Latest from Miscellaneous Laws

The Birth Date Conundrum: Proving Your Date of Birth in India


In a country as diverse and populated as India, merely proving one's birth date can be a complex and daunting task. Documents that prove the date of birth are not just a piece of paper; they fo...

The Public Examinations (Prevention of Unfair Means) Act, 2024: Curbing Malpr...


They say single paper cannot decide your destiny, but unfortunately in India, it does. The students preparing for competitive exams already have immense pressure, as these exams can signifi...

Constitutional Validity Of Rera: Analyzing Neelkamal Realtors v/s UOI


In Neelkamal Case[1], the petitioners contested the legality and constitutionality of specific sections of the Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016 (RERA). They argued that these ...

The Aadhar Act 2016: Identity, Privacy and You


The Aadhaar Act of 2016 aims to promote the efficient, transparent, and targeted distribution of subsidies, benefits, and services to individuals through the issuance of Unique Identity Numbers...

Prevention Of Money Laundering Act: Understanding the PMLA and the Controvers...


On March 21st, 2024, Indian politics erupted in controversy when the Directorate of Enforcement served Arvind Kejriwal, Chief Minister of Delhi, with a notice of arrest. He was charged with the...

Parliament Security Breach


An invasion into the sacred chambers of a parliament constitutes more than just an infringement of physical space, it poses an open threat to the fundamental principles of representative democr...

Redefining Domestic Violence: Recognizing Male Victims in India


Domestic violence has been mostly related to female victims, sidelining the abuse experienced by male victims. The locution "domestic violence/abuse' has been encapsulated as a gendered-specifi...

Exploring Prostitution: A Human Perspective on History, Causes, Legalities, a...


Definition of ProstitutionThe word prostitution come from a Latin word called prostituere which means to expose publicly. It is a practice where people take part in sexual activity in exchange ...

Doctrine Of Frustration Of Contract: A Comparative Analysis Under Section 56 ...


This paper thoroughly explores the doctrine of frustration in contract law. The doctrine, which originated from Roman law and evolved into English law, allows parties to void agreements when pe...

Labour Law And Gig Economy: A Deeper Analysis


The gig economy, characterised by short-term contracts and freelance work facilitated by online platforms, has transformed the traditional employment landscape in India. While offering flexibil...