ...


The Supreme Court in Criminal Appeal No. 472/2021 titled Sanjay Kumar Rai Vs State of Utter Pardesh & Anr., held that orders framing charges or refusing discharge are neither interlocutory no...

Analyzing the Criminal Contempt of Courts-What is contempt and what isn�t?


Constitutional & Statutory Provisions for ContemptThe Rule of Law is a foundational feature of Constitution of India and the right to obtain judicial redress is a feature of its basic structur...

Analyzing The Gamut Of Section 436-A Of The Code Of Criminal Procedure, 1973


With the best interests of under trial prisoners in mind, Section 436-A of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 was brought in. The intent behind the new Section was to uphold the rights of impri...

Victim's Restitution: A Fading Point In Criminology


[P]eople by and large have lost confidence in the criminal justice system�.. Victims feel ignored and are crying for attention and justice. Introduction The victim constitutes the most im...

Summary Judgment: A Robust Tool To Curb Unnecessary Trial


Summary Judgment, as the combination of two words suggests, is an outcome of a case decided summarily, based on the documentary evidence produced before the Court by the parties, without going fo...

Safeguards for Victim Compensation Scheme: An Analysis


Crime takes an enormous physical, financial and emotional toll on its victims. On November 29, 1985, the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted the Declaration of Basic Principles of Just...

Can a victim or his lawyer be allowed to conduct prosecution in a criminal case?


The provisions of Sections 225, 301 and 302 are in consonance with the concept of fairness of trial as enshrined in Article 21 of the Constitution of India. Constructing a right to prosecute a pe...

Understanding The Blue-Pencil Rule Of Severability Under Contract Law


Many a times, parties to a contract find, much to their dismay, that some parts of their contracts are not legal and valid and, therefore, unenforceable. In such a situation, the question that ar...

Suppression Of Facts Made In Proposal Form Will Render Insurance Policy Voida...


The Hon'ble Supreme Court, in Civil Appeal No. 3397 of 2020 titled titled�Branch Manager, Bajaj Allianz Insurance Company Ltd. & Ors. Vs Dalbir Kour, decided on October 09, 2020 observed that a P...

Doctrine Of Severability: A Scalpel Rather Than A Bulldozer


Basis of DoctrineThis Doctrine of Severability is also known as the Doctrine of Separability. The word to the extent of the inconsistency or contravention makes it clear that when some of the p...

Interpretation Of Constitution Of India Vis-a-vis Doctrine of Constitutional ...


The Constitution of India is a living document as per the old saying and, therefore, one can find a culture of Invention-ism in the reading or interpretation of the Constitution. The supreme law...

Why Victim Cannot Appeal Against Inadequate Sentence Under Section 372 CPC?


Since 2009, the victim has officially entered in the textbook of Criminal Law. For the first time, a victim is defined under Section 2 (wa) of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 as a person w...

Critical Analysis of Doctrine Of Proportionality


Doctrine of proportionality finds its place in the Administrative Law and is used at the stage of Judicial Review. The doctrine assets that there must be a reasonable nexus between the desired re...

Certificate Under Section 65-B (4) Of Evidence At Is A Condition Precedent To...


The Supreme Court recently, Vide Judgment & Order dated July 14, 2020 in Civil Appeal Nos. 20825-20826 of 2017 titled Arjun Panditrao Khotkar Vs Kailash Kushanrao Gorantyal & Ors., gave finality ...

Jurisdiction Of Central Administrative Tribunal For Adjudication Of Service M...


In recent decisions, the Single Bench of the J&K High Court & Delhi High Court held that, in service matters the High Court lacks original jurisdiction under Article 226 of Constitution of India ...

Courts Must Apply Stringent Tests While Understanding The Complexity Of Secti...


In Criminal Justice System from the initial stage of investigation some time it happens that those who are actually committed the offence easily escape the boundaries of �Penal Law, by one way or...

Tribunalisation of Justice in India's Competition Regime


By giving up the traditional theory of 'laissez faire' and the Police State, now the State has become not only a Welfare State but more so a progressive democratic State. As a result, State start...

Power Of Police To Enter The Place To Be Searched Under Section 47 Of The CrPC


The people are the focal point for the State in a democracy. The rights and welfare of the people need to be constantly kept in view by the legislature while making the laws and by the executive ...

Civil Contempt Must Establish Disobedience Is Willful, Deliberate And Full Kn...


To Constitute Civil Contempt, It Must Be Established That Disobedience Is Wilful, Deliberate And With Full Knowledge Of Consequences: SCSection 2 of the Contempt of Courts Act, 1971 Section 2 (a)...

The Historical Perspective Of The Contempt Of Courts In India


The Contempt of Court is a matter concerning the fair Administration of Justice, and aims to punish any act hurting the dignity and authority of Judicial Tribunals. Although it is difficult to ac...

Basic Principles For Impleadment Of Parties In Civil Proceedings


I. General Principles Under Order I Rule 10 Of Code Of Civil Procedure, 1908: Order I Rules 9 & 10 of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 read as under: 9. Misjoinder and non-joinder:No Suit shall be...

Rudiments Of The Doctrine Of Promissory Estoppel


The Doctrine of Promissory Estoppel is an equitable doctrine evolved to avoid injustice and though commonly named Promissory Estoppel, it falls in the sphere of neither contract nor estoppel. Thi...

Meaning, Concept and Historical Background of Doctrine of Res Judicata as con...


Brief History and Origin of Res Judicata Res Judicata Pro Veritate Accipitur is the full Latin maxim which has, over the years, shrunk to mere Res Judicata. The concept of Res Judicata finds ...

Mere Delay In Forwarding First Information Report To Magistrate under Section...


Section 157 of Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 deals with the procedure for investigation, which is reproduced verbatim as under: 157. Procedure for investigation preliminary inquiry. (1) If, fr...

Supreme Court Clears The Air On The Section 13 (2) Of The Consumer Protection...


A Constitution Bench of the Supreme Court recently in the case of [New India Assurance Co. Ltd. Vs. Hilli Multipurpose Cold Storage Pvt. Ltd., MANU/SC/0272/2020] held that the time period to file...

Whether The Time Limit To File Written Statement Under Order VIII Rule 1 Code...


The Limit of Ninety Days is Directory:A catena of Judgements by the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India, interpreting Order VIII Rule 1 of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, had settled the position t...

Historical Background Behind Designation Of Senior Advocates Under Advocates ...


Legal Profession, which is otherwise called as Noble Profession, is the only profession, where genuine Practitioners are glorified with the title Learned, which denotes possession of skills not o...

Relationship Between Directive Principles Of State Policy And Fundamental Rig...


Nature of the Directive Principles Of State Policy - Contours of the Context and Content Directive Principles of State Policy enjoined in Articles 36 - 51 of Constitution of India are in the natu...

Seeking Better Internet Speed Can't Override Terrorism Concerns Of The State:Sc


The Supreme Court said it takes with utmost seriousness the sensitive task of balancing national security and human rights and referred to its earlier Judgement in which it held that: the degree ...

Exercise Of Territorial Jurisdiction Of High Court Under Article 226 (2) Of C...


Article 226 of Constitution of India confers a power of judicial review on all the High Courts of India. It enables them to issue to any person or authority, including in appropriate cases any Go...

How Is Amendment In Epidemic Disease Act 1897 Helpful In Tackling Attack On C...


Why the need was felt The 1896 bubonic plague epidemic of Bombay (now Mumbai), which began in September that year and gradually spread to most parts of the sub-continent, is a well-known major ev...

Concept Behind Securing The Independence Of Judiciary Vis-A-Vis Article 50 Of...


Components of the Independence of the JudiciaryThe term separation of powers or trias-politica  was initiated by Charles de Montesquieu. For the very first time, it was accepted by Greece and the...

Addition Made Under Section 144 Is Invalid When The Penalty Proceedings Stand...


The Supreme Court in Civil Appeal No. 6110 of 2009 titled Basir Ahmed Sisodiya Vs Income Tax Officer, held that that the addition under Section 68 of the Income Tax Act, 1961 is needed to be quas...

When Can Court Issue Non Bailable Warrant Of Arrest Process For Declaring A P...


Chapter VI of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 deals with the process to compel appearance. The said chapter is divided in four parts. Part A relates to summons; Part B relates to warrant of ...

Living In Adultery A Bar To Seek Maintenance under section 125 (4) of code of...


Man, whether in the role of a son, a father or a husband, has a socially embedded duty to provide for the well-being – physical as well as financial - of his elderly parents, children and wife....

Constitution Of India - The Nation's Safety Valve


The Constitution of India is the cornerstone of a liberated nation. Constitution of India is the soul of our country India - the Union of States. It is supreme lex of India. It is a symbol of Uni...

Judicial Independence: Developments that Tell Us Fair is Foul and Foul is Fair


It was unwise for a Chief Justice of India, whose controversial tenure strengthened the perception that the Judiciary could not take on the Government on crucial issues, to have accepted the of...

Plaint Can Either Be Rejected As A Whole Or Not At All Under Order VII Rule 1...


Section 9 of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 recognizes the power of ultimate jurisdiction of the Civil Courts to try all Suits of civil nature. But this power is subordinate to the provisions ...

Object of Section 133 of Code of criminal Procedure, 1973 is to protect publi...


The Sky is like Father The Earth is like Mother and The Space as Their Son The Universe consisting the Three is like a Family and Any kind of damage done to any one of the Three Throws the Universe...

Whether Judicial Service Is An Essential Service Amid COVID-19 Lockdown?


Corona Virus (COVID 19) has engulfed the World into an unprecedented crisis forcing most of the countries to enforce lockdown which appears to be the only option to control and contain spread of ...

Section 145 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 is purported to meet an e...


The Executive Magistrate at any time after making the order under sub-section (1) of Section 145 in the Code Of Criminal Procedure, 1973 considers the case to be one of emergency, or if he decide...

Historical Background In Enacting The Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897 And Its App...


Historical background in enacting the Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897 and its application to FIGHT COVID19 PANDEMIC On March 24, 2020, Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi announced a nation-wide l...

Nomination of former CJI Ranjan Gogoi to Rajya Sabha Sounds Warning Signals f...


It was unwise for a Chief Justice of India, whose controversial tenure strengthened the perception that the Judiciary could not take on the Government on crucial issues, to have accepted the offe...

Section 173 (8) Cr. P. C; Courts Not Obliged To Hear Accused While Considerin...


The Supreme Court reiterated that a Magistrate is not obliged to hear the accused before any direction for further investigation is made under Section 173 (8) of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1...

Preamble the Spirit of Constitution of India


The Preamble to Constitution of India (in brief, Preamble) is more than just 63 words perfectly arranged and catalogued (in a certain way) in some normative sentences; most importantly, it is all...

Independence of The Judiciary: A Constitutional Response


The place of Justice is a hallowed place, and therefore not only the Bench, but also the foot space and precincts and purpose thereof ought to be preserved without scandal and corruption. - ...

Relevant Date For The Determination of Compensation Payable Under Employees C...


The Supreme Court reiterated that the relevant date for the determination of compensation along-with interest at the rate of 12% payable under Employees Compensation Act 1923 is the date of the a...

Comparable Injuries Should Be Compensated By Comparable Awards While Granting...


Under Common Law there was no right to claim damages in case of death. Right to claim damages was however always recognized in case of personal injury. After the advent of the rail and road trans...

Medical Professionals Should Not Be Dragged Into Criminal Proceedings Unless ...


In Criminal Appeal No. 770 of 2009 titled Anjana Agnihotri , Vs. State of Haryana, directed against the Judgment dated 23.04.2008 of the Punjab & Haryana High Court, whereby, the High Court uphel...

Net Access Is Constitutionally Protected Right; SC


Declaring that access to the Internet is a constitutionally protected right under Article 19 (1)(a) of Constitution of India, the Supreme Court ordered the Jammu & Kashmir Administration to revie...

Right of Accused To Be Released on Bail If Investigation Not Completed Within...


An indefeasible right accrues in favour of the accused for being released on bail if the police fails to complete the probe and no charge-sheet is filed within the period of 90 days or 60 days ...

What Are The Grounds To Impose Restrictions Under Section 144 Cr. P. C


Section 144 of Criminal Procedure Code, 1973 gives power to a District Magistrate, a Sub - Divisional Magistrate or any other Executive Magistrate on behalf of the State Government to issue an or...

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Popular Articles by Dinesh Singh Chauhan

Whether Caveat Application is legally pe...


Whether in a criminal proceeding a Caveat Application is legally permissible to be filed as pro...

Historical background in wearing Black R...


Being A Lawyer Is Not Merely A Vocation. It Is A Public Trust, And Each Of Us Has An Obligation...

Right of Accused To Be Released on Bail ...


An indefeasible right accrues in favour of the accused for being released on bail if the police...

Independence of The Judiciary: A Constit...


The place of Justice is a hallowed place, and therefore not only the Bench, but also the foot s...

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