Maritime Law And Its Conception


Maritime Law And Its ConceptionThe rights and responsibilities of coastal governments with regard to the use and preservation of the ocean environment and its natural resources, as well as thei...

Bypassing the International Criminal Court


There are several reasons why some states choose not to join the International Criminal Court (ICC), including issues of sovereignty, jurisdiction, human rights violations concerns and biases. ...

Empowering Developing Nations: Strategies for International Survival & Growth


International survival and development in the world arena are a complex problem that developing countries need to handle. Although every nation may have a specific situation, there are some pri...

Analyzing South Africa's Allegations Of Genocide Against Israel Under Interna...


"South Africa vs. Israel" was tried under the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on December 29, 2023, by South Africa. The International Court of Justice has 17 judges hear South Africa's ca...

Tracing The Path Of Public International Law: A Historical Perspective


International law is a distinctive part of the general structure of international relations. In contemplating responses to a particular international situation, states usually consider relevant ...

Global Challenges: The Role of Customary International Law


Understanding Customary International LawCustomary international law is an important component of the global legal system, influencing the norms, rules, and standards that govern state behaviour ...

Extradition Treaty in International Law


A contract of extradition or extradition treaty is a duly signed document that covenants two or more nations to help transfer individuals who are wanted or sentenced in connection with a crime ...

The Use Of Force In International Law: Principles, Challenges And Current Rea...


In the complex arena of international relations, the use of force remains one of the most contentious issues governed by public international law. The legal parameters defining when and how forc...

Jurisdiction and Control in Cyberspace: Challenges in Public International Law


The digital revolution has transformed global interactions, offering unprecedented connectivity but also new realms for conflict and crime. Cyberspace, a borderless and dynamic domain, challenge...

The Humanitarian Impact of Economic Sanctions and Trade Embargoes


Economic sanctions and trade embargoes are often deployed as tools of diplomacy to influence the behavior of nations, punish rogue regimes, or address international conflicts. While these measu...