Directive Principles of State Policy -
Novel feature of Indian
B.R. Ambedkar
The change in time demands change in needs and facilities as we
upgrade with time we need ameliorate things for us whether it's a materialistic
things and laws as well. As the society modernizes beliefs and thinking evolves
for that it demands change in laws and constitution too (through amendments) by
keeping this thing in mind a separate part i.e. part 4 (Directive principle of
state policy) was added in the constitution that dispenses with future growth
and challenges that we might face in the upcoming years.
To tackle such problems
and challenges part 4 was formed if needed anytime, DPSP contains 15 articles
which are broadly divided into 3 categories based on different ideologies i.e.
Socialistic, Gandhian and Liberal, these three names suggest their agendas as
well. The anatomy of DPSP was taken from the constitution of Ireland (almost
after studying the constitution of 60 countries Indian constitution was framed).
During these 70 years some of the directive principles are amended and some
articles being added and even some of them are implemented (like equal pay for
equal work, maternity reliefs to women's, wildlife protection act) and few are
in debate as well (like Uniform civil code). DPSPs are the non-guaranteed and
non-justiciable rights while fundamental rights ( Part 3 of the constitution )
are guaranteed and secured rights of every citizen, one can approach the court
if they are violated but not in case of Directive principles. Properties of
Fundamental rights and DPSP are same as well as different.
The most debated
article of DPSP is Uniform civil code which is in talks since the British rule
but still not administered. When Hindu code bill 1952 was enacted it was made
very clear in criticism that we need a secular bill/act which must not ignore
any minority when got into political portrayal.
The BJP government made it very
clear in their manifesto that they will implement it, by the time in 2019 this
bill was discussed twice and it was decided that in next parliament session it
will come into power. Drawbacks that stop DPSPs from execution are discussed in
houses like ruling party having different agenda, circumstances not supporting,
lack of financial resources, backwardness and diversities are major obstacles.[i]
Introduction to DPSPs:
In the year 1947 when our nation was declared free from external powers and
force, the day when 340 million people got independence from the white rulers
happens to be the memorable day in the memories of everyone. The day when Indian
national congress has decided to frame its own constitution of independent India
which will remain immortal persistently.
This historic task of constitution
formation has taken almost 3 years (2 years, 11 months and 17 days) to form. The
constituent assembly has conducted 11 sessions covering 165 days. Total 25 parts
are available in the constitution with 103 amendments till date.
Directive principles of state policies are covered in the 4th part of its
articles ranging from 36-51. They are the non-existent part of the constitution
of India, they were framed with the aim that one day when we will become diverse
and evolved we'll be needing these articles. They are the positive rights
available to the people of India that can also be used to achieve justice, it
existed because of public force. The framework of DPSPs was adopted from the
Irish constitution (originally from Ireland).
In India they are based on three ideologies
As the name suggests socialistic principle focuses on promoting
the dogma of socialism which mainly focuses on to strive the minimization of
inequalities in income, endeavour to eliminate inequalities of status/facilities
and opportunities not only among individuals but also group of people residing
in different areas or engaged in different vocations (as per the 44th
constitutional amendment act 1978) it also includes
- Promotion of social welfare
- Decreasing inequality in income, status, opportunities, and facilities
- Adequate means of livelihood
- Favourable distribution of wealth
- Equal pay for equal work
- Free legal service to poor/necessitous
- Country people should have various rights like right to work, right to
education, assistance in getting employment, pension to aged for disease and
other disabilities
- Secured conditions to work in like maternity leaves etc.
- Present and future of workers must be secured like a living wage, proper
conditions to work in, and a decent living standard.
- Participation of workers in the management of organisations and
- A regular upgrade in the level of nutrition, standard of life and
standard of public health.
Articles listed in the socialistic branch are 38, 42, 39, 43, 39A, 43A, 41 and
These principles are based on the ideology of Mahatma Gandhi at the
time of national movement, things in which Gandhi Ji believed to which he
created the vision of the nation, mainly Gandhian principles are those which
talks about upbringing the weaker section of the society. All the articles under
this ideology talks about uplifting the society. Like
- Seeking participation of people in the governance of the country.
- Organise village panchayat.
- A secured living wage and proper condition for workers with the decent
standard of life.
- Promotion of cooperative societies.
- Uplifting the weaker section of the society through education and
economic interest
- Investment on standardised nutrition, improved quality of life
and favourable public health.
- Organisation of animal husbandry on modern and scientific basis
and prohibition on slaughter of cows.
Articles listed in the Gandhian approach are 40, 47, 43, 48, 43B and 46.
This clause aims to promote the belief of liberalism in nation, mainly liberal
democratic principles and they are important to establish socio-political system
and to bring national integration like by introducing these above things:
- Uniform civil code means every person should be treated equally
irrespective of caste, religion and wealth.
- Free and compulsory education to all children below 14 years of age
- Modern and scientific techniques to be used for animal husbandry
- Complete ban on cow slaughter
- Preserve and upgrade environment
- Protection of monuments, places which are subjected to national
- Separation of judiciary from executive
- Promote international peace and security
- Maintain good relations with different states
- Respect International treaties
- Settle disputes by arbitration
Articles listed in liberal branch are 44, 49, 45, 50, 48, 51 and 48A.[ii]
Amendments and Implementation of DPSP articles:
If we talk about the DPSPs of 2020 till date some articles are being added
through amendments made like:
- In 42nd amendment 1976 articles 39, 39A, 43A and 48A are added
- In 44th amendment 1978 article 38 was amended.
- In 86th amendment 2002 article 45 was added.
- In the 97th amendment 2011 article 43B was added.
During these 70 years some of the principles are implemented like bank
nationalization which was asked in article 39 (1), Introduction to land ceiling
act in article 39 (2) and equal pay for equal work irrespective of caste, Gender
and place of birth in article 39(3).
Maternity relief act was also demanded in article 40(2) which has now been
implemented that demanded every woman should get relief from the work/ paid
leaves during her pregnancy period.
All these changes/amendments were covered under socialistic principles to boost
the concept of socialism.
When it comes to the implementation of Gandhian principles article 43(2) that
asks for proper condition of work for workers has been implemented under
upliftment of cottage industries and minimum wages act. In 48(2) we talked about
a ban on slaughter of cows to some extent it was administered but not fully.
In the part of liberal principles article 44 i.e. uniform civil code is always a
topic of debate/discussion since the landmark judgement of
Shah Bano case (after
independence) but still even after 70 years it's not administered . Article 48A
(2) demands for improvement and safeguard of forest and wildlife of the country
to enact this clause; the water pollution act and forest preservation act was
introduced. Article 51 (1) that talks about international peace and security
that India is already virtuous at maintaining.
The section of DPSP is the non-guaranteed and non-justiciable rights if they get
violated in any of the order you cannot expect from the judiciary to get it
right or to bring justice in your favour. While framing laws it is obligatory to
keep directive principles of state policies into your mind otherwise that law
would be considered unconstitutional. DPSPs can be available and unavailable
both at the same time currently the majority of DPSPs are non-working and
non-functional but still it needs to be considered.[iii]
Idea of DPSPs and why DPSP?
Directive principle set forth the humanitarian social precepts that were and
are the aims of Indian social revolution.-
Granville Austin
When our nation attained independence on 15th august 1947 the task of drafting
Indian constitution was enacted undertaken by Constituent assembly of
India under the presidency of Dr Rajendra Prasad at that time Indian national
congress formed a majority, congress appointed people from diverse political
backgrounds and given the responsibility of forming constitution and national
On the guidance of Mahatma Gandhi to Dr Jawaharlal Nehru appointed Dr B.R.
Ambedkar as the chairperson of the drafting committee while Mr Nehru and Sardar
Vallabbhai Patel remained the chairpersons of the committee and subcommittee.
The idea of DPSP was adopted from Ireland inspired from the directive principle
given in the constitution of Ireland which is in relation with social justice,
economic welfare, foreign policy, legal and administrative matters. Directive
principles of Indian constitution are greatly influenced by the directive
principle of social policy when Irish nationalist movement aka Irish home
revolution movement happened, when France got revolution and declared
independent from American colonies.
On the day of 19th November when the part of DPSP was raised in Indian
Constituent Assembly on which Dr Ambedkar said DPSP shall be the basis of future
governance of the country aka the blueprint of what our country should look like
in the upcoming future.
The fine words of Dr Ambedkar was:
It is the intention of the assembly that both legislative and the executive
should not merely pay lip service to these principles enacted in this part, but
they should be made the basis of all executive and legislative action that may
be taken hereafter in the matter of governance of the country
These words clearly reflect the vision of Dr Ambedkar and what they wanted from
our country to become mainly aimed at creating social and economic conditions
under which people can live a good life. It is the duty of the state and also
whenever the union government feels that DPSPs are no longer required by the
state/ useful for the nation it can be easily deleted from the constitution by
bringing an amendment into the force to remove ambiguity in policy
Article 39A which was added after the constitutional amendment
represents socio-economic justice by bringing the clause of equal justice and
free legal aid which says that the legal system should promote justice on the
basis of equal opportunities must get free legal guidance/service instead of any
disability like finances, backwardness etc.
The year 1990-1991 was declared as the year of social justice in the memories of
Dr Ambedkar when welfare schemes for poor's were introduced by both the central
and state government like textbooks to students belonging to scheduled caste and
scheduled tribes pursuing medical and engineering courses, this also includes
hostel facilities for boys and girls belonging to SC and ST categories. In the
86th constitutional amendment act, free and compulsory education was made for
every child between 6-14 years of age. [iv]
DPSPs in relation to fundamental rights
It's not wrong to say that if today we are alive and living our lives
accordingly it's because of the fundamental rights that are granted to us, those
rights which allow us to live with freedom are the giving of constitution. The
rights from article 13 till article 35 are almost every right that Indian
citizens or even foreign/alien citizens have in India. It talks about every
authority that is granted to us being a citizen of a country.
If we compare DPSPs with fundamental rights we have noticed that fundamental rights are those
rights which we are enjoying now and DPSPs are those which we'll be having in
upcoming times when our country will be ready for them. They are the futuristic
and developing aspects that are provided to us in our constitution, Fundamental
rights are justiciable rights and DPSPs are non-justiciable/non-guaranteed
rights, public opinion is the major force on implementing directive principles.
Definition of part 3 of constitution that is article 12 is same as of part 4
that is article 36. Nature and properties of both must be same both are
considered as the rights of citizens but when it comes to filing the petition
you can file suit only if your fundamental rights are violated, petition would
be unacceptable if you file it under violation of DPSPs as they are not
guaranteed rights can only be acceptable if those DPSPs become permanent laws/
articles, only fundamental rights are enforceable against the state as they are
considered as the Soul of Indian Constitution and supreme court is the
Fundamental rights are limited in scope, protect the rights of an individual and
work at micro-level and if anyone feels their rights are being violated they can
approach the court of law. When it comes to DPSP scope of them will be unlimited
if implemented properly, protects the right of the citizen and works at a macro
level and if DPSPs are violated you cannot approach court of law for justice
they are non-enforceable laws reason being not enacted legally till now but
politically active.
The topic of relation between the fundamental rights and DPSPs is always a
controversial topic and many times conflict too happened in parliament regarding
this topic. [v]
Most debated article of Directive principles
Part 4 of constitution i.e. Directive principles of state policies drafted with
the aim that these articles will be implemented in future reason behind their
appliance is to lead a future growth of the country and how are country should
look like in future so it's very obvious that in these 68 years some of the
articles are implemented in the forms of acts, some are debated in the
parliament at a greater extent but couldn't reached to any conclusion, many of
the political parties talk about these articles in their manifesto and make
promises that they will implement it after they came into power like free
education policy for children's, reducing inequalities of income and wealth and
uniform civil code obviously.
Article 44 uniform civil code is the need of an hour listed in the liberal
column of DPSP deals with the liberal democratic and socio-political principles
that defines every person of the nation is equal irrespective of caste, creed,
religion and wealth it's a long debated topic and still in debate. Discussion on
UCC after independence started at the time of shah bano case when Muslim
personal laws were interrupted by Supreme Court.
When Rajiv Gandhi spoke in
favour of Muslims (to secure his vote bank) by passing a notification that
declared Supreme Court judgement nil and every one criticised congress
government for this decision. The demand of UCC started with the aim that our
country should have uniform laws for every of the citizen as India is rich and
diverse in cultural practices and many people have wrong perceptions regarding
UCC that it will violate freedom of religion and others thought it would replace
personal law and will only benefit to Hindu majority not speaking in favour of
Uniform civil code aims to introduce common personal laws of the country
whenever any person in India (whether Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Parsi ) commits a
crime, punishment of everyone is same but when marriage happens in these
communities the rules for divorce are different in every community like
inheritance, adoption and maintenance. UCC focuses on bringing unique law aka
personal laws same for every citizen. In 2019 this bill was introduced twice in
parliament but opposition blocked it by approaching the chairman, it is expected
to be introduced in next parliamentary session.
Why UCC is still not implemented?
It was first debated in 1885 in 2nd law commission report that focused on
uniformity and codification of Indian law relating to crimes, evidences and
contracts but recommended that codification should not extend to matters like
personal laws of Hindus and Muslims which means they are free to practice their
personal laws, britishers actually never interrupted in personal laws all they
want to make is surplus from the Indian economy.
If we talk about an independent
India which is free from any external power, a sovereign state but still
legitimacy, being government is elected by the people and sovereignty rests with
the people, another reason behind non-implementation is criticism by minorities
and even by Hindu majority, some sections of Hindus questioned will it end our
customs and religious practices of different caste and communities and last
reason is gender equality, it's not wrong to say that women's have faced
discrimination under Hindu laws when it comes to inheritance, remarriage,
divorce so a question arises from here that will it give greater equity and
compassion to women in terms of money and social life? If yes then it will
destroy males economic wealth said in favour of carping.
What happened when UCC got into political portrayal?
While criticising UCC fundamentalist/orthodox Hindus said in the debate that
they need to protect hallowed traditions of Hindu Shastra's, Muslims laws are
remain untouched at the time of criticising Hindu code bill of 1952 and it was
said a secular bill should be introduced that talks about everyone then UCC gets
into political eyes, a section also said grant of equal property rights to women
will threatened economic rights of male in the society that section suggested
that Hindu code bill is communal measure and instead of that a uniform civil
code ( with male pragmatic) should be introduced that will take country
towards secularism.
How does the UCC become a part of the
Nehru accepted that Hindu code bill is incomplete, UCC is essential element of
the constitution but for that our country was not prepared back then especially
if some communities are not ready to accept it he may not force them to adopt it
and willing to parliament to consider civil code at some point of time and
decided to put UCC into directive principles instead of fundamental rights,
progressive women members like Rajkumari Amrit Kaur and Hansa Mehta opposed UCC
as non-justiciable right.
It's very sure that UCC will come into power but how and under what conditions
and circumstances? Debate is still happening on them in contemporary development
BJP party made very clear that they will bring UCC into power which they say is
secular and equal for both sexes. UCC is much required now in terms of gender
equality where women rights are often denied.[vi]
Challenges that stop DPSPs from getting enacted?
During the formation of this section reason behind it to implement these things
in upcoming times, a structure is being made for the upcoming governments,
agendas were given to them for their work to take country towards the growth, a
boundation is being made for the future governance of country grounds were given
to them upon which they can take charge of development that is required for the
nation but still a major portion of Directive principles are still not
implemented reasons are wide.
Sometimes circumstances don't support it from
getting enacted like after independence there was a huge income disparity and
inequalities on the basis of caste and creeds so at that time it was important
to work on employment sector and also political parties works and rule according
to their agendas through which they can repeatedly win elections (used to be a
prime reason for delay of DPSP enactment). DPSPs were made non-justiciable
because of insufficient financial resources, also backwardness and diversities
being the major hindrance in the administration also other issues were at stake
that made it a non-justiciable part, very few of the DPSPs are enacted till now
that too are criticized whenever any such decision is taken in the parliament
will lead to benefit of some and loss of others and these principles cannot be
used against government. [vii]
After doing the thorough research on the topic of Directive principle of state
policies at the end I would like to conclude that part 4 of constitution has its
own importance in the lives of every citizen of the country, they are the
auxiliary of the future self of the country, after going through all the aspects
of it three question arises where, how and when.
Where we have to reach and
where we have to take our nation is sort of clear since the day the constitution
was enacted what steps will be actually required to make it to the mark is known
by everyone. Founding fathers made the composition of DPSP very clear and bound
that the upcoming/ future government will take care of all 15 articles available
here and administer it whenever our commonwealth is ready for it. DPSPs were
non-justiciable and non- enforceable only in terms of legality Dr Ambedkar made
it very clear that they are politically enforceable, many of the political
parties use it in their manifestos to come in power.
Now the second question arises i.e. how it will get implemented?
When the bill regarding any of the
issue passed in assemblies there are many things that needed to be considered
before making any bill an act, it very sure that not everyone will be in favour
of any bill and not everyone will going to be happy.
At the time of presenting
it opposition leaders criticise it by giving various other reasons and even if
it is passed and become act people denounce it in the form of protests, damaging
public properties, disturbing peace and harmony of the country for instance you
can take example of CAB / NRC protest and in cases of coalition/ alliance
government they take their support back from the party who wants to implement it
(every political party wants their personal benefit), caste and minority based
politics are must in India everyone wants their personal benefit here and
corruption is the very obvious reason that stops them from getting fulfilled,
but if this will happen every time how they will get carry through and at what
closure we will reach? And the last question is when will all the remaining
DPSPs be enacted even after about 70 years of it we are unsuccessful in
sanctioning them UCC had a very long history since the British government and
still even after a lot of parley we are unsuccessful in ratifying it.
Here in
our parliament it takes too much time for executing different laws as it takes
time to think about all the pros and cons of a particular bill and to analyse
will it be good for people or not and sometimes even these predictions went
wrong too in the eyes of some and some appreciates it. If we closely notice our
constitution and laws related to it you'll find everything here is two faced it
is must that every law will not give the benefit to everyone.
Every law that is
being enacted will be degraded by some because every member has their own
different ideology and belief, political party in power has different belief
than the opposition and they both will never agree and understand each other
side so denouncing becomes necessity and even if opposition agrees they will not
support the party for their own political benefit this is very usual thing in
Indian politics, Here actual agenda of political parties are not related to
growth and development but to look for their own personal benefit not thinking
about blooming things for public betterment.
While contriving constitution
drafting committee never knew that such things will be happening they thought
whichever party comes into power will going to work for the people of the
country keeping constitution in their mind and will make laws related to it but
that didn't happened. These are the only reasons due to which all the DPSPs are
still not implemented and made nation's growth limited to a point.
Also once Dr Ambedkar said However good a constitution may be, if those who are implementing
it are not good, it will prove to be bad. However bad a constitution may be, if
those implementing are good, it will prove to be good. and this is what
happened with us.[viii]
- Abstract on DPSP ( short summary )
- Formation, duration and idea behind Directive Principles. Ideologies
upon which DPSPs are made in India i.e. Socialistic, Gandhian and Liberalistic ( Reference article )
- Constitutional Amendments made in DPSPs (42nd, 44th, 86th and 97th) 38,
39, 39A, 43A, 48A, 45 and 43B was added. UCC and Shah Bano case relation.
- Making of DPSP in the constituent assembly, motive of DPSP as per
founding fathers, fine words of Dr Ambedkar and articles related to it.,can%20lead%20a%20good%20life.&text=Per%20Article%2037%2C%20state%20and,considering%20DPSPs%20as%20fundamental%20policy.
(reference article)
- Relationship between DPSP and fundamental rights- Nature and properties
are same as well as difference.
- Most discussed article of DPSP i.e. UCC- meaning, history, why not
implemented till yet, what happened when discussed politically, how it was added
into constitution and why it's in DPSP and not in fundamental rights.
( Study IQ video- reference )
- Setbacks that stop DPSPs from getting enacted and reason it takes so long
for implementation of acts
- Closure of the journal! What we should learn from article and where we
- [Constitution of India ( Bare act ), universal publishers]
Award Winning Article Is Written By: Mr.Divij Barolia

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