A Comparative Study of Hiba and Gift in Islamic Law


In Islamic law, "Hiba" and "gift" represent foundational concepts governing property transactions and interpersonal relationships. Derived from Quranic injunctions and Prophetic traditions, the...

Muslim Law and Gender Justice


Throughout the course of Muslim personal law, the principles of gender equity have been the topic of a substantial amount of debate and discussion. Despite the fact that Islamic law respects th...

Rights of Muslim Women


Over the period of several centuries, the rights of Muslim women have been the topic of debate and disagreement, as well as controversy. This has been the case throughout the entirety of this c...

Inheritance Laws under Muslim Personal Law


Inheritance laws under Muslim personal law are an essential component of Islamic jurisprudence. These rules are essential because they manage the distribution of a dead person's possessions amo...

Cases Laws Regarding Muslim Marriage


In the case of Mohammed Ahmed Khan vs Shah Bano Begum (1985), the defendant was a prisoner. Immediately after the termination of her marriage, Shah Bano Begum, a Muslim woman, made a request...

Marriage In Islam Religion


A variety of restrictions are imposed on marriage in accordance with the legal framework of the Muslim religion. Compliance with the law is demonstrated by these prohibitions. According to I...

Misuse of Section 125 CrPC and Domestic Violence Laws: A Concerning Trend


Domestic violence is a grave societal issue that warrants stringent legal measures to protect victims and ensure justice. Laws such as Section 125 of the Criminal Procedure Code (CrPC) and the...

How Much Freedom Did The Triple Talaq Bill Bring For Muslim Women


Among almost all the nations of antiquity, divorce was regarded as natural corollary of marital rights. Romans, Hebrews, Israelis etc. All had divorce in one or the other form even though the p...

Hayatuddin v/s Abdul Gani: Unwrapping the Gift of Property Ownership


The expression "gift" refers to an uncompensated transfer of property interest from one living person to another. It is inter vivos in nature and gratis. This is the accepted universal definiti...

Cases On General Rules Of Succession And Exclusion From Succession Under Isla...


The Holy Quran, Sunna (prophetic tradition), Ijma (a network of educated men who agree on a given topic), and Qiyas (a network of educated men who agree on a specific topic) are the four main s...