Latest from Maritime Law

Maritime Security In The Customary International Law


Maritime security within customary international law is a significant aspect of global maritime governance, as it provides guidance and norms for addressing security threats at sea based on est...

A Landmark Showdown on the High Seas: The Corfu Channel Case and Its Impact o...


The Corfu Channel Case was the inaugural case in public international law heard by the International Court of Justice (ICJ). As the first case following the ICJ's establishment in 1945, it was ...

Law Of The Sea Convention And Reality


The international law on the sea offers a framework for behavior that must be followed, particularly in connection to commercial interests. It controls marine navigation, oil and gas extraction...

Balancing Exploitation and Sustainability: Man aging Sea Resources


The world's oceans are a vast reservoir of resources that support life, livelihoods, and economies around the globe. From fish stocks to minerals, energy sources to shipping lanes, the seas pro...

Digitalization of Maritime law and its Impact


Digitalization of Maritime Law and Its ImpactThe maritime industry, one of the oldest and most significant sectors in global trade, is undergoing a profound transformation through digitalization....

The Thaw: Legal Implications Of Melting Ice In The Arctic


The region's legal and geopolitical environments are changing dramatically as a result of the melting Arctic ice, especially in the area of marine law. With a focus on environmental protection,...

Law of Sea: Navigating International Waters


Law of the Sea is a body of international law that concerns the principles and rules by which public entities, especially states, interact in maritime matters, including navigational rights, s...

Understanding the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea


The United Nations Convention at the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) is a complete international treaty that governs the use of the arena's oceans and seas. Adopted in 1982, UNCLOS is often known as th...

Naval Operations and Maritime Environmental Issues: Role of India


The seas and oceans around the world play a vital role in Global trade, security, and environmental sustainability. India, a maritime country with a long 7516.6 km coastline, understands the si...

Admiralty Court At Bombay And Madras


The following is a brief analysis of the topic titled 'Admiralty Court and Mayor Court'. This topic has been read, shortened and examined broadly under the following heads:- European Settlement...