All Articles by Shivansh mittal

The Indian Supreme Court: Protecting the Rule of Law


As the highest court in the nation, the Indian Supreme Court is essential to upholding the rule of law and defending the rights and liberties of its residents. Since its founding in 1950, the S...

Civil Law Contracts: A Basic Understanding


A key component of civil law, contracts regulate the formation and fulfillment of legal duties between two or more parties. In-depth discussions of the fundamental ideas, forms, and traits that...

Cybercrimes and Cyber Law: Managing the Digital Environment


Cyber law, sometimes referred to as Internet law or IT law, is an important area of law that regulates the digital environment. It covers issues related to information security, e-commerce, leg...

Arbitration Law: A Detailed Synopsis


The legislative framework that controls the use of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) processes to resolve disputes must include arbitration law. This article emphasizes the importance of arb...

Protecting Creative Works in the Domain of Intellectual Property Rights throu...


Within the broad realm of intellectual property rights, copyright is a reliable safeguard for artistic pursuits. Copyright, which is derived from the combination of the words "copy" a...

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Popular Articles by Shivansh mittal

Protecting Creative Works in the Domain ...


Within the broad realm of intellectual property rights, copyright is a reliable safeguard for a...

The Indian Supreme Court: Protecting the...


As the highest court in the nation, the Indian Supreme Court is essential to upholding the rule...

Arbitration Law: A Detailed Synopsis


The legislative framework that controls the use of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) process...

Cybercrimes and Cyber Law: Managing the ...


Cyber law, sometimes referred to as Internet law or IT law, is an important area of law that re...

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