A Brief Study On Crime Against Children In Light of POCSO ACT


The (POCSO) was passed in the year 2012. For the first time Protection of children from sexual offenses Acte a special law has been passed to address the issue of sexual offences against the ch...

Exposing the Multifaceted Relationship Among Child Labour, Forced Labour, Int...


Child labour and Forced labour continue to undermine the core values of human dignity within the context of global labour rights. Defending Dignity delves into the complexities of labour law an...

High Time That We Reconsider Juvenile Justice


The Courts have been firm in their approach to understand the purpose of law since the inception; and humbly putting forward, they have always looked into the past misinterpretations, if an...

Organised Crime And Juvenile: An Insightful Analysis With Special Reference T...


Juvenile delinquency is a severe offence that harms the social order in any society. Juvenile crime is on the rise across the world, with more and more young people becoming engaged in violent ...

Medical Examination of a Child Victim (POCSO Act 2012)


Section 9 of The POCSO Act: Medical Examination of the Child Examination of the Child: Section 9 states that when a child is a victim of sexual assault, they should be subjected to a medical exam...

Trial Of Juvenile In Heinous Offences


In terms of beliefs, viewpoints, and moral and ethical standards, society has changed dramatically. What was considered corrupt a era ago is no longer thought so. The craving for a good life, a...

The Juvenile Justice (Care And Protection Of Children) Act, 2015 Overview


Object, Application and definitions under the Act The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015 is an important piece of legislation in India that addresses the legal framewor...

Juvenile Justice System Of Germany: A Comparative Study With Indian Juvenile ...


The world is observing an increase in the crimes done by juveniles, it is a serious issue as the juveniles are the future of their respective countries. Children who doesn't receive any proper ...

Vetting The Ryan International School Murder Case On Legal Spectrum


Background Before the enactment Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015, all persons who are below the age of 18 years were considered juveniles, and were tried under the ...

Why Does Child Trafficking Happen In India?


"Every child is a different kind of flowers, and all together make this world a beautiful garden" Child trafficking, including the act of sexual exploitation has unfortunately become a rapid...