If there is a comparison made between the supremacy of the Constitution and the
Parliament, then the supremacy of the Constitution will always be kept in the
upper hand. Power always comes with accountability; otherwise, unconditional
power will lead to arbitrariness. In the United Kingdom, the Constitution is not
a codified one, which makes it impossible for the Judiciary to keep a check and
balance on the actions of the Parliament.
This research paper aims to portray the fact that even though the United Kingdom
does not have any written Constitution still it was bound by the Constitution of
the European Union, as they were a part of the European Union. There are some
landmark cases as well in the UK which establish the fact that the British
judiciary could rely on the EU Constitution to curb arbitrary actions of the
Parliament. But recently the United Kingdom, through BREXIT, paved its way out
from the European Union. As Britain won’t be a part of the EU, the Courts cannot
protect anyone from any capricious will of the Parliament.
The situation is exactly different in India, to portray such difference this
paper also targets to compare the constitutional supremacy between India and the
United Kingdom.
With great power, comes great responsibility, this is one of the most famous
lines that can be used in each and spheres of life. In the perspective of a
state and its administration, the authorities are entitled to various powers and
responsibilities, and they are also accountable for their actions.
administration must be concerned about their legislative and executive actions;
the target is to run a state without violating human rights. But if a government
while running a state does something which is against the rights entitled to an
individual, then it must be nullified. To maintain this balance a state requires
two important things and they are- a constitution and a judiciary. Constitution
will lay down the powers of the Parliament along with their limitations and it
will be the role of the judiciary to protect the law and uplift the
To understand the above-mentioned concept in details we need to
analyze the three most significant terms related to a state - Constitution,
Constitutional Law, and Constitutionalism. A written form of laws and
regulations, as well as powers and limitations, will give a judiciary to review
the actions of the Parliament based on such written laws. Now what if there is
no written constitution, then what will be the situation?
The answer to this is
the legal and political scenario of the United Kingdom. All over the world,
there are very few countries that do not have a written constitution and still
they run a country fluently. But unlike a codified constitution-based country,
the judiciary of an un-codified constitution-based country will have less power
than that of the parliament. The power to review the actions by the judiciary
will not exist, and all the powers will be vested in the parliament.
This also
sets a table for debate regarding which country is better in the field of
social, legal, and political status- a country having a Parliamentary
Sovereignty or a country where the Law is Supreme. This paper deals with the
Supremacy Status of Law in the United Kingdom, by setting forward some important
concepts and benchmark case laws. The UK has an unwritten constitution that
resembles the Parliamentary Sovereignty, where the decision of the Parliament is
the ultimate one. But the UK is a member of the European Union made it clear
that UK is bound by EU laws and even the constitution of the EU had abiding
power over the UK.
So we can indirectly say that even though the UK does not
have a codified constitution but still it had the con situation of the EU, which
gave the power of review to the Judiciary, in order to maintain a check and
balance on the actions of the Parliament. But the UK and its Administration took
a huge decision of leaving the European Union, due to some trade-related
problems and other obligations they were feeling that they are chained to. So,
through BREXIT, they succeeded in coming out of the EU, and in the year 2020,
they went into a transition period of twelve months.
And now, the situation is
even worse, because the laws of the EU will no longer be valid in the UK and the
Parliamentary Sovereignty went a step further, and the judiciary lost its power
to review. We cannot say that when UK was a part of EU, Judiciary had stringent
powers, but it had a right to take a stand against the ill-actions of the
parliament, if the actions were against EU laws and constitution. To portray a
state having an un-codified constitution we need to compare it with some other
state having a codified constitution, therefore a comparison in relation to
constitutional mandate and judiciary between UK and India will be impactful.
What is a Constitution?
Constitution refers to the set of rules and principles that construct a
well-established fundamental body, following which the State needs to run. Such
a body also provides the rights for the citizens of a particular country. To
govern a country and its political matters, it is necessary to have a
constitution, whether it be codified like the United States of America and India
or un-codified like the United Kingdom.
It can be a compilation of documents,
acts and statutes, and old age – practices. In order to understand a concept, we
need to gaze at its origin and analyze the reason behind such origin. If we
trace back to the works of Aristotle, be it systematic, speculative, and
theoretical, we can figure out that the ancient Greeks gave birth to the
conceptual idea of constitution. In one of the writings of Aristotle, the
constitution was considered as
the arrangement of the offices in a polis. He
also referred to the constitution as
The explanatory meaning of such
statements and terms implied that the constitution is a body which contains the
structure of the government and their functions, along with powers and
accountability to run a state. Be it good or bad, the constitution is necessary
to run a state. Aristotle’s work explained what can be considered as a good
constitution and a bad one. According to him, good constitutions will include
monarchy and aristocracy and a mixture of both.
Whereas, a bad constitution may
include autocracy, oligarchy, and an autocrat democracy. He also held that the
mixed form of the Constitution can provide the best possible mode of government
for the state. Slavery can also be traced in such period, about which are
discussing. Out of the whole lot, Roman law came out to be the first one who
disagreed with slavery, their law believed inequality among the human.
stated that Natural law governs the whole world and each and every individual is
inherited with the natural right of equality by birth and none can take it away.
Later on Romans agreed that the laws of nature must also be considered as the
skeletal framework while drafting a constitution[2].
To lay down a straightforward meaning of the term Constitution in the current
modern age scenario we can state that it is a parent legal document that lays
down the basic principle of the state. It contains the fundamental rights of the
citizens as well as the structure and functions of the government.
We can derive
few characteristics of the constitution, they are:
- It cannot be altered or modified by and any ordinary amendment
- It is binding on each and everyone in the state.
- It lays down the rights of the citizens
- It is based on extensive civic authenticity
- It is difficult to alter and modify, can be done only if there is a
two-thirds majority or a referendum.
- It aims at meeting the international set standards to run a democratic
country in requisites of representation and human rights.
Constitutional Law
There is no straight jacket definition of the term constitutional law. The
concept of constitutional law can be derived from the constitution, it can be
stated that constitutional law is that element of domestic law that lays down
the connection between a person and the state, and which governs the
organization of public authority. Regulation of the structure and the roles of
the bodies of the public administration and their connection with each other and
with the citizens is the primary meaning of the term constitutional law.
N. Mac Cormack held that:
Constitutional Law presupposes the actual existence of the
Each and every state has its own highest court having constitutional
validity and jurisdiction, and extra emphasis is put on the interpretations of
constitutional laws made by such court. To understand and analyze the connection
between the political and legal points of view of the constitution we must
follow the principles, rules, and regulations laid down in it. This is what to
be considered as the acknowledgment of the constitutional law.
The scope of a
legal system in a country is wide, and it must be noted that constitutional law
doesn’t cover the whole of it. It only deals with the duties of rights, powers,
and duties, as in fundamental rights, directive principles of the state policy,
and the fundamental duties. In order to maintain public order, morality, and
social security, constitutional law must lay down certain principles surrounding
it. It must be noted that constitutional law must not be confused with
administrative law.
Constitutional law focuses on the actions of the bodies
belonging to the administration while carrying out their services and how they
are regulating the behavior of the citizens. On the other side, Administrative
law governs various administrative organs and their duties.[3]
To understand the concept of constitutionalism we must figure out its origin and
its roots. The idea of constitutionalism did not just come out suddenly, it
evolved from time to time. One of the sources of the constitution is Magna Carta,
1215. There was a group of wealthy nobles known as the barons, who forced the
King John of England to sign a document, such document was the Magna Carta,
containing powers of the King as well as certain restrictions to such power.Magna Carta contained certain limitations, to which the King was accountable.
Unconditional power will evolve to tyranny and autocracy and therefore there
should not be any unconditional power and it must be restricted to a certain
extent. This feeling gave birth to a socio-legal and political theory known as
constitutionalism, which means that a government cannot do freely whatever it
wants, it will be bound by rules and regulations, and principles.
In order to avoid any arbitrary action of any government, constitutionalism is
mandatory to follow. This principle protects the citizens who are forming the
government through the voting system.[4]
While going through the social contract theory of the Legal Jurisprudence
established by Thomas Hobbes and John Locke we can derive the difference between
an unlimited authority or administration and authority limited by certain laws
and principles. Austin, through his works, portrayed that all laws are the
command of the sovereign, and all such command musty be restricted to a certain
extent. A beautiful and well-accepted concept came out as a consequence of such
a period that Constitutional law limits the parliament and the judiciary whereas
the sovereign i.e., the people stays unlimited.
At this modern juncture, constitutionalism can mean a limited government or
put limitations on the government. It can be considered as the medication for
the virus of arbitrary exercise of power. With responsibility there comes
accountability, which must not be ignored at any cost. Constitutionalism states
that we need a government with the power to carry out the functions fluently and
efficiently, at the same time it wants that such power must be limited to a
certain extent. If a government acts outside those limitations will tend to lose
its authority and power. Constitutionalism keeps a check and balance on the
exercise of the powers of the topmost authorities of the public administration.
Louis Henkin states that Constitutionalism must contain the following mentioned
- A government must always run in accordance to the constitution
- Proper separation of power.
- Democracy and Sovereignty.
- The Judiciary must be independent.
- Existence of Judicial Review at any cost.
- Government must not interfere with the fundamental rights of the
With the help of these landmark case laws, we can establish that even the
Judiciary uplifted the concept of constitutionalism and its presence is
necessary at any cost.
Minerva Mills Ltd v/s Union of India [6]
While giving the judgment Justice Chandrachud observed that The Constitution
is a precious heritage and, therefore, you cannot destroy its identity
Rameshwar Prasad and Ors. Vs. Union of India (UOI) and Anr [7]
In this case it was held that The Constitutionalism or constitutional system
of government abhors absolutism – it is premised on the Rule of law in which
subjective satisfaction is substituted by objectivity provided by the
constitution itself
I.R. Coelho (Dead). vs. State of Tamil Nadu and Ors [8]
True democracy can be exercised through the ultimate respect of the
fundamental rights of the citizens. One of the main features of
constitutionalism is to protect the constitutional rights of the citizens. We
follow the concept of separation of power, whereby the bodies of the
administration act separately, although connected. Constitutionalism keeps a
check and balance on such separation of power.[9]
The Constitution of the United Kingdom
Unlike various other countries, the United Kingdom has an unusual form of
constitution. The constitution of Britain is an unwritten one; we can also state
that the Britain Constitution is an un-codified one. It implies that there is no
physical parent legal document that can be considered as the Constitution of UK.
Therefore a legal document that portrays the structure of the state organs and
their powers doesn’t exist.
To understand the non-existence of a codified constitution, we must stare at
history. If we need to determine from where the United Kingdom derives
democracy, we ought to look into various conventions, major work of the
authorities, common law, royal prerogatives, historical credentials, case
precedents, etc.
The history of the Constitution leads us to the Magna Carta of
1215 when King John was forced to sign and accept Magna Carta, which was also
considered the
Great Charter of the Liberties of England. It laid down the
power of the administration as well restriction to such power, in simple words,
King’s power was limited. The origin of two most valuable rights that originated
from the Magna Carta that took place was fair trial and protection from
illegitimate custody.
This was later acknowledged as the basis of Britain’s
common law. Some of the legislations which had a great historical significance
and which brought a remarkable influence to the Modern constitution are The
Provisions of Oxford, 1258, The Petition of Rights, 1628, Bill of Rights, 1689,
the Act of Settlement, 1701, Great Reform Act, 1832, the Representation of the
People’s Act, 1928[10].
To summarize the contents and the objectives of all the above-mentioned
legislation, we can state that these legislations dealt with:
- Supervision of England by appointing a particular authority, whereby the
UK will be supervised by a parliament and governed by the ruler
- Rights and Duties of the People living in the state, along with the
civil liberties, so that no one can be taken into custody in an autocratic
- Slowly and gradually powers of the parliament were uplifted, keeping in
mind constitutionalism, whereby without the permission of the parliament
King or Queen cannot rule.
- Freedom of Speech and Expression in the Chamber as well as in the State
will be respected and the organization of free elections to choose the
desired government. Illegal Punishments must be removed and tyranny of any
kind by any king or queen will not be tolerated further
- Right to Vote has been kept in the upper hand and also determination of
the age of 21 as the legal age to vote.
- Determination of the House of Common and House of Lords
We can state that Monarch plays a vital role in the Parliament to enact a law.
If the parliament enacts a law with the authority of the Crown then it cannot be
challenged by anyone. Supremacy of the parliament is the fundamental concept
that exists in the United Kingdom. The backbone of the UK Constitution is
parliamentary sovereignty. We all consider the Parliament as the legislature, in
other words, the law-making body of the state, thus in UK parliament can enact
and abrogate any law at any point in time. And there is no parent legal document
to exercise the power of check and balance.
There are various problems that
arise due to an uncodified constitution, but according to me two of the major
problems are; firstly, the court of law will not be able to cross-check and
verify whether the laws that are brought by the parliament whether are in
accordance to the fundamental rights and other natural laws; secondly, as there
is nothing codified, it becomes flexible, thus can be modified at any given
time. Since the British constitution is unwritten, it is extracted from various
sources. Now we will discuss the sources of the UK constitution.[11]
Sources of the Constitution of the UK
The constitution of the United Kingdom is unwritten or an un-codified one,
therefore no parent legal document. But the country follows a well-maintained
political structure as well as the governance of the nation. Not only the
governance but also the rights and liberties of the individuals are also laid
down. Let’s discuss where does the nation derive such laws without having a
written constitution. The sources of the constitution of The United Kingdom
are:- Statute law, Conventions, Major Works of Authority, Major Constitutional
Documents, Royal Prerogative, Common Law.
Statute Law:
Whenever the parliament enacts an Act, it always comes in the form of a
written law. Such written law can be considered as a Statute. Statutes often
play a major role in influencing the governed and those who govern. To frame
the laws, to frame the structure of the polity and the state, and to govern
the state, statute acts as a protagonist in curbing all of them.
A major example of a Statute that acts as a source of the Constitution of the UK
is the Representation of the People Act, 1918. Initially, females were kept out
of the voting system, whereby they were not allowed to participate in appointing
the Government.
Later on, with the 1918 Act, females with the age of and above
30 were allowed to vote. Yet they were not kept in equal footing, so to curb the
suffrage the Equal Franchise Act Representation of the People Act, 1928),
evolved after a decade. The equal age for males and females was lowered to 18 by
this legislation. To accumulate all the previous acts and to consolidate all of
them the Representation of the People Act, 1983 was brought.
This source is considered to be a non-legally binding
source yet one of the most influential ones. In order to follow and adopt the
long-practiced customs and traditions, a set of rules are prepared from time to
time. Such a set of standards can be taken into consideration while exercising
the powers of the government. Therefore several modes of observation were kept
on the conventions. Being a non-binding source, it is not necessary to follow or
abide by them.[12]
Major Works of Authority:
The source can be derived from the title
itself, significant works of the authorities can have an authoritative value,
thus can act as a source of the constitution. Important works of the authorities
are often recognized as the governing principle for the state and polity. These
are generally the written works, which are often given the same status as that
of a constitution.
To refer to such major works we can mention some of the benchmarks ones:
- Erskine May, Treatise on the Law, Privileges, Proceedings, and Usage of
Parliament (1844), to quote some sentences from this work of the authority
which explains the role and functions of the government, and can be considered
as a source of the constitution, it is the object of the following pages to
describe the various functions and proceedings of Parliament… To advance from
the more general to the particular and distinct proceedings of Parliament, to
avoid repetition, and to prevent any confusion… first, the rules or principles;
secondly, the authorities…and, thirdly, the particular precedents in
illustration of the practice.[13]
- A.V. Dicey, An Introduction to the Study of the Law of the Constitution
(1885), this source has been one of the most influential ones, it laid down a
huge impact on the Sovereignty and Rule of Law in the United Kingdom, the book
is written with the sole object of explaining and illustrating three leading
characteristics in the existing constitution of England; they are now generally
designated as the Sovereignty of Parliament, the Rule of Law, and the
Conventions of the Constitution.
Major Constitutional Documents, this source is established on various
important and significant principles which laid down the powers of the
Administration as well as limitations to such powers. Structures and Hierarchy
of the Authorities were also to be mentioned. Some of the major constitutional
documents are: Magna Carta, 1215, Bill of Rights, 1689, Act of Settlement, 1701
Magna Carta, 1215:
No free man shall be seized or imprisoned, or
stripped of his rights or possessions, or outlawed or exiled, nor will we
proceed with force against him, except by the lawful judgment of his equals or
by the law of the land. To no one will we sell, to no one deny or delay right or
Bill of Rights, 1689:
There was a period where there was a co-existence
between the Monarchy and the Parliament. Due to such co-existence, the King or
the Queen used to interfere in the decisions of the Parliament, even the
decisions of the Monarchy used to overshadow the Parliament. But after the
emergence of the Bill of Rights, 1689, legal and decisive inequalities were
swept under the carpet. Some of the major freedoms were freedom from the Royal
Interference with the law, freedom from taxation by royal prerogative, freedom
to petition the King, freedom to elect members of Parliament without
interference from the Sovereign.
Royal Prerogative:
Earlier in the United Kingdom, the Monarch played a
very significant role in curbing the polity and the state. They used to enjoy
certain rights and privileges and those were only enjoyed by them. They used to
play a decisive role too in most of the areas, but later on, such powers were
transferred to the ministers and they used to perform or execute such powers on
behalf of the Monarch. The Authority is derived from the Crown, not
Parliament. Some of the rights exercised by the royal prerogative were; the
right to appoint ministers and hand out honors, dissolve parliament, the right
to announce war, and formulate treaties, and confer command to the armed forces.
Case laws act as the script of stage plays of the legal and
judicial system wherein the lead roles are always played by the judges. Judges
perform the task of creating case laws, and the reason why they are called
‘common’, because, it becomes applicable to one and all. In this case, it is
applicable to each and every person in the United Kingdom. We all must be well
acquainted with the term precedents, in simple terms precedents are judgments of
previous cases. So the when laws are framed based on such precedents, we can
name it the common law. The evolution of Civil Rights is one of the prime
examples which can establish that common law acts as one of the primary sources
of the British Constitution, such as the freedom of movement and free speech.
European Union Laws and Treaties:
This source has also been mentioned
keeping in mind the past and not the present. The United Kingdom used to be a
part of the European Union and thus the laws and treaties of the EU were a part
of the UK as well. To portray the hierarchy, we can state that the United
Kingdom was under the European Union which makes one thing crystal clear that
whenever there will be a collision between the EU and UK law then the EU law
will always prevail or will be given an upper hand. While framing the
legislations these facts used to be kept in mind and implemented accordingly.
But now, the current situation is completely different. The European Union was a
pack and out of which the UK wanted to step out, due to trade and other related
reasons. In the year 2020, they successfully took an exit from the EU, and thus
this pointy will not be considered as one of the sources of the UK constitution
anymore. The reason why I mentioned this source in the end because from here we
are going to discuss the Constitutional Supremacy of the UK Constitution keeping
in mind the pre and post scenario of Brexit.
Supremacy of the Law in the United Kingdom
Now we are going to step into the ocean of discussion where we can identify,
analyze and portray the supremacy status of the constitution of the United
Kingdom. Before stepping forward we need to keep in mind the past and present
scenario of Britain because it went through a dynamic change in its political
and constitutional status.
Therefore to present the supremacy of the UK
Constitution we must cover the entire ocean. Like, the earth revolves around the
Sun is a universal truth, similarly that the constitution of the UK is an
unwritten one, is also a universal truth. But, through this research paper, I
would like to put forward the contrary by planting a seed of a different
approach, and i.e., UK did have a written constitution. Although it did not have
written constitution of their own, still they had one.
Obviously, the question
that comes first in the reader’s mind is that How’s is that possible? the answer
to this question is behind the political and constitutional status it had when
Britain was under the European Union. In other words, one of the members of the
European Union was the United Kingdom, which made the UK abide by the
constitution of the European Union. EU has one of the most protected
constitutional systems which makes its member countries enjoy such
constitutional supremacy too.
To get hold of the mainstream, why do we exactly
need the existence of constitutional supremacy, the reason is that the
Government or the Parliament must be restricted up to a certain point. Having a
constitutional roof prevents or avoids arbitrary actions on behalf of the
Administration. Keeping a check and balance on the parliament is very much
necessary, and such assurance is granted by the existence of the constitution.
Constitution and Judicial Review are the two sides of the same coin, they are
interlinked and interconnected. Judicial Review helps to carry out the task of
check and balance in a constitutional manner. Whenever primary legislation is
about to be enacted by the parliament, the power of judicial review can be
exercised if it is found that such enactment is against the law of the land,
i.e., the constitution.
The Courts of the United Kingdom, along with the European Court of Justice can
disapply or annul legislation if it proves to be
in contravention of the laws of the European Union. Instances are there where
National courts and even the European court of justice disapplied the
legislation which contravened with the European Charter. In 2009, a similar
thing took place, where legislation related to the U.S. Bill of Rights was
against the fundamental rights of the EU Charter, and it was struck down.
Supremacy of the Law, UK, and Brexit
The aim of this paper is to portray the supremacy of the law, the constitution,
and the mother of all laws. United Kingdom’s un-codified constitution is quite
famous, yet controversial, but as I took the pledge to amplify both the past and
present scenario of the supremacy status of the Britain’s constitution, we need
to visualize the time period when the UK was a member of the European Union.
Being a member, United Kingdom was bound by the laws of the EU.
Whenever we
discuss the protection of the law, the term that comes to our mind first and
foremost is the Judiciary. Court of law, plays a major and very critical role in
protecting the laws and upheld their supremacy status. Time and again the
British courts of law proved that they can annul anything which is against
European Law.
The Judges of the United Kingdom had to disapply and annul any
legislation passed by the parliament which proved to be against the laws of the
European Union. To support this statement, we can rely on two of the most
landmark cases of the United Kingdom which upheld the Supremacy of the Law.
R vs. Secretary of State for the Home Department, ex p [14
The Home Secretary laid down certain directives, to which the applicants of
the said case applied for judicial review. The reason behind such an
application was a ban, a ban on the broadcasting permission of individuals
connected with organizations stated by legislations that deal with
anti-terror. The reason for such placement of limits on the mentioned
organizations was to prevent these organizations from appearing to be
politically legitimate and to prevent them from engaging in intimidation.
The claim of the application was that the ban was inconsistent and not
- whether proportionality might be invoked as a ground review under UK
- Whether the ban was in accordance with the law or not?
The House dismissed the application, it was held that the ban was in
accordance with the law and when the Home Secretary took decisions in this
relation, it was within the powers. On the issue of proportionality as a ground
of review the House laid down certain observations.
Difference of opinions
existed between the Lords; such as Lord Bridge and Lord Roskill stated that
incorporation of the concept of proportionality can be included as a ground for
review but the present case in hand is not the suitable one to do so. Whereas
Lord Ackner differed and stated that if the concept of proportionality has been
included then the substantive merits of the decisions are questioned, and also
mentioned that the existence of this principle in UK law will not be an
appropriate idea.[15]
For the first time in the history of the UK, the House of Lords disapplied a
portion of a statute passed by the British parliament, i.e., the Merchant
Shipping Act, 1988. The Law Lords disapplied such portion because it was in
Benkharbouche v Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth
The question, in this case, was whether the the state is immune as respects
proceedings concerning the employment of members of a diplomatic mission,
including its administrative, technical and domestic staff.
The issue that arose, arose out of employment, as in the claims were based
on employment issues. The claimants belonged to the UK embassies in London
of Libya and Sudan. The claimants were the domestic workers in the
embassies. Their application was based on State Immunity, which was granted
by two separate European Treaties. The grievance that was there on the
appeal was that the plea of immunity didn’t respect their right to
employment. The applicants relied on two of the precedents which were passed
in the European Court of Human Rights; they were Cudak vs. Lithuania and Sabeh el Leil vs. France, in order to prove
that such denial is a breach of Article 6 of the European Charter of Human
Rights. The appeal was allowed by the European Appellate Tribunal, later on, the
ECHR upheld the decision of the EAT.
Due to which the Secretary of State appealed in the Supreme Court.
The Supreme Court dismissed the appeal and upheld the EAT’s decision
To derive the supremacy of the law, in the year 2017, the Supreme Court disapplied a portion of the Westminster Statute, the State Immunity Act, 1978,
the reason being it was contradictory to the human rights laid down in the ECHR.
The fundamental principle or ideology that the United Kingdom follows is the
Supremacy of the Parliament, unlike India where there exists Supremacy of the
Law. The Legal and political condition of Britain is an insecure one, without
any protection. The reason behind this is that the Parliament can pass any
legislation which it wishes to enforce, and neither a court can intervene in
such a decision nor any court can announce such law to be invalid, even if it is
against the natural laws.
It just changed the authority but the power remained,
like in earlier years there was the notion that whatever the queen wants to be
enacted can do so without any interruption, the same thing exists now also. The
meaning of the concept of Parliamentary Sovereignty is that the powers and the
rights are completely vested in the parliament, but not in the courts.
In 21st January 2020, the United Kingdom has successfully taken an exit through
BREXIT; the situation has worsened a lot. When UK was a member of the EU, it had
certain constitutional validity, although not completely, it had the
constitution of the EU, to check the accountability. The utmost that could be
done, if a statute passed by the parliament is against human laws, is that all
the courts can issue a declaration of inaptness if the legislation.
But that too
doesn’t carry any legal validity because the final decision ought to be on the
parliament, whether to keep it or amend or modify it. Since EU laws will have no
binding effect on the UK; the Parliamentary Sovereignty again went a step
forward. Supremacy of the parliament is again the slogan of Britain and there
won’t be any accountability check further on their actions.
Currently, UK is on
a transition period which will end on 21st December 2020, following which it
will be established that whether UK can stand strong without the EU or not.
Unfortunately, the world is going through a Pandemic and UK had to stand strong
and had to face the Pandemic all by them. The whole world waits whether UK will
exist like this as a non-member of the EU or will they embrace the European
Union, which may bring back the constitutional mandate.
Comparison between the UK and Indian Constitution
The nation which has an identical political and legislative structure in India,
so in order to understand the constitutional status of the United Kingdom, we
must compare its validity and Supremacy status with India. The following points
lay down the comparison between India and the UK under the umbrella of the
- Codification:
the Indian Constitution is a written one or a codified one, whereas the
constitution of the United Kingdom is a non-codified or an unwritten one. To
measure the validity and gravity, we can clearly identify which one fulfills
the requirements. Yes, a written constitution carries more weight, the
reason being the written principles, laws, rights and structures, organs,
and their respective powers. Therefore Judiciary gets an upper hand and can
check the accountability of the Parliament.
- Form of Government:
India has a Federal form of government, whereas the UK
has a unitary form of government. In simple words, this point deals with the
concentration of power. In India, the powers are divided between the Centre and
the States, and with the help of Constitutional Provisions Centre and The state
can take their respective decisions which come under the ambit of their powers.
The Union list, State list, and Concurrent list, as per the Indian The
constitution helps to identify the powers and the jurisdiction. Unlike India,
The United Kingdom believes in the concentration of the power on the center. No
powers are granted to the states, the center has the power to make laws and take
decisions in relation to it. The concentration of power is on the Centre, and
this establishes the concept of the Sovereignty of the parliament.
- Monarchy Status:
With the end of the British Raj, India became independent
and the ruling of Monarch all over India came to an end. The status of
King/Queen vanished from India and the Parliamentary form of government was
established. Whereas the United Kingdom still has the King or the Queen on the
top of the administration. Even today, the Crown plays a few of the roles as a
part of the parliament. As a law-making body, the Crown can make any law with
the parliament that they wish for, and no court can intervene, due to an
unwritten constitution.
Comparison between the Indian and British JudiciaryThe Indian and the British Judiciary are similar to a certain extent, but the
differences are major ones. Independence of the judiciary is a must, which
assures the accountability of the parliament. Having a separate judiciary will
always keep a check and balance on the actions of the government. Therefore a
comparison between the judiciary of India and the United Kingdom will simplify
the concepts clearly.
We will be dealing with the differences first then the similarities.
- In the case of India, the concept of Basic Structure has molded the
Judiciary to a certain extent; the Basic Structure Principle has stood as a
pillar for the Indian Judiciary. It gives the power to the Judiciary to curb
any action of the Legislature and the Executive if found contradictory. Any
action of the the government that tends to be against the fundamental rights
will be declared null and void by the Judiciary. Whereas the Judicial system
of the United Kingdom does not believe in the principle of Basic Structure,
this constructs the concept of Parliamentary Sovereignty. The powers of the
Parliament are much more than that of the Judiciary.
- Judges play a major responsibility in building the laws of the
land. Their observations, judgments, orders, play the role of sources for
the construction of the laws. Not only while framing the laws, but also
while adjudicating a case, precedents had a very significant function.
Therefore the judicial developments/pronouncements are referred to as the
common law. The Indian Judicial System believes in the incorporation of
statutory laws along with the common law system, in the simple sense, it
follows both. But in contrast, British Judiciary strictly follows the common
law system, rather than enactment.
- In both the instances, Judiciary is treated as the highest interpreter
of the Constitution.
- If the executive takes any decision which turns out to be outside their
power, then the Judiciary of both the countries can declare them ultra vires.
Case Laws that prove the Supremacy of Law in India
I.C Golaknath and Ors vs. the State of Punjab and anr[17]
One of the
landmark cases that upheld the supremacy of the law and not the law-making
body. In this case, it was held that the Parliament cannot amend Fundamental
rights. The judgment provided for the prospective overruling of the law.
Keshavananda Bharti Sripadagalvaru vs. State of Kerala[18]
The concept of doctrine of basic structure evolved from this case. In
this case, it was held that the laws enacted to give effect to the DPSP under
Part IV are open to Judicial Review. The laws included in the ninth schedule can
be challenged in the court of law on the ground that they abrogate the basic
elements of the Constitutional Structure.
Minerva Mills Ltd vs. Union of India[19]
In the landmark case of Minerva Mills, it was held that the harmony and
balance between Fundamental Rights and DPSP is an essential feature of the basic
structure of the constitution. This case restored the power of the court to
review any amendment to the constitution.
I. Chandra Kumar vs. Union of India[20]
The Supreme Court reiterated the power of Judicial Review given to the
Supreme Court and High Courts under Article 32 and 226 is the Basic Structure of
the COI and it cannot be terminated by statutory amendment under Article 368
Lily Thomas vs. Union of India and ors[21]
Lily Thomas Judgment was aimed at freeing the political setup from the
criminal elements. The Supreme Court held that sub-section (4) of Section 8 of
the Representation of Peoples, Act is ultra vires to the Constitution.
ConclusionThe conclusion that we can derive from this lecture is that now we are aware of
the practices of the UK Constitution and what is its current status, the the
actual point of concern is that when the UK was under the European Union
Community Laws, there was a certain amount of constitutional supremacy that
prevailed, as UK was bound by the EU Charter, it is also evident from the cases
that I have put forward, but after BREXIT, it is the actual point of discussion
that arises , i.e., whether the UK needs a Written Constitution or The Supremacy
of the Parliament will continue to prevail in the time to come.
Indian Judiciary, particularly the Supreme Court of India, has been instrumental
in shaping India, changing India, transforming India. It is quite interesting to
learn how the Supreme Court Judgments protected the essence of the Indian
Constitution, strengthened democracy, and transformed the lives of ordinary
citizens of India. The way democracy now functions in India; owe a lot to many
of the landmark Supreme Court Judgments.
By going through those landmark
Judgments, one can clearly understand not only the evolution and transformation
of the Indian Constitution but also the emergence of the Indian Judiciary as one
of the most powerful among its tribe globally. The constitutional court was bold
enough to invent the Basic Structure Doctrine in the case "
Kesavananda Bharati
Sripadagalvaru v State of Kerala (1973) and to make a paradigm shift to due
process of law in Maneka Gandhi vs. Union of India (1978) case. Yes, as the
Custodian of the Indian Constitution, The Supreme Court of India has been
assertive on the constitutional values and creative in its interpretations to
resolve legal issues, and deliver justice.
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Britannica, https://www.britannica.com/topic/constitution-politics-and-law
- Professor Nicholas Sunday, Constitutional Law, Constitutionalism and
Democracy, V213984, ISBN 9783656424420, GRIN, 2013
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- Kiruthika D, Constitutionalism, ISBN No.- 978-81-928510-1-3, Legal
Service India.com
- Kiruthika D, Constitutionalism, ISBN No: 978-81-928510-1-3, Legal Service
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- Ellen Castelow, The Constitution of the United Kingdom, HISTORIC UK,
- What is the UK Constitution?, The Constitution Unit, UCL, https://www.ucl.ac.uk/constitution-unit/what-uk-constitution/what-uk-constitution
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- R v Brind 1991 | Case Summary." lawteacher.net. 11 2018. All Answers Ltd.
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- Herbert John Spiro, Constitution: Politics and Law, Britannica, https://www.britannica.com/topic/constitution-politics-and-law
- Professor Nicholas Sunday, Constitutional Law, Constitutionalism and
Democracy, V213984, ISBN 9783656424420, GRIN, 2013
- Alida D., What is Constitutionalism? - Definition, History and Concept,
- Kiruthika D, Constitutionalism, ISBN No.- 978-81-928510-1-3, Legal Service
- AIR 1980 SC 1789
- AIR 2006 SC 980
- AIR 2007 SC 861
- Kiruthika D, Constitutionalism, ISBN No: 978-81-928510-1-3, Legal Service
India, http://www.legalservicesindia.com/article/1699/Constitutionalism.html
- Ellen Castelow, The Constitution of the United Kingdom, HISTORIC UK,
- What is the UK Constitution?, The Constitution Unit, UCL, https://www.ucl.ac.uk/constitution-unit/what-uk-constitution/what-uk-constitution
- "Sources of the British Constitution." lawteacher.net. 11 2018. All Answers
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- Sources of the UK constitution, Aug 21, 2015, https://www.slideshare.net/PhilosophicalInvestigations/sources-of-the-uk-constitution
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- [2017] UKSC 62
- AIR 1967 SCR (2) 762
- AIR 1973 SC 1461
- AIR 1980 SC 1789
- AIR 1997 SC 1125
- (2000) 6 SCC 224
Award Winning Article Is Written By: Mr.Bhaskar Mukherjee - 2nd Semester, LL. M (IP) 2020-21, Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Noida,
Ph no: 8240121726,
[email protected]

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