What Is The Validity Of The Unused Stamp Papers


It is common knowledge that the purchasers purchase stamp papers from the Government Treasury/duly authorised agents/stamp vendors or obtain e-stamp paper online for the purpose of execution of...

Understanding Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs)


Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs) are legal contracts that protect sensitive information from being disclosed to unauthorized parties. They are commonly used in various business and professional...

Seeking Injunction Bare Or Consequential?


In a claim for injunctive relief regarding an immovable property, following situations[1] are possible: The plaintiff is in lawful possession and such possession is interfered by defendant wh...

Replication in Commercial Dispute Cannot Be Filed Beyond 45 Days of Receipt o...


This case examines the legal implications of failing to file a replication within the prescribed 45-day limit in commercial disputes, with reference to the Delhi High Court (Original Side) Rule...

No Argument Can Be Advanced Which Are Beyond The Pleadings


This article examines a rent control revision petition filed under Section 25-B(8) of the Delhi Rent Control Act, 1958, challenging the judgment of the Additional Rent Controller (ARC). The pet...

Validity of Agreements restraining Liberty as per Indian Contract Act, 1872


The right to Liberty, to live life as per one's own wises, is one of the fundamental rights necessary for the development and progress of humanity. Part of the First generation of Human rights,...

When Injunction Cannot be Granted by the Court


Section 41 of the Specific Relief Act, 1963 delves into the discretionary power of courts when it comes to granting injunctions. An injunction, a powerful legal tool, serves as a court order pr...

Intention To Create A Legal Relationship


Any agreement that is enforceable by law is called a contract. This means that the contract is a legally binding agreement between two parties that outlines their obligations to perform or refr...

Exams, Test For Eligibility, Or A Joke Of Education


Henry Fischel the man behind thought of exams the person which every student in us hates but why? He didn't get the thought to use the exams as a tool to bind a free man to this machine world i...

Affidavit: Essential Guidelines for Preparation


An affidavit is a written statement made under oath, which is then sworn or affirmed before an oath commissioner or another authorized individual. This document serves as a declaration of the t...