Judicial review in its most basic of sense refers to the reviewing of acts
issued by the legislature, or the executive, scrutinizing their consistency with
the high laws, primarily the Magna Carta of the nation- The Constitution. It
even involves the reviewing of any judgment of the Judiciary by pronounced by
It is a fundamental tenet of judicial power of a nation, with its
inception from the United States of America, it gained prominence worldwide due
to the beautifully tailored procedure it follows in pursuance of the application
of its powers. A crucial cornerstone of judicial review is that, where
applicable, the provisions of the Constitution must control judicial
The 4th Chief Justice of the Young Nation[1] (referred to the U.S.A), John Marshall first addressed the question whether the Congress, as the
federal legislature, has the power to enact a law contrary to the provisions of
the Constitution. In [2]
Marbury v. Madison, Marshall wrote as if the answer were
self-evident; the Chief Justice asserted as a "proposition too plain to be
contested" that the Constitution is paramount and a legislative act contrary to
its mandates is not law. Some still do not agree with the early Chief Justice's
They would say that the acts of legislative bodies or of the executive
are themselves the law of the land. If these acts conflict with the
Constitution, then the people-and the courts-must abide by the later wisdom.
Additionally, under the purview of safeguards of the canons of the constitution,
judicial review protects the fundamental rights through the issuing of writs[3],
evidently so, it is an implied responsibility of the government to respect
rights and does not necessarily entail legal responsibility for the disregard of
a right even if it seems to be a logical necessity. Constitutional pragmatism
does always follow logic, especially where tradition supports immunity.
This paper shall provide an equitable glimpse into the interconnection of the
Constitution, the Fundamental Rights and the Judicial Review.
The concept of the doctrine of judicial review gained its roots from the
judgment of the
Marbury v. Madison case in the Supreme Court of the U.S.A, where
it created its authority to declare federal statutes unconstitutional. Chief
Justice Marshall opined that whether an act repugnant to the constitution can
become the law of the land, as a question which deeply intrigued the states,
answering the question in the affirmative, he first recognized certain
fundamental principles:
The people had come together to establish a government,
they provided for its organization, assigned powers to its various departments,
and established certain limits not to be transgressed by those departments. The
limits were expressed in a written constitution, which would serve no purpose if
these limits may, at any time, be passed by those intended to be restrained.
Claiming the reasoning as the Constitution is a superior paramount law,
unchangeable by ordinary means, . . . a legislative act contrary to the
constitution is not law.
Another crucially scrutinized question was "If an act of the legislature,
repugnant to the constitution, is void, does it, notwithstanding its invalidity,
bind the courts, and oblige them to give it effect? The answer, was that, it is
emphatically the province and duty of the judicial department to say what the
law is. Those tasked with applying a rule to specific instances inherently must
clarify and interpret that rule.
When two laws contradict each other, the
judiciary is obligated to adjudicate the application of each. In situations
where both a statute and the Constitution are pertinent to a particular case but
clash, the court must ascertain which rule prevails. This responsibility lies at
the core of judicial duty. Given the Constitution's supremacy over any ordinary
legislative enactment, it must prevail over such an enactment when both are
relevant to a case.
The Constitution is superior to any ordinary act of the
legislature, the constitution, and not such ordinary act, must govern the case
to which they both apply. To declare otherwise, Chief Justice Marshall[4] said,
would be to permit the legislature to pass[ ] at pleasure the limits imposed on
its powers by the Constitution.[5]
After a philosophical examining of the justification for judicial review given
by Chief Justice Marshall, it becomes evident that the clause of supremacy
mentioned in the U.S Constitution[6] clarifies that the Constitution has
precedence over laws and treaties, setting that only laws which are made in
pursuance of the constitution shall be the supreme law of land.
The Madison V. Marbury case signified the federal courts scrutiny of a federal
statute. Since this pivotal ruling, the Supreme Court of the U.S has wielded its
authority of judicial review to assess the constitutionality of state laws as
well as federal and state executive actions, with the doctrine being embraced by
law in the article 3, section 1 of the U.S Constitution.
The courts have since time immemorial acted as sentinel on the qui vive[7] so
far as the constitution is concerned.
Underlining this aspect of the matter, the Supreme Court (hereafter S.C.) stated
in State of Madras v. Row[8] that the constitution contains special provisions
for judicial review of legislation as to its conformity with the constitution.
The S.C. in the case of A.K. Gopalan[9] emphasized, "In India the Constitution
that is supreme" and that a "statute law to be valid, must in all cases be in
conformity with the constitutional requirements and it is for the judiciary to
decide whether any enactment is constitutional or not" and if the legislature
transgresses any constitutional limits, the courts have to declare the law
unconstitutional "for the court is bound by its oath to uphold the constitution"
The doctrine of supremacy of the constitution and judicial review has been
expounded lucidly but very forcefully by Justice Bhagwati J. in Rajasthan v. UOI:
It is necessary to assert in the clearest terms particularly in the context of
recent history, that the constitution is supreme lex, every department of law,
be it the executive or legislature derives its authority from the
Therefore, the courts in India cannot be of usurping the function of
constitutional adjudication; it is a function imposed on them by the
constitution itself.
Justifying judicial review, Ramaswami J observed in SSS Bola v B.D.
Sharma[11] that the founding fathers incorporated in the constitution itself the
provisions of judicial review so as to maintain the balance of federalism�.[12] availment
and enjoyment of equality, liberty and fundamental freedoms�Judicial review is a
part of constitutional interpretation itself. It adjusts the constitution to
meet new conditions and needs of time.
In Keshvananda Bharti v. UOI, Justice Khanna emphasized, "[13]As long as
fundamental rights exist and are a part of the constitution, the power of
judicial review has also to be exercised with a view to see that the guarantees
afforded by these rights are not contravened�. judicial review is an integral
part of our constitution.
In the Minerva Mills case CJI[14], Chandrachud observed that the judges have a
duty to pronounce the validity of laws and if this power is denied then the
fundamental rights conferred on people will mere be adornments.
Ahmadi CJ speaking on behalf of a bench of seven judges in L Chandra Kumar v
UOI[15], observed that judges of S.C. have been entrusted with the task of
upholding the constitution to this end, have been conferred the power to
interpret it.
Thus, the jurisdiction conferred on the S.C. under article 32 and on the High
Courts under article 226/227 has been held to be a part of the inviolable basic
structure of the constitution which cannot be ousted by any constitutional
Article 13 of the constitution of India, further goes on to mention "The state
shall not make any law which takes away or abridges the rights conferred by this
part [ PART 3] and any law made in contravention of this clause, to the extent
of contravention, be void.
The Status Quo Of Judicial Review
The guardian of the constitution, interpreter, applier of laws and the defender
of the rights of people, the Judiciary, is of late subjected to a perception of
being perceived as the most convenient mechanism of arbitration, accommodation
and conflict resolution. A written constitution analogous to that of India does
provide a necessary condition but not a sufficient safeguard against the
temptations of violating the canons of the federal system.
This gives necessary
rise to the creation of an institution to act as an independent arbiter in the
situation of imbalances in the authority of various constitutional or statutory
bodies. Only an independent judiciary which is insulated from political control
or external factors can match up with the aforementioned criteria, with judicial
review being its core.
The scope of judicial review in India is somewhat circumscribed as compared to
that in the USA. The Fundamental rights are less broadly worded in the Indian
Constitution as compared to the USA, and limitations thereon have been stated in
the Constitution itself and this task has not been left to the courts. The
constitution-makers adopted this strategy as they felt that the courts might
find it difficult to work out the limitations on the Fundamental Rights and the
same better be laid down in the Constitution itself. The constitution-makers
also felt that the judiciary should not be raised to the level of the
Whatsoever be the justification for the methodology adopted by the
constitution-makers, the inevitable result of this has been to restrict the
range of judicial review in India. The Indian Constitution does not afford the
same scope of judicial creativity to the courts as does the U.S Constitution.
Further, over the years, the scope of some of the Fundamental Rights has been
curtailed by constitutional amendments, thus, the scope of judicial review has
been further restricted.'
This process can be seen very clearly in the context
of the right to property. In spite of all this, the Supreme Court does play a
significant role in the Indian constitutional process. Since the commencement of
the Constitution, the Supreme Court has rendered hundreds of decisions
expounding various provisions of the Constitution, and, thus, a distinct
constitutional jurisprudence has come into existence. In many cases, the Supreme
Court has displayed judicial creativity of a very high order, example,
in [16]Keshvananda case and in expanding scope of article 21.
As of recent times, the law minister in the central government once stated that
the courts through the exercise of power of judicial review retarded the process
of socio-economic development of the country, justifying the restrictions on
powers of courts to declare a law unconstitutional.[17]
In spite of these barriers, the institution of judicial review has a vibrancy of
its own, being declared as the basic feature of the constitution.
Even recently, in 2020 in [18]
Kantaru Rajeevaru v. Indian Young Lawyers
Association, the later held that devotees of Lord Ayyappa did not constitute
separate religious denomination and therefore could not claim benefit of Article
26 of Constitution of India - This Court also concluded that exclusion of women
between ages of ten to fifty years from entry into temple was violative of
Article 25 of Constitution of India - Several review petitions were filed in
which bench was of opinion that scope of freedom of religion guaranteed under
Articles 25 and 26 of Constitution needs authoritative pronouncement by larger
bench of not less than seven Judges - Therefore, reference was made to this
larger bench - Preliminary objection raised by parties regarding reference of
questions of law to larger bench in review petition - Whether this Court could
refer questions of law to larger bench in review petition.
Moreover, in the recent case of 2023,
Babulal Marandi Vs. The Tribunal of the
Speaker under Schedule-X of the Constitution, Jharkhand Vidhan Sabha
and [19]Ors. Justice Rajesh Shankar stated "I am of the considered view that if
the power of judicial review is exercised at this stage, the same will amount to
interfering with the power of the Speaker conferred by Para 6 of the Tenth
Schedule of the Constitution." Since in W.P.(C) No. 3687 of 2020, the vires of
sub-rule (1) of rule 6 of the Rules, 2006 was under challenge which required
detailed hearing, learned Division Bench had granted interim protection to the
petitioner having seen the prima facie case, balance of convenience and
irreparable losses and injuries to him.
Judicial Review, Constitution and Fundamental rights can be claimed to be
similar to one whorled phyllotaxy, which refers to the growing of two or more
leaves at each node, because they flourish as the soul of the judiciary.
For any successful nation to exist independence of judiciary is expedient to
keep in check the functioning of the executive and legislature.
The duty of judicial review remains always, as a national imperative to the
As Professor Herbert Wechsler has said: "Judicial review is not that of policy
or advising legislatures or executives, nor even, as the uninstructed think, of
standing as an ever-open forum for the ventilation of all grievances that draw
on the Constitution for support. It is the duty to decide the litigated case and
to decide it in accordance with the law, with all that implies as to a rigorous
insistence on the satisfaction of procedural and jurisdictional requirements."
If judges were paralyzed by the enormity of this task, our constitutional system
would break down. The duty must be performed and the results of the process
measured ultimately by what each person, making his own assessment of the
nation's needs, would call "good judgment."
A good decision is a decision that ought to command respect whether or not it is
conclusively correct, ordinarily manifests certain recognizable characteristics.
The first might be described as a seriousness of purpose.
Judicial Review is a critical part of the constitution which effectively ensures
the protection of the fundamental rights of the citizens, in its absence or with
an excessive interference with the powers of the judiciary to carry out this
review, the essence of the democratic system of India will be put to question.
It is crucial that judicial review is particularly insulated from the politics
of the nation, primarily because the hegemony of the legislature will eventually
give rise to the creation of a non-pragmatic paradigm leading to a subsequent
decline of the nation's prosperity.
- Supreme. Justia.com, https://supreme.justia.com/supreme-court-history/marshall-court/ (last visited February 9th, 2024).
- Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. (1 Cranch) 137 (1803).
- INDIA CONST. art. 32, cl.2 & art. 226, cl.1.
- Herbert Brownell Jr., John Marshall the Chief Justice, 41 Cornell L. Rev. 93 (1955)
- Supreme. Justia.com, Historical Background on Judicial Review | Constitution Annotated | Congress.gov | Library of Congress (last visited February 11th, 2024).
- U.S Const, art.6
- Alert/ lookout
- State of Madras and Ors. vs. V.G. Row, MANU/SC/0013/1952.
- Gopalan, AIR 1950 SC27.
- Rajasthan v UOI, AIR 1977, SC 1361.
- SS Bola V BD Sharma, AIR 1997.
- M.P. Jain, Indian Constitutional law, 1674, (8th edition. 2022).
- M.P. Jain, Indian Constitutional law, 1675, (8th edition. 2022).
- Minerva Mills V. UOI 1980, SC 1789
- L Chandra Kumar V UOI, AIR 1997
- kesavananda Bharati v. State of Kerala, AIR 1973 SC 1461
- Awsika Das, Kiren Rijiju : Law Minister Who Crossed The Line Too Far With Rhetoric Against Judiciary, Live Law.com, (Feb.11, 2024, 19:16 PM) https://www.livelaw.in/articles/kiren-rijiju-controversial-legacy-union-law-minister-229040
- Kantaru Rajeevaru* vs. Indian Young Lawyers Association and Ors, MANU/SC/0443/2020.
- Babulal Marandi vs. The Tribunal of the Speaker under Schedule-X of the Constitution, Jharkhand Vidhan Sabha and Ors, MANU/JH/0041/2023.
Award Winning Article Is Written By: Mr.S.M.Ayaan Rizvi

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