The Constitutional Validity Of Reservations In Educational Institutions And P...


"Every democratic nation before gaining its independence has gone through a phase of drastic social revolution so as to bring values of equality and fraternity in their society but my Indi...

Analyzing Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA), 1999


The Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA) was enacted by the Indian Parliament on December 29, 1999, to align with the frameworks of the World Trade Organization (WTO). It governs foreign exch...

Unconstitutionality of Electoral Bond


A democratic government is always by the people, of the people and for the people. India is the largest democratic country. The democracy in India is supported by three pillars; the executive, ...

Judicial Review in India: Safeguarding Rights and Balancing Powers


Judicial review in IndiaJudicial review is a fundamental aspect in any of the present democratic societies, including India. It serves as a crucial mechanism for checking the constitutionality ...

The Ethical And Legal Landscape Of Euthanasia In India


Euthanasia is a combination of two words of Greek origin EU and Thanos. Eu means good and Thanos means death. It is the concept of good death. What it means is that when a person cannot be cure...

Writs Under Indian Constitution: How Courts Protect Your Rights and Ensure Ju...


Writs are legal orders issued by a court, directing someone to do something or to refrain from doing something. They are a fundamental aspect of the judicial system, serving as a tool to enforc...

The Doctrine Of Legal Precedent: Analyzing Sub-Silentio And Per Incuriam


What is the correct course to follow when we are faced with a decision which decides in a particular way but does not refer to any statutory provision, decides contrary to statute or ignores re...

The Urgent Need For Legislation To Regulate Facial Recognition Technology In ...


Facial recognition technology has emerged as a powerful tool in the recent years with hits application spanning across a wide range of sectors. From improving security measures to facilitating ...

Bilkis Bano Case: A Journey Through Injustice and Resilience


The Bilkis Bano case is one of the shockingly evil acts that happened in the Gujarat riots in 2002. As we see in India the most common crime which is suffered by women is rape. And the judicial...

The Doctrine Of Legal Precedent: Analyzing Sub-Silentio And Per Incuriam


What is the correct course to follow when we are faced with a decision which decides in a particular way but does not refer to any statutory provision, decides contrary to statute or ignores re...