Legal Guide To Maritime Law


Legal Guide To Maritime LawThe purpose of maritime law is to govern private, international, and domestic nautical matters. More specifically, these laws protect maritime workers who have sustai...

S.S.Lotus Case (France V. Turkey), 1927: Case Analysis


Public International Law: Public international law is the body of law created through the interactions between nations. International law is the law of the international community of states. T...

6 Case Laws On Maritime Law


Maritime Boundaries And JurisdictionThe Italian Republic V. The Republic Of India, The "Enrica Lexie" Incident: Permanent Court of Arbitration, 21 May 2020 Ratio Of The Case India and Italy s...

Protection of Marine Life: Protecting Unattended Biodiversity Destruction And...


There are oceans and seas covering over 70% of the earth's surface, including a vast array of different types of organisms. However, due to waste, dumping, and pollution caused by scientific me...

M.V. Elisabeth v/s Harwan Investment and Trading: IRAC Analysis


Issue: Whether, according to the relevant laws and legal principles, do Indian High Courts(in this case, specifically the Andhra Pradesh High Court) have admiralty jurisdiction against a forei...

Marine Insurance and Principle of Indemnity


One would concur that an important part of international maritime trade is played by Marine Insurance. Global Maritime trade is affected hugely by the policies of maritime insurance being follo...

Maritime Piracy and Armed Robbery


Whatever may be the diversity of the definitions in other respects, all writers concur in holding that robbery or forcible depredations upon the sea animo furandi, is piracy Introduction Pi...

Concept Of Ship Arrest In India And Jurisdiction Limits


Maritime LawOver the centuries, the maritime law has developed since the colonial times which are considered as a wide ranging branch of law.  The inception of the maritime law can be traced d...

Oceanic Acidification


Ocean covers nearly 2/3rd of the earth's surface and play a central role in earths major processes. More than a billion people worldwide depends upon food from the ocean as their primary source...

Inland Vessels Bill, 2021


The Inland Vessels Bill, 2021 was introduced by the Lok Sabha by the union ministry for ports, shipping, and waterways. The Inland Vessels Bill, 2021 was introduced in Lok Sabha on July 22, 2021....