The Silent Exodus: Exploring Legal Avenues to Combat Wildlife Black Market Tr...


"Humankind must learn to understand that the life of an animal is in no way less precious than our own." -- Paul Oxton Abstract Wildlife smuggling is a lucrative business. Wildlife crime like...

Paws And Laws: Is Banning Dogs In Public Places Legal In India?


We live in a country, where dogs hold a special place in many hearts, they are a part of our families. The question of whether to ban dogs from public spaces sparks a multifaceted debate. This ...

Liability for Animals


Liability for AnimalsIn this article we discuss about liabilities for animals & relevant case laws. Liability for keeping animlas 'ferae naturae'. Liability for keeping animals 'mansuetae natur...

Jurisprudential Status of Animals


Animal rights jurisprudence refers to the legal framework that governs the rights of animals, and the legal obligations of humans towards animals. Animal rights jurisprudence has evolved over t...

An Analysis On Inhuman Practice Of Bestiality


The Constitution of India in Article 51 A (g) states that it is the fundamental duty of every citizen to India to protect and improve the natural environment including forests, lakes, rivers an...

A Comparison Of The Brazilian Wildlife Protection Law: Law No. 5,197/1967 Wit...


"If we can teach people about wildlife, they will be touched. Share my wildlife with me. Because humans want to save things that they love."― Steve Irwin Wildlife protection laws are pie...

A Look Into: The Rights Of Animal


This paper is going to talk about the rights of the animal and what actually is the reason we are considering the rights of the animal and also determines that are they getting their rights or ...

Beef In India: A Detailed Analysis


"I could dance with you until the cows come home. On second thought, I'd rather dance with the cows until you come home."- Groucho Marx Introduction: The term "beef" refers to dai...

Draft Prevention of Cruelty to Animals


Protection of animals is declared as a fundamental duty in the Indian Constitution and there are numerous animal welfare laws in India such as the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1960 and ...

History Of Legislation In Animal Laws After Independence


India achieved its freedom from British colony in 1947 after a huge struggle and sacrifice of millions of people. It become free from all kind of restrictions and hardlife they had during that ...