Doctrine Of Frustration Of Contract: A Comparative Analysis Under Section 56 ...


This paper thoroughly explores the doctrine of frustration in contract law. The doctrine, which originated from Roman law and evolved into English law, allows parties to void agreements when pe...

Labour Law And Gig Economy: A Deeper Analysis


The gig economy, characterised by short-term contracts and freelance work facilitated by online platforms, has transformed the traditional employment landscape in India. While offering flexibil...

Case Analysis: Anil Kumar Agarwal v/s Assistant Labour Commissioner, Mathura ...


Facts Of The Case The case deals with the filing of the Writ Petition of Certiorari by the Petitioner who is the Director of Oriental Rugs Private Limited. The said company is registered under...

Exploring The Scope Of AI In Healthcare And Legal Framework


The insanity defence, also known as legal insanity, is a highly debated and intricate component of criminal law. It requires an assessment of the defendant's mental state during the alleged off...

Dying Declarations: Persons Last Words Should Not Always To Be Considered As ...


In law of evidence dying declaration is an exception to hearsay which to be exercised by courts very carefully as it could convict the accused without following the due process of fair trial.[1...

Case Study On Gig Workers: Uber BV v/s Aslam [2021] UKSC 5


Name of the Case: ber BV & Others. V. Aslam & Others. Facts of the case: The Uber app's rights are controlled by Uber BV, a Dutch enterprise that is the first appellant. Uber London Ltd.,...

Origin and Development of Trade Unions in Pre-Independent India


The need for coordination of the activities of various unions led to the beginning of the trade union movement in India following the First World War. Over time, the movement steadily extended ...

Online Games Involving Money


Earning money through online games or different kinds of apps are one of the most famous ways used by people all over the world, especially in India. But is it legal in India ? The Public Gambl...

Tackling Nuclear Radiation: Indian Law


Since Uranium was discovered by Martin Klaproth in 1789, Nuclear energy has come a long way.[1] Nuclear energy has become one of the most efficient ways for solving the need of growing green en...

Empowering Voices: Exploring the Impact and Evolution of the #MeToo Movement


The #MeToo movement has emerged as a powerful force in the fight against sexual harassment and assault, sparking global conversations and driving significant social change. This paper offers a ...