Witnesses May Lie, But Circumstances Don't
Conferring to a basic principle of common law, criminal convictions can be
obtained if the guilt of the defendant is proved beyond a reasonable
doubt.[1] To prove guilt two kinds of evidence can be
used, direct and circumstantial. Direct evidence gives proof of a fact in
question without having to make assumptions or inferences. It leads to a
definite conclusion and is based on personal knowledge and observation.
Circumstantial evidence, on the other hand, indirectly supports a theory or
proves a fact. It is based on inductive reasoning.[2]
According to the famous
philosopher Jeremy Bentham, in a case of circumstantial evidence, two facts are
required to be taken into deliberation
- The factum probandum, the principal fact the fact the existence of which
is supposed or proposed to be proved the fact which is the subject of proof;
- The factum probans the
evidentiary fact the fact from the existence of which that of the factum
probandum is inferred.[3]
If the circumstantial evidence and the inferences drawn from it can prove the
defendant's guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, the conviction is possible. To
overcome the criminal jurisprudence principle of
innocent until proven guilty,
the standard of beyond reasonable doubt needs to be achieved. The evidence needs
to establish that there exists no reasonable and logical explanation to the
crime other than the one being presented against the defendant.[4] Evidence must
be so complete as not to leave any reasonable ground that might prove innocence
of the accused.[5]
In this paper, three cases from different common law countries are used to
explain different aspects of circumstantial evidence. First and foremost, the
Indian case of Priyadarshini Mattoo will emphasize that circumstances from which
guilt is to be drawn must be firmly established. The Australian case,
R v.
Chamberlain, will discuss the process of understanding circumstantial evidence
to form a judgment. The case of the Chillenden murders in the UK will focus upon
the way circumstantial evidence can lead to wrongful convictions. In conclusion,
the author will deliberate India's take on these three aspects.
State Through CBI V. Santosh Kumar Singh
In 1996, Priyadarshini Mattoo, a student of the Faculty of Law, Delhi University
was brutally raped and murdered in a
fit of rage by Santosh Kumar Singh, son
of the then Inspector General Police (IGP), Jammu and Kashmir.[6] Since there
were no eyewitnesses to the murder, the case of the prosecution depended solely
on circumstantial evidence and was brought on record through oral as well as
documentary evidence. The trial court in Delhi acquitted Singh. The judge had
emphasized that a mishandled and inadequate investigation by the Delhi Police
meant that though he knew Singh
is the man who committed the crime, he was
forced to acquit him. [7]
The chain of circumstances was checked by all three courts and some
circumstances were in bought into question. On one hand, the trial court despite
holding most of the crucial circumstances in favor of the prosecution acquitted
the accused and mauled justice. On the other hand, after dealing with each piece
of evidence separately and together, the High Court and Supreme Court believed
the chain of circumstances in this case to be so complete that it could only
lead to the conclusion of the accused guilt. They held the circumstantial
evidence to be absolutely inconsistent and incompatible with the innocence of
the accused.
The Supreme Court commuted Singh's sentence from the death penalty
to one of life because of his youth and the fact that he got married after his
acquittal. His sentence was reduced merely on the basis of sympathy, even though
all the circumstantial evidence was proved firmly against him.[8] In my opinion,
the chain of evidence was so complete that there was no explanation for the
unfortunate event other than the guilt of the accused. He should have been
rewarded with the death penalty; there should be no place for sympathy for
criminals like Singh in a courtroom.
Chamberlain V. The Queen
In 1980, Alice Lynn Chamberlain was charged with murdering her nine-week-old
daughter Azaria while camping at Ayers Rock (Uluru) in the Northern Territory.
Michel Chamberlain, her husband was also charged as an accessory after the fact.
It was alleged that the baby was taken by Ms. Chamberlain from the campsite back
to their car where her throat was cut and her body disposed of. Disputing this,
Ms. Chamberlain claimed that a dingo had taken her baby. While the baby's body
was never recovered, her jumpsuit and vest were found which acted as crucial
pieces of evidence.
The question of law that arose, in this case, was whether while considering
circumstantial evidence, each and every circumstance from which inference has to
be drawn must itself be proved beyond a reasonable doubt. Does the proper method
of approach to the facts involve separate consideration of all items of evidence
and does an item of evidence have to be eliminated if the jury/judge is not
satisfied with it beyond a reasonable doubt? [9] This view is supported in an
article on "Circumstantial Evidence" by Mr. T. C. Brennan K.C where he while
discussing a particular criminal trial wrote,
Mr. Acting Justice Dixon (as he then was), told the jury that the proper method
of approach to the different facts was to take each one separately, and to ask
are we satisfied beyond reasonable doubt about (1)? If yes, continued his
Honour, 'put it on one side for further consideration with the other facts; if
no, put it out of your mind altogether. Then go on to consider (2) in the same
way. [10]
The five-judge bench in this case dissented from this opinion. According to
them, this is not the general rule; instead, the jury should consider all facts
together at the conclusion of the case. Drawing support from Reg v. Beble [11] they
concluded that the jury should look at all the facts at the end of the trial.
One circumstance must not be rejected because when considered solely, no
inference of guilt can be drawn from it. The reason behind this is that some
items of evidence that may not prove facts beyond a reasonable doubt alone may
do so when looked at in light of corroborating evidence or a combination of
facts. Every piece of evidence has to be looked at in light of the entire case
and inference of guilt must be drawn from a combination of all facts.[12]
They also concluded that a fact should not be used as a basis for an inference
of guilt unless the existence of the fact is proved or satisfied beyond a
reasonable doubt. As the Crown's counsel suggested, while the case was
circumstantial and relied on half a dozen strands of evidence, when taken
together they had the strength of a rope. [13]
The Chillenden Murders
Reliance on circumstantial evidence also has its drawbacks. Lin Russell, her
daughter Megan, and their dog Lucy were brutally murdered and an attempt to
murder was made on nine-year-old Josie in Chillenden, the UK back in 1996. They
were tied up and brutally beaten with a hammer. A year later, as a result of one
of the biggest manhunts undertaken by British police, Michael Stone, a local
heroin addict, and petty criminal, was arrested, charged, and sentenced to life
imprisonment. 24 years later, he has maintained the stance of his innocence and
unanswered questions over his conviction persist.[14]
Circumstantial evidence becomes a problem where available physical evidence
either points away from the person charged with the crime, or where the lack
of physical evidence actually contradicts the hypothesis presented by the
prosecution.[15] It may lead to wrongful convictions at times. Michael Stone was
convicted solely on the basis of circumstantial evidence and one unreliable, a
convicted criminal and a self-confessed liar's testimony. The criminal in the
cell next to him alleged that Michael had confessed to him through a hot pipe
connecting the two cells, the details of how he had murdered the Russells'.
This criminal, Damien Daley was a self-confessed liar. In his own words, he said
I am a crook and
I lie to get by in life.[16]
Few years after Stone's conviction, a serial killer Levi Bellfield confessed to
some of his crimes. This bought to attention all the other crimes he may have
committed. Factual similarity renewed the interest in the Chillenden
The point that arises is that in a case of circumstantial evidence, one can
never be one hundred percent sure. One can be assured beyond a reasonable doubt,
but never as completely as one would be in case of direct evidence. Some doubt
may always remain.
For instance, in the author's opinion, supported by academician's opinions,
there is a severe lack of physical evidence to corroborate the prosecution's
hypothesis in this case. Depending on the material available, it can safely be
presumed that the media agrees with this. But the way the case was decided by
the judges is different. Interpretation of the evidence has become even more
questionable since Levi Bellfield's confession.[18]
What actually happened on that unfortunate day will possibly always remain a
secret. However, to achieve the lengths of justice, circumstantial evidence
proved beyond reasonable doubt has to be considered.
India's Take On Circumstantial Evidence
In India, it is settled law that in a case where evidence is circumstantial, the
conclusion of guilt to be drawn has to be fully established; and the
circumstances so established must be conclusive and consistent only with the
hypothesis of the guilt of the accused. No other hypothesis or theory should be
able to logically explain the circumstances of the case. The chain of evidence
must be so complete that the innocence of the accused is unbelievable.[19]
The onus to prove the completeness of the chain of events is on the prosecution.
However, the onus to prove that the accused had nothing to do with the crime
still relies upon the accused as per Section 106 of the Indian Evidence Act,
1892which states that when a person does an act with some intention other than
that which the character and circumstances of the act suggest, the burden of
proving that intention is upon him. [20]
In the case of
Bodh Raj v. State of Jammu & Kashmir,[21] the Court held
that that for a conviction to be solely based on circumstantial evidence
following conditions are required to be met:
- Circumstances from which guilt is established are required to be fully
proved and must be impenetrable;
- Circumstances should be conclusive in nature and tendency;
- Circumstances should, to a moral certainty, ensure that there is no
scope for any other hypothesis to be true; and
- All other hypothesis should be excluded except that one that proves the
guilt of the accused
Legally established circumstances can form the basis of conviction but the
graver the crime is, the greater should be the securitization of the evidence
lest suspicion takes the place of proof. Few very important grounds while basing
a case on circumstantial evidence are also the
last seen doctrine and
abnormal conduct of the accused. According to the last seen doctrine if
facts only prove that the victim and accused were '
last seen together',
and alone it is not conclusive enough to base a conviction; further
corroboration is necessary.
However, this doctrine shifts the onus on the accused to prove that they were
not involved in the alleged crime. The conduct of the accused is vital in the
establishment of circumstantial evidence. Certain conducts have the impact of
negating the innocence of the accused. Examples of such unnatural conduct are
absconding, providing false alibis, inability to provide a reasonable
explanation to the situation at hand etcetera. [22]
India's outlook on circumstantial evidence would be incomplete without the
mention of The
Jessica Lal case.[23] The decision of this case was based
on circumstantial evidence after witnesses turned hostile. Manu Sharma was
awarded imprisonment for life on the basis of a chain of circumstantial evidence
that proved his guilt. His presence at the scene of the crime was proven via
witness testimonies. This was coupled with the fact that he absconded thus
conducted himself unnaturally and negated the presumption of his innocence.
Also, while the gun which was used as the murder weapon was never recovered, it
was proven that the cartridges found at the scene of the crime did, in fact,
come from the gun that belonged to the accused. These strands of evidence
created a rope so tight that it was impenetrable thus showcasing India's take on
circumstantial evidence-based convictions.[24]
- Leland v. Oregon, 343 U.S. 790, 802-03 (1952) (dissenting opinion)
- Yeshion, Ted, "The Myths of Circumstantial Evidence", Forensic
Teacher, http://www.theforensicteacher.com/Evidence.html
- Bentham J, Rationale of Judicial Evidence, 5 Volumes (1828), Vol 3,
Garland, New York, 1973, Page 2-5, 248;
- Supra, Note 2
- Dhananjoy Chatterjee vs State Of W.B, (1994) SCR (1) 37, 1994 SCC (2)
220, Para 7
- Kaul, Aditya Raj, "Did We Fail Priyadarshini Mattoo and Make Delhi the
Rape Capital?" The Quint, January 23, 2018, https://www.thequint.com/voices/blogs/did-fail-priyadarshini-mattoo-make-delhi-rape-capital-criminal-justice-nirbhaya-santosh-singh-cbi-court-murder
- State (Through CBI) vs Santosh Kumar Singh, 2007 CRL 964, 133 (2006) DLT
- Santosh Kumar Singh vs State Th. CBI on 6 October, 2010
- Chamberlain v. The Queen, (1984) 153 CLR 521
- Brennan, T.C. "Circumstantial Evidence" Australian Law Journal 4 (1930),
Page 106
- Reg. v. Beble, (1979) Od R 278, Page 289
- Supra, Note 7, Page 536
- Case Study, Right to Appeal, Australian Human Rights
Commission, https://www.coolaustralia.org/
- The Chillenden Murders." Western Sydney University, October 13,
2017, https://www.westernsydney.edu.au/home/events/the_chillenden_murders
- Circumstantial Evidence: Making a Murderer English Style." The Justice
Gap, February 17, 2016, http://www.thejusticegap.com/2016/02/circumstantial-evidence-making-murderer-english-style/
- Gillan, A. (2001, September 20). Stone trial main witness admits he is
habitual liar, https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2001/sep/20/audreygillan
- Shehab Khan @ShehabKhan. (2017, November 29). Serial killer Levi
Bellfield gives 'very detailed confession' of murdering Lin and Megan
Russell in 1996, https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/levi-bellfield-serial-killer-confession-detailed-lin-megan-russell-murders-1996-chillenden-a8082981.html
- Henneberg, Marika, "Michael Stone and the Chillenden Murders" The
Justice Gap, February 2016, http://www.thejusticegap.com/2016/02/circumstantial-evidence-making-murderer-english-style/
- Ashok Kumar v. State Of Madhya Pradesh, AIR 1989 SC 1890.
- The Indian Evidence Act, 1892, Section 106
- Bodh Raj v. State of Jammu & Kashmir, AIR 2002 SC 316
- Anushka, Circumstantial Evidence.Law Times Journal, March 27,
2019. https://lawtimesjournal.in/circumstantial-evidence/
- Sidhartha Vashisht alias Manu Sharma Vs. State of NCT of Delhi, 2010
(69) ACC 833 (SC)
- Supra, Note 22
Award Winning Article Is Written By:�Ms.Neeti Gupta

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