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GST on Petroleum, Natural Gases and Airline Turbinal Fuel: GST on Petroleum, Natural Gases and Airline Turbinal Fuel-Varun Singh- Posted: 2018/12/261984 Anti-Sikh Riots: Delhi HC Awards Life Term To Congress Leader Sajjan Kumar: It has been a long and gruelling wait of 34 long years for the survivors of 1984 anti-Sikh riots to finally see one big leader Sajjan Kumar being sentenced to life term by Delhi High Court -Sanjeev Sirohi Advocate - Posted: 2018/12/21
The Role of Judiciary-Protection For Working Women: There are numerous enactments occupying the field pertaining to protection welfare and empowerment of women on account of illiteracy, immortality, radical change in the Indian societies on over all rapid and effective westernization of Indian.-Dr.V.S. Kairali- Posted: 2018/12/21
The Journey of a Criminal Case From Investigation to Trial: It is true that crime and criminal are looked upon the society with the greatest hatred by all sections of the people of the society -Yash Dahiya- Posted: 2018/12/20
Employment Assistance under Priority II A category to Dependent of Disabled Soldier: My Request Is Which Authority To Give Me Employment Assistance Under Priority Ii A Category To Dependent Of Disabled Soldier.-Sandeep Kumar- Posted: 2018/12/20
Honour Killing - By The Society, For The Society: Male dominated society. Patriarchal society. Traditional Values. Our Culture. Caste System. Good Morals. These are a few of the terms that we have grown up with and accepted as part of our family values and incorporated in the societal norms.-Akriti Tyagi- Posted: 2018/12/20
A Comprehensive Study of Cyber Security And E- Surveillance: As a saying in criminology goes – “a crime will happen where and only when the opportunity avails itself.†Until recently, we were aware of only traditional types of crimes like murder, rape, theft, extortion, robbery, dacoity etc. -Nikita Goel- Posted: 2018/12/20
Plea bargaining: Indian judiciary is regarded as one of the most powerful judiciary across the globe but this powerful judiciary is being paralyzed by the weight of pending cases.-Unnimaya- Posted: 2018/12/20
Consulting International Lawyers In India For Property Encroachment: The abandoned homes and lands in this country become susceptible to encroachment. Usually, the people of this country residing abroad buy lands or homes for investment and leave them unattended which then becomes the soft target for people to encroach easily.-Ahlawat Associates- Posted: 2018/12/15
Social Media And Freedom of Speech And Expression: India is one of such paradises on earth where you can speak your heart out without the fear of someone gunning you down for that, or, it has been until now.-Neshapriyan N- Posted: 2018/12/15
Get CENOMAR from PSA Rather Than NSO:You can solemnize it anywhere. But, think about your status first. Yes, it’s compulsory if you’re settled in Philippine. You should have a legalized document of your bachelorhood, if you’re unmarried.-Lovely Sharma- Posted: 2018/12/15
Injustice Anywhere Is A Threat To Justice Everywhere - SLP In India: Special leave petition (SLP) means that an individual takes special permission to be heard in appeal against any high court/tribunal verdict.-Kapil Chandna- Posted: 2018/12/12
Contrast between Sec.47 and Sec.99 of - The Patents Act,1970: Section 99 defines what constitutes “use of an invention for the purposes of government†according to which, an invention is said to be used for the purposes of government if it is made, used, exercised -Manav Bhargava- Posted: 2018/12/12
Securities scam and stages of its impact with special reference to Enron Scam: When a company suffers from governance problems their impact might be far reaching or temporary but they certainly hamper the corporate operations.-Manav Bhargava- Posted: 2018/12/12
Section 16 of the Competition Act, 2002: Competition Commission of India is an authorized body who is empowered to enforce the Competitions Law 2002 throughout the country. It was the brainchild of the Vajpayee led Government -Upasana Sharma- Posted: 2018/12/12
Why Lawless West UP Has No High Court Bench: What is happening in West UP? Who is safe in West UP when police officers are themselves not safe here and can be murdered so openly and brazenly as we saw for ourselves just recently in Bulnadshahr?-Rajendra Singh Jani- Posted: 2018/12/12
1984 Anti Sikh Riots Delhi High Court Upholds Conviction And Punishment: Shambhir & Ors v State upholding the conviction and punishment of over 80 rioters has brought some solace to all those affected people who lost their near and dear ones in the ghastly 1984 anti-Sikh riots which brought disrepute to our country and alienated many Sikhs from the national mainstream -Sanjeev Sirohi Advocate- Posted: 2018/12/12
Arguing The Lethal Imaginaries of Terrorism And Methods of Its Tackling: A worse crime against humanity is reflected in the death of innocent civilians. Over lakhs of innocent people are estimated to have been killed in India alone due to different terror strikes.-Dr. Ishita Chatterjee- Posted: 2018/12/11
Analysis of Atiabari Tea Co Ltd. v/s The State of Assam: The case relates to interpretation of Article 301 of the constitution. Article 301 enacts a general rule that trade, commerce and intercourse throughout the territory of India shall be free.-Manav Bhargava- Posted: 2018/12/11
The Relevance of Positivism In Culturally Plural India Society:Legal positivism is one of the most influential school of thought in jurisprudence which developed in the West, especially Britain. -Antara Bordoloi- Posted: 2018/12/11
Genetically Engineered Organism And Environmental Law: A GMOs (genetically modified organism) is the result of a laboratory process where genes from the DNA of one species are extracted and artificially forced into the genes of an unrelated plant or animal.-Antara Bordoloi- Posted: 2018/12/11
Drone At Your Service: The word drone not common buzz word uses of everyone. many recall that word related with for military purpose . Yes it is not any more usage of drones for commercial purposes. -Vana Narayanan- Posted: 2018/12/11
The Information Technology Act And Media Law: The issue of censorship of online content in India is a tricky one – the Constitution permits censorship in certain limited circumstances.-Sidharthan R- Posted: 2018/12/11
Freedom of Religion and Sabrimala Judgement (2018): Mankind, since time immemorial, has been searching for explanation or justification to substantiate a point of view that hurts humanity.-Rahul Sk- Posted: 2018/12/11
Future of Crimes of Aggression: Inclusion of Non-State Actors a Must: This paper discusses the need to include the acts of aggression committed by the Violent Non-State Actors in the definition of Crimes of Aggression as given in Article 8 bis of the Rome Statute -Pranitha Pai- Posted: 2018/12/7
UNFCCC And Its Impact on Different Countries: how this convention of the United Nations came into force. Topics like climate change, the main reason behind this convention being started in the year 1992, role of the member countries in this conventions towards the reduction of the Green House Gases.-Posted: 2018/12/7
A Century long struggle for Dalit Rights-What are we lacking?: When defined in terms of how Dalits are treated they can be defined as a group of people in India who have been a victim of the caste system and have been segregated, discriminated and humiliated since the dawn of Indian civilization.-Manav Bhargava- Posted: 2018/12/7
The Management of Tnstc (Coimbatore) Ltd V. M Chandrashekaran: Analyzing The Rationale In Jurisdiction Matters: The Industrial Dispute Act, 1947 was enacted to make provisions for investigation and settlement of industrial disputes and for providing certain safeguards to the workers.-Brindha S- Posted: 2018/12/7
Is the media as the 4th pillar of democracy losing its credibility?: Media as the watchdog plays a very important role in every democracy so in the world’s largest democracy its role becomes largely important. In the history of India, media has been recognized as influential, patriotic-Prakhar Pandey- Posted: 2018/12/7
Facebook - Cambridge Analytica Data Scandal: Facebook Cambridge-Analytica was a major political scandal which came into light in early 2018 when it was revealed that Cambridge Analytica had harvested the personal data of millions of people without their consent. -Rishabh Tripathi- Posted: 2018/12/7
A Sift on The Efficaciousness of The ILO Principles In Moulding Out The Indian Labour Legislation: The International Labor Organization being (committed to promote and develop social justice) the only International Organization that has survived the second world war even after “league of nations†has been completely dissoluted.-Kanimozhi Thaninayagam- Posted: 2018/12/2
The Nuremberg Trials: Impact on International Criminal Law and Jurisprudence: After the surrender of the Axis Powers, the World War II officially came to a close. However, the horrific consequences of the Nazi ideology shocked the entire world.-Stuti Mishra- Posted: 2018/12/2
Criminalization of Indian Politics: You can get much further with kind word and a gun then with kind words alone. This quote suits best in the Indian political scenario.-Prakhar Pandey- Posted: 2018/12/2
Personal Data Protection Bill, 2018: The Committee of Experts entrusted with creating a Framework for Data Protection in India has released the much awaited Personal Data Protection Bill, 2018.-Rishabh Tripathi- Posted: 2018/12/2
Section 498 A I.P.C. Whether a shield or a weapon:498A. Husband or relative of husband of a woman subjecting her to cruelty.—Whoever, being the husband or the relative of the husband of a woman, subjects such woman to cruelty shall be punÂished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to three years and shall also be liable to fine.-Nooreen Anwar- Posted: 2018/12/2
Critical Analysis of Law of Domicile in the Domain of Private International Law: The inception of the concept of ‘domicile’ is circled with several misconceptions. Sometimes the term is confused either with ‘nationality’ or with ‘residence’. The general view about domicile is 'permanent home' but Lord Cranworth in Whicker v Hume.-Dr Sant Lal Nirvaan- Posted: 2018/12/2
Ram Jethmalani v/s Subramaniam Swamy A case analysis: This case is in itself famous because of two reasons, one that is it is one of the good pronounced judgment, second that it is between two great legal birds of India.-Shivansh Khatri- Posted: 2018/12/2
Impact of Honour Killings In The Society of India: The words "honour killings" and ‘honour crimes’ are being used loosely as a convenient expressions to describe the incidents of violence and harassment caused to the young couple intending to marry or having married against the wishes of the community or family members.-Tarun Sharma- Posted: 2018/12/2
Is It Law of Tort or Law of Torts: This theory was propounded by sir Frederick Pollock in 1887 and was vehemently supported by Winfield . he is the chief supporter of this theory. Posted: 2018/12/2
Lose-Lose Situation for CBI:A dispute between two IPS officers of AGMUT and Gujrat cadre has snowballed into a national controversial issue from an ego conflict between the two.-Prakhar Pandey- Posted: 2018/12/2
Corruption in judiciary and liability of Legal Professionals: Judicial corruption has been document in India and throughout the world. A United Nations report states: "Corruption is universal. -Dr Sant Lal Nirvaan- Posted: 2018/11/24
Sui-Dhaaga Changing Landscape of Intellectual Property in Indian textile and fashion industry: The Indian fashion Industry and Bollywood live in symbiotic relationship with each other and with our society. For decades it has inspired and got inspiration from the daily life and culture of the ordinary Indian. -Prabha Manjary Bagoria- Posted: 2018/11/24
My Suggestions in Drafting Criminal Rules of Practice in 2018: my suggestions in drafting Criminal Rules of practice -2018. The points I have suggested is to adopt to digital technology. We need to make the best use of technology.-Vana Narayanan- Posted: 2018/11/24
Plagiarism end of the Road?: The most common key that we use or strike our mind , if we ask to do or plan to write an article Crtl A and Crtl C without realizing the consequences soon to face by the doer.-Vana Narayanan- Posted: 2018/11/24
Understanding the street vendors conundrum in the Online shopping era: Our Constitution of India have provided rights to any individual to carry on any profession of their choice.Article 19 (1)(g)to practise any profession, or to carry on any occupation, trade or business.-Vana Narayanan- Posted: 2018/11/24
Need for Police Reforms in India Police Reforms vis-a-vis Cyber Crimes: As more and more of our work digitised chances of leaking of data seems improbable and the problem of law enforcement officials, individual and companies need to bear the cost of crime and loss.-Vana Narayanan- Posted: 2018/11/24
Family Welfare Committee - Product of a Flawed Judgement: The Honourable Supreme Court in Rajesh Sharma and others v State of Uttar Pradesh[1] has said that there will be no arrests under Section 498A, unless the District Family Welfare Committee report vets domestic violence by family members. Pending the Committee report -Aruanbh Rajan- Posted: 2018/11/21
Understanding Child Labour In India: Child Labour is one of the growing fears in a developing society. It not only affects a child physically, but also mental effects on the child.-Gaurav Prakash Pathak- Posted: 2018/11/21
Section 89 of CPC- A Critical Analysis: In every civilized society there are two sets of laws that govern the lives of citizens– (i) substantive laws and (ii) procedural laws. -Gaurav Prakash Pathak- Posted: 2018/11/21
Arbitration involving consortium of an Indian and foreign entity: The Supreme Court of India in a recent judgment passed in Larsen and Toubro Limited Scomi Engineering BHD Vs Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority.-Amiy Kumar- Posted: 2018/11/21
Cyber Terrorism: Terrorism is spreading all over the world and it is the greatest threat in today's society, Cyber Terrorism is vast spreading.-Arunima Misra- Posted: 2018/11/21
Warranties in Marine Insurance: Warranty means a statutory warranty, a warranty by which the assured undertakes to do or not to do a particular thing, or satisfy a particular condition and whereby he affirms or negates the existence of a particular state of facts. -Akhil Kumar- Posted: 2018/11/21
Withdrawal and Transfer of Suits: Constitution has established institutions to take care of any disputes that arise in the society; one such institution is the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908.-Yash Modi- Posted: 2018/11/18
How Filing Dowry Complaints Been Made Easier In India:Mahatma Gandhi once said "Any young man, who makes dowry a condition to marriage, discredits his education and country and dishonors womanhood". -Yash Dahiya- Posted: 2018/11/10
Case Analysis- Vishaka and others v/s State of Rajasthan: It is a landmark judgment case in the history of sexual harassment which as being decide by Supreme Court. -Simran Mishra- Posted: 2018/11/10
Moratorium: Suspension of Proceedings or Not?: A moratorium is a stay or suspension of an activity or a law. In a legal framework, it may denote to the temporary suspension of a law to permit a legal trial to be carried out.-Pratiksha Bhandari- Posted: 2018/11/10
Critically analysis of the Justice Indu Malhotra verdict on Sabrimala Temple: Approximately, A month ago Supreme Court gave the Verdict in the favour entry to irrespective to all age group women In this judgment, Justice Indu Malhotra judgement gave the dissenting judgement.-Rajesh Yadav- Posted: 2018/11/10
Powers, Functions And Limitations of Legislative Organs: aw has its different forms. It may be through the acts of the legislative bodies, through the acts of the executive or the judicial precedents and legal customs.-Aneesha Dominic- Posted: 2018/11/10
Online click-wrap Agreements - An Analysis:We all have been subject to a behavioral pattern where while browsing internet, we come across a page which interests us, but in order to proceed on the webpage, we have to click on “agree†or “I accept†somewhere in the bottom of the page.-Sharvari Shinde- Posted: 2018/11/10
Aadhaar Held Mandatory For Government Subsidies And PAN After Apex Court Upholds Its Validity By 4:1 Majority: Justice KS Puttaswamy (Retd) and another v Union of India has upheld the validity of Aadhaar for availing government subsidies and benefits and for filing income tax returns! The lone dissenting Judge in this landmark case is Justice Dr DY Chandrachud. He differed entirely from the majority and struck down Section 139AA.-Sanjeev Sirohi Advocate- Posted: 2018/11/3
Squinting at the Inheritance laws of Iran through Islamic feminism: Margot Badran, a gender issues specialist with respect to Muslim societies, defines Islamic Feminism as a discourse which is equally prevalent in the West as well as the East.-Muskan Mishra- Posted: 2018/11/3
RSS sets BJP electoral agenda, to bring Private Members bill on Ayodhya Ram Janmabhoomi Verdict: Consensus as 'Indian Vedic' sense consider all towards a common unity, without any split, birth place of 'Lord Rama' to be honoured, and Ayodhya is a 'Site' to establish Truth and Ancient Indian Vedic knowledge and information for the rest of the world.-Trilok Singh- Posted: 2018/11/3
Legal Personality of Animals: In the modern legal systems around the globe, the legal personality has become an important topic of discussion. To be a legal person, it is required to be subject of rights and duties.-Akhand Pratap Singh- Posted: 2018/11/1
Ramcoomar Koondoo v. Macqueen -A transfer by ostensible owner: “Transfer by Ostensible Owner: Where, with the consent, express or implies, of the persons interested in immovable property, a person is the ostensible owner of such property and transfer the same for consideration -Samiksha Singh- Posted: 2018/1/1
Donor can stipulate conditions in a Gift Deed and resort to cancellation on non-compliance: An appeal was made to the Supreme Court raising a fundamental question as to the legality and nature of a gift deed wherein the donor reserves his right to possession and enjoyment of the property and the conveyance is subjected to the fulfillment of certain stipulated conditions present in the deed.-Shubham Gupta- Posted: 2018/10/30
Bar Council ID Card Is Valid Identity Proof For Train Journey As Railway Issues: High Court of Kerala has in a historic move directed the Indian Railways to treat identity cards issued to lawyers by respective Bar Councils as a valid identity proof to undertake a train journey/travel.-Sanjeev Sirohi Advocate- Posted: 2018/10/30
The Current Crisis: Tension between Dams-Management and Development: Worst Dam Management in the country may have aggravated the floods, raising questions about the role and the action plan of dams management, as many research attribution-Trilok Singh- Posted: 2018/10/27
Real Estate Regulatory Authority, Act 2016: The Real Estate transactions were very lopsided and were heavily in the favour of developers. The home buyers had a hard time dealing with the real estate principles and rules.-Aman Kr.Saini- Posted: 2018/10/26
Criminal Defamation - Constitutional or Not: Defamation is thus the publication of a statement which reflects on a person’s reputation and tends to lower him in the estimation of right-thinking members of society generally or tends to make them shun or avoid him.-Kartik Tyagi- Posted: 2018/10/24
Arbitration And Intellectual Property Rights: In the most basic language, arbitration means a non judicial process for settlement of disputes where there is an independent party-Kartik Tyagi- Posted: 2018/10/24
SC Refuses Complete Ban on Sale of Firecrackers; online Sale Banned; Duration For Bursting Crackers Fixed:In Arjun Gopal and others v UoI Supreme Court has passed a string of landmark directions which are certainly laudable and deserves to be implemented in totality. This landmark judgment will go a long way in ensuring that the environment is not slaughtered mercilessly by polluting it mercilessly -Sanjeev Sirohi Advocate- Posted: 2018/10/24
Necessity of Right to Information in Today's World: This paper is aimed at explaining the Necessity of Right to Information in Today's World. Under the Right to Information Act, 2005 every citizen has a right to take information in any form.-Kukrejakajal- Posted: 2018/10/24
Devotion Cannot Be Subjected To Gender Discrimination, SC Allows Women Entry In Sabarimala By 4:1 Majority: In Indian Young Lawyers Association v/s Kerala has very laudably permitted entry of women of all age groups to the Sabarimala temple, holding that 'devotion cannot be subjected to gender discrimination'. It is one of the most progressive and path breaking judgment that we have witnessed in last many decades just like in the Shayara Bano case-Sanjeev Sirohi Advocate- Posted: 2018/10/24
Law of Torts - An Overview: The law of Tort in India is developed and evolved from the law of Torts in UK. Most popularly known as “judge made law†this law does not come from a statute and is not codified.-Sharvari Shinde- Posted: 2018/10/24
#MeToo - Is it right way to seek justice?: Today in the world of liberal thinking, we have moved onto having equal rights, LGBT rights, gender justice and what not. India, being a conservative country, -Shubham Bansal- Posted: 2018/10/24
The Position and Limitation Upon the Rights of a Nominee: The Hon'ble Bombay High Court in the case of Jayanand Jayant Salgaonkar and Ors. Vs. Jayashree Jayant Salgaonkar and Ors.-Siddharth Kumar- Posted: 2018/10/24
How to file a consumer complaint in India: We all people buy goods or avail services for our requirements in life. Sometimes these goods or services may not be up to mark or may be less in quantity than required or the charges may be more than the fixed price. More often the consumers are cheated by the traders.-Ankush Chauhan- Posted: 2018/10/23
Article 14 Equality before law: Article 14 of the Indian constitution of India provides that the state shall not deny to any person Equality before the law or the equal protection of the laws in the Territory of India.-Komal chhajer- Posted: 2018/10/22
Arrest procedure and Right: The code has been not defined the term "arrest". State of Haryana v/s Dinesh Kumar 2008- the apex court observed that the expression arrest has neither been defined in the Crpc nor in IPC -- Posted: 2018/10/20
Censorship of Films: The term'censorship'comes from the Latin'censere'meaningto give one's opinion, or to assess. In ancient Rome the censors, two Roman magistrates, conducted the census and regulated the manners and morals of the citizens.-Sumit Mathew- Posted: 2018/10/18
Charge, content, consequence of defect in the framing charge: A charge may be defined as precise formula of a specific accusation made against a person of an offence alleged to have been committed by him. Biricch Bhuian Vs Stae of Bihar -Deepak Dutta - Posted: 2018/10/18
Right To Life And Personal Liberty: An Overview: According to article 21 of the constitution of India, No person shall be deprived of his life or personal liberty, except according to procedure established by law.-Venkateshwaran- Posted: 2018/10/18
Dispute - An IBC perspective: The dispute under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 (Code) has an inclusive definition. -Mandar- Posted: 2018/10/18
Role of ICT in Forensics and Evidence: Forensics has become an important part of solving crimes and finding criminals. It not only helps in identifying the way and cause of death but many other circumstances related to the death.-Sayanti Chakrabarti- Posted: 2018/10/16
Laws and Policies for Protection of Interest of Children: A Critical Analysis: Child is considered as an important national asset of a nation as the future of any nation depends on how its children mature and develop.-Venkateshwaran- Posted: 2018/10/16
Universal Jurisdiction of Rule of Law Vis-a-Vis Human Rights: The ideal of the Rule of Law (hereafter - ROL), which can be traced back at least as far as Aristotle and Plato, is profoundly embedded in the public political cultures and constitutional jurisprudence of modern democratic societies -Adithya Anil Variath- Posted: 2018/10/16
Victimless Crime: Unawareness In Sense of Victim About Crime: Victimless crime is a crime without victim in it no third party is injured. This type of crime is private in nature and there is consent that is doing the victimless crime.-Prashant Bhimrao Maske- Posted: 2018/10/14
Solution of NRI Children Legal Needs to Avoid Detention In US: The Trump administration sticks to its 'zero tolerance' policy over undocumented immigration to the US. Its every single move is proving a fear factor for the non-residents of India-Lovely Sharma- Posted: 2018/10/14
Aadhar Judgement-Its Implication on Indian Telecom Industry: Aadhaar scheme of Indian Government was designed in the year 2006 and introduced in our country in the year 2009 with the functioning of an Central Authority namely UIDAI-Bhabani Prasad Pujary- Posted: 2018/10/14
Adultery not a crime - Legalizing illegal under the guise of equality- consequential effects: Indian penal code has provided the list of activities which are considered as illegal and the same time inserted under the list of offences with corresponding punishments.-Vijayalakshmi- Posted: 2018/10/8
Model Good Samaritan law: The country like India, being a developing country does not have a reasonable rescue mechanism in place when an accident takes place.-Kumar Saurav- Posted: 2018/10/8
Corporate Social Responsibility in India: A mandatory philanthropy not so mandated: Before filing a consumer complaint we should know as to who can file a consumer complaint. The answer to this question is only a consumer can file a consumer complaint.-Ankush Chauhan- Posted: 2018/10/2
International Civil Aviation Dispute Settlement: Our task over the next few generations is to transform the world of independent states in which we live into some sort of genuine international community.-Vanshika Sharma- Posted: 2018/10/2
Resolution vs. Liquidation: The Real Spirit of Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2001: Companies are generally incorporated with the motive of profit earning but some times, due to financial constraint or other reasons, situations may arise where surviving of entity becomes difficult. -Vishnu Tandi- Posted: 2018/10/2
Victim Compensation Scheme: An Aspect of Modern Criminology: The compensation to victim of crime is a matter of concern, throughout the world the condition of the victims of crime is no better.-Kumar saurav- Posted: 2018/10/2
Salient Features of The Narcotic Drugs And Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985. And The Judicial Voice: This is a special Act, while adopting the liberal construction of the Act, it is found that the Act has been enacted with a view to make stringent provisions for the control and regulation of operation relating to the narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances.-Gursimran Kaur- Posted: 2018/9/27
Education within ambit of services: Many schools and colleges are emerging day by day. There are many fake universities or claim of false affiliation with well-known Universities in India as well as abroad.-Pratiksha Bhandari- Posted: 2018/9/27
Repercussions of contracting a second marriage during the subsistence of earlier marriage by a Government Servant: Rule 19 of the All India Services (Conduct) Rules, 1968 provides restriction regarding marriage. The restriction is to an extent that no member of the Service[2] shall enter into, or contract a marriage with a person having a spouse living-Sahil Modi- Posted: 2018/9/27
Features of Muslim Women (protection of Rights on marriage) ordinance 2018: to declare the practice of Triple Talaq or instant Talaq void. The practice of Triple Talaq was continuing even after the verdict given by supreme court in Shayara Bano vs Union of India which rendered the act of giving instantaneous Talaq unconstitutional and invalid.-Gauhar alam- Posted: 2018/9/26
Resolution vs. Liquidation: The Real Spirit of Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016: Companies are generally incorporated with the motive of profit earning. Many times, due to some financial constraint or other reasons, situations may arise where surviving of entity becomes difficult.-Vishnu Tandi- Posted: 2018/9/26
Evolution and Development of the Right to Information Act in India: The Constitution of India has been around for 68 years now, and has since been amended a number of times to accommodate the changing mind set of developing India, and the interpretation of this document, especially of the Articles related to Fundamental Rights has been diverse.-Stuti Aastha- Posted: 2018/9/23
India-Bangladesh Land Boundary Agreement, Constitution 100th Amendment Bill, 2015: With the purpose of giving effect to the Land Boundary Agreement, 1974 signed between the Government of Republic of India and The Government of People's Republic of Bangladesh and the Protocol to the agreement signed between the Prime Ministers of the two countries in 2011-Mrunali Lanjewar- Posted: 2018/9/22
Whether the Right to freedom of religion is a absolute right: Whenever our judiciary gives the decision for the religion reform than our fundamentalist friend argue that No one have a right to interfere in our religion and personal laws and Our constitution gives a right to follow their own personal law according to Right to freedom of religion which is mentioned in Article 25 to 28.-Rajesh- Posted: 2018/9/21
Nuclear Liability Insurance: In the 21st Century the power has become an integral part of human life, country like India where the electricity is still a part of political campaign. Power plays very crucial role in the development of any country. Over the course of history-aj.ajay- Posted: 2018/9/23
Refugee and the Non-refoulement obligation: Law of Refugee has its basis in Human Rights and Humanitarian Law. Even though the term refugee has been adequately defined in various regional and international instruments-Vani Manoraj- Posted: 2018/9/18
Software Inventions and Indian Patent Ecosystem: It is an indisputable fact that IT sector and software industry are the biggest contributors to India’s economic growth in recent times.-Ujjwal Kumar Jha- Posted: 2018/9/18
Indian Perspective on the Right to Privacy: The concept of privacy can be traced out in the ancient text of Hindus. If one look at the Hitopadesh it says that certain matter (worship, sex and family matters) should be protected from disclosure.-Vigneshwaran- Posted: 2018/9/18
Why blasphemous crime should be abolished: The crime related to blasphemous has been given the section 295A of Indian Penal code which says that If any person commits the any act with the purpose of hurting a religious sentiment than he / she will be liable under this section it is a debate from a long time that blasphemous crime should be abolished .-Rajesh- Posted: 2018/9/18
Are the Issuers geared up for a Quarter Leveraging from Bonds: Time and again, Government of India ("Government") in consultation with the Regulators has taken several measures to strengthen the corporate bonds market.-Surbhi Narang- Posted: 2018/9/17
What before 498A: Today on 14 September 2018 Hon’ble The Supreme court of India has reversed its earlier judgment of scrutiny of every 498A case by family welfare committee and now has again brought us back to the days of misuse of law.-Naman Verma- Posted: 2018/9/14
Why Personal liberty is danger in Aligarh Muslim University: Aligarh Muslim University is again in controversy because of the issue the rules and regulations on the dressing matter According to rules of Aligarh Muslim University Wearing the black Sherwani is mandatory in official function-Rajesh- Posted: 2018/9/14
Alteration of Charges in the light of Anant Prakash Sinha v. State of Haryana: This case also revolves upon the theme of having a fair trial and the question of prejudice is involved in this case as the particular section which is linked with this case talks about the prejudice being cause to the accused-Archit Mishra- Posted: 2018/9/14
Compromise Decree: A Detailed Overview: Decree means the formal expression of an adjudication which, so far as regards the Court expressing it, conclusively determines the rights of the parties with regard to all or any of the matters in controversy in the suit - Naeemullah Azeem- Posted: 2018/9/13
Protection of Trade Secrets Under Indian Law: As a signatory of the Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs), India is obligated to protect undisclosed information.(1) However, since Member States are allowed to have a sui generis mechanism in place as provided under Article 10 -Shrivatsav N- Posted: 2018/9/13
Arbitrating Patent Disputes: Growing reliance on technology as a means of procurement of goods and services has requisitioned the need for patent protection from threat of possible infringement.-Shrivatsav N- Posted: 2018/9/13
Legal Vehicles for the Commercialization of Intellectual Property Rights: his article explains how the owner may commercialize their intellectual property rights by sale or assignment or by entering into various contractual relationships like licensing.IPR play a fundamental role as the legal vehicles -Priyanka malhan- Posted: 2018/9/9
Why polygamy is not a crime for Muslim male: After the verdict of Triple Talaq case Supreme Court set up a constitutional bench for the purpose of examining the validity of polygamy among the Muslim community because No one is above than law.-Rajesh- Posted: 2018/9/9
Scope of Hybrid of Long-Term Care Insurance With Long-Term Disability Insurance:A Hybrid insurance product is basically a combination of two insurance products which may include few featured of financial instrument, however not necessarily accessing the capital market. -Mythiraye Raman- Posted: 2018/9/9
Rera vs Insolvency Code vs Consumer Forum: Home Buyers/Flat Purchasers Remedy: A recently promulgated legislation, RERA seeks tocurb the shortcomingsof respective Ownership Acts prevailing in each state. A centre enacted legislation, RERA seeks to provide uniform laws throughout the states, for protecting the interest of home buyers-Dighe- Posted: 2018/9/9
Violation of girls Rights in Aligarh Muslim University:Discrimination against women is a very controversial topic in today's era discrimination against women may be see in everywhere like home, employment, army temple and even though in famous educational institute -Rajesh- Posted: 2018/9/9
Violation of Reservation policy in Aligarh Muslim University: Now after the Jinah controversy Aligarh Muslim University is again in publicity. Because of the violation of right of SC, ST& OBC I am in the favour of SC, ST & OBC reservation policy in Aligarh Muslim.-Rajesh- Posted: 2018/9/9
Patriotically Yours Supreme Court, The National Anthem Case:Quis custodiet ipsos custodes, is a very often heard line whose validity must not be lost as passé. For, the relevance of the cited maxim comes often into play.-Sinta Umpo- Posted: 2018/9/9
Articles of Association Play Subordinate Role To Memorandum of Association: An Uncanny Synthesis: Section 2(5) of the Companies Act, 2013 envisages ‘articles’ which means the originally framed articles of association of a company or any alterations done to the articles of association -S C Vaidyanathan- Posted: 2018/9/9
Time Limits Prescribed In The Insolvency And Bankruptcy Code Must Be Made Mandatory: The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2018 has created for a legal and institutional framework for the process of regulating insolvency in India.-Shrusti S Kalkura- Posted: 2018/9/9
Interpreting the term Creditor under Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016: The term Creditor has been defined under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC), 2016 to provide for an exhaustive definition of the classification of creditors.-Shrusti S Kalkura- Posted: 2018/9/7
Definition of State under Article 12: This article gives an overview of the Definition of State as per Article 12 Of the Constitution of India with emphasis on Relevant case law -sharmarushil10- Posted: 2018/9/3
How banks can deal with the notice from Tax authorities in India: Owing to increase in money laundering and tax evasion practices, banks are often served with the notices under section 133(6) and section 226(3) of the income tax act, 1961, by the tax authorities.-Vishal Tinani- Posted: 2018/9/1
Validity of Darul-Ul-Qaza Sharia Court: A Few months ago chief organization of Bigots Muslim All India Personal law board argues that they will open a Darul Ul Qaza in each district in whole states As a law student , feminst I am not in the favour of the decision of All India personal law board.-Rajesh- Posted: 2018/9/1
Mediation As An Appropriate Dispute Resolution: The justice delivery system in India is known for the huge pendency of cases resulting in undue delay. And ‘justice delayed is justice denied’.-Ritika Ghosh- Posted: 2018/9/1
The Beti Issue: Declining CSR In India: orthodox ideas of 'women empowerment' have changed for women living in the context of insecurity, examining many facts related to declining'Child Sex Ratio'(CSR) in throughout India.-Trilok Singh- Posted: 2018/8/26
Important judgements for Bankers in India: As the banking industry has started to face the crises of NPA accounts, which has duly fractured the financial system to maximum limit. Due diligence has become important aspect for the bankers.-Vishal Tinani- Posted: 2018/8/22
Marital Rape: A Hidden Crime: Anciently, Raptus, the generic term of rape was to imply violent felony, applied to both property and person. It absolutely was involving sexual molestation and merely the theft of a woman against the consent of her guardian or those with legal power over her.-Manisha Sreenivasan- Posted: 2018/8/22
Evolution of Right to Privacy In India: Right to privacy is a facet of right to life and personal liberty enshrined under article 21 of the Indian constitution and right to privacy has been recognized as fundamental right in the recent judicial pronouncement in Justice K.S Putthaswamy v. Union of India.-Shubham Mishra- Posted: 2018/8/22
Shield of IPR around IPL: In todays era Intellect needs protection too and there is no business that can run successfully without the shelter of intellectual property law. In Cricket, among all the intellectual property rights, i) Copyright ii) Design and iii) Trademark is required to be protected.-Anita Roy- Posted: 2018/8/22
Arbitration: Place, Venue and Law Applicable: Arbitration is in simple terms a method of alternate dispute resolution by an impartial third person(s) who adjudicates upon the dispute between parties. It is basically to resolve disputes outside the courts, which are usually long drawn battles, with sanction of law which is binding upon the parties.-Dighe- Posted: 2018/8/22
Different Trends of Vicarious Liability: Vicarious liability, also known by the Latin term respondeat superior, or by imputed liability, is a legal concept that assigns liability to an individual who did not actually cause the harm-Gursimran Kaur- Posted: 2018/8/22
The Concept of Temporary And Perpetual Injunction: In terms of justice, an injunction is a court’s order that requires a person to do or abstain from doing an act that is necessary and the absence of which would be contrary to good faith and good conscience. This provision statutory supports the Natural Justice and Equity.-Gursimran Kaur- Posted: 2018/8/22
One Nation, One Election The Law And The Politics:The debate has been going on around the country regarding ‘One nation, One election’. What the concept actually means is that elections to the Lok Sabha and all the state legislatures shall be held at the same time.-Megha Sahni- Posted: 2018/8/22
Impact of drugs on Human Body: Human body is the creation of god and the most precious creation on the earth. human body is capable of doing so many activities for example thinking, speaking, exercising, or implementing -Komal chhajer- Posted: 2018/8/22
Rights Against Domestic Violence: The definition of Domestic Violence is well written and wide-ranging and holistic. It covers, mental as well as physical abuse, and also threats to do the same. Any form of harassment, coercion, and harm to health, safety, limb or well-being is covered.-Gursimran Kaur- Posted: 2018/8/17
Women Rights As Human Rights: Women Rights- basically means whether they have the equal rights with the rights of man as the competence of the man and women are the same.-Kajal Kukreja- Posted: 2018/8/12
Concept of Debentures In India: Debenture is a movable property. It is in the form of a certificate of indebtedness of the company and issued by the company itself.-Rachna Nain- Posted: 2018/8/12
Section 498A: Alleged Misuse or Factual Under Use: There are people alleging the misuse of section 498A IPC which was inserted in the Indian Penal Code in 1983 after due deliberations for the protection of women from marital violence and dowry harassment.-Rachna Nain- Posted: 2018/8/12
Land Acquisition- a critical analysis: The Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Bill2011was introduced in Lok Sabha in 2011. In pursuance of the the Right to Fair Compensation, Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act- Spiti Sarkar- Posted: 2018/8/6
Vitriolage - The Brutalization of Human Body: vicious liquid in a bottle or we can say hell in a bottle, causes a havoc in the life of many people, the loss of which is irreparable by any means. The word acid in itself causes a different sensation, and then what is the plight of those who are the victims of acid attack.-Krati Bhardwaj and Sakshi Singh- Posted: 2018/8/6
Delay defeats Justice: A study of provisions of Civil Procedure Code and Limitation Act: This article aims to define delay in civil suits. It finds the general as well as specific causes leading to pendency of civil suits and over-burdening of courts. This articles suggests some solutions which are pragmatic as well as effective to reduce the burden of the courts and speed up the civil judicial process.-Vibhor Pratap Singh and Suyash Sachan- Posted: 2018/8/6
Indian Judiciary and Freedom of Press: To struggle against censorship, whatever its nature, and whatever the power under which it exists, is my duty as a writer, as are calls for freedom of the press. I am a passionate supporter of that freedom, and I consider that if any writer were to imagine that he could prove he didn't need that freedom, then he would be like a fish affirming in public that it didn't need water.-ishapunalekar- Posted: 2018/8/6
The Doctrine of Basic Structure of the Indian Constitution: A Critique: he Constitution makers gave the power to amend the Constitution in the hands of the Parliament by making it neither too rigid nor too flexible with a purpose that the Parliament will amend it as to cope up with the changing needs and demands of WE THE PEOPLE OF INDIA.-Aqa Raza- Posted: 2018/8/6
Concept of Will under Muslim Law: A Will or Testament or Wasiyat has been defined as an instrument by which a person makes disposition of his property to take effect after his death.-Shib Shanker- Posted: 2018/8/6
Understanding Euthanasia: Right To Life or Death: Article 21 of the Indian Constitution which deals with protection of life and personal liberty has gone through successive interpretations by the Courts of law in important landmark judgements.-Trilok Singh- Posted: 2018/8/6
A Step Towards The One Election: Conducting state assembly and Lok Sabha election at 'one Time' will not only relief the public, economy and administrative load on the 'Election commission' (EC) of India but the government can also function very smoothly without any kind of hurdles caused by the 'Model Code of Conduct' (MCC).-Trilok Singh- Posted: 2018/8/6
Menace of Youth Radicalization: As we aware that, Violent Extremism on Social Media and the 'Radicalization of Youth' becomes a Top Challenge for many societies today and it threatening the 'Fundamental Rights' of citizens, across the world.-Trilok Singh- Posted: 2018/8/6
Trademark Opposition Under New Trademark Rule, 2017: A Trademark Opposition is an administrative proceeding before the Registrar of the trademark, wherein one party seeks to prevent another from registering a trademark.-Kumar abhinav- Posted: 2018/7/27
Criminal Judiciary Reforms in India: Indian judiciary system is for its independence and justice oriented approach. When we talk about Indian judiciary system it was from the pre-British days, in 18thcentury judiciary emerged during the British regime high court. -shipra dubey- Posted: 2018/7/27
A hidden inducement of compulsory registration of Partnership: An Analysis: Partnership comes into existence when two or more persons join together and agree to carry on a business and share the profits thereof.-Madhu Nallaswamy- Posted: 2018/7/27
Implied Conditions and Warranties under the Sale of Goods Act 1930 with reference to the rule of Caveat Emptor: The Sale of Goods Act 1930 (hereinafter the Act) contains various provisions regarding the sale of goods. One such provision is of conditions and warranties. In Section 12 of the Act the meaning of conditions and warranties-Vanshika Sharma- Posted: 2018/7/27
The juvenile Rape Case: Nirbhaya Case or it's also known as 2012 Delhi Gang Case. This case is a case which dealt with the evil of rape and felt a should that took place with the women in South Delhi.-Poonam kumari- Posted: 2018/7/27
Case Analysis- Harshad J. Shah vs. LIC of India: Shah had taken four insurance policies, of Rs 25,000 each, from the Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) of India. All of them came with double inadvertent benefits and were taken on March 6, 1986 through the same insurance broker. The premium was payable on a half-yearly basis.-Tanya Shrivastava- Posted: 2018/7/27
Defects of Judicial system in India: The expression "defects of the judicial system in India" signifies the anxiety of courts to find out an appropriate remedy to the aggrieved formulating a new settle the conflating question in the event of law lessens or uncertain laws.-Siddhi Triapthi- Posted: 2018/7/26
SC Women Lawyers Association Seeks Chemical Castration For Child Rapists: Coming straight to the nub of the matter, let me begin at the very beginning by first and foremost expressing my full and firm support to the growing perfectly justified demand that seeks chemical-Sanjeev Sirohi Advocate- Posted: 2018/7/22
High Caste Priests Cannot Refuse To Perform Religious Ceremonies on Behalf of Lower Caste People: Uttarakhand High Court:Pukhraj v/s State of Uttarakhand warned high caste priests very strongly against refusing to perform religious ceremonies on behalf of lower caste pilgrims. It took a very stern view of the still existing practice of exclusion of the SC/ST community in Haridwar. -Sanjeev Sirohi Advocate- Posted: 2018/7/22
Uttarakhand HC Recommends Govt To Enact Legislation For Awarding Death Penalty For Rape of Girls Aged 15 Years Or Below: Uttarakhand High Court in State of Uttarakhand v/s Karandeep Sharma, Razia, Raju in its landmark judgment delivered on January 5, 2018 recommended strongly the state government to enact in three months a suitable legislation for awarding death sentence to those found guilty of raping girls of 15 years or below.-Sanjeev Sirohi Advocate- Posted: 2018/7/22
Merit Can't Be Defeated on Technical Grounds: Delhi HC: Delhi High Court in Jasmeen Kaur v Union of India and others in W.P.(C) 7040/2018 while holding merit over technical grounds has opened up a closed opportunity for an aspiring medico to register for the second round of counselling for deemed universities after the due date. How can merit be defeated on technical ground?-Sanjeev Sirohi Advocate- Posted: 2018/7/22
Matrimonial Discord Can't Be Considered As Reason For Permitting Termination of Pregnancy: Bombay HC: The Bombay High Court in Neelam Choudhary V/s UOI in Writ Petition while refusing a plea seeking termination of pregnancy held that matrimonial discord cannot be considered as a reason for permitting termination of pregnancy by invoking provisions of the Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act, 1971.-Sanjeev Sirohi Advocate- Posted: 2018/7/22
Enact Law For Safety of Soldiers of Jammu And Kashmir: It is most hurting to see that in India, the soldiers who hail from Jammu and Kashmir and who join forces either in Army or in CRPF or in BSF or in police or in any other forces against the will of majority-Sanjeev Sirohi Advocate- Posted: 2018/7/22
SC Finally Decides Master of Roster Case: Shanti Bhushan v Supreme Court of India through its Registrar and another in Writ Petition (Civil) No. 789 of 2018 (Arising out of Diary No. 12405 of 2018) refused pointblank to declare-Sanjeev Sirohi Advocate- Posted: 2018/7/22
Supreme Court To Look Into Validity Of Amended Law Permitting Political Parties To Accept Foreign Funding: It is a matter of deepest regret that both the Congress and the BJP which have ruled India from 1947 to 2018 fully and firmly support the unrestricted, unaccounted and undisclosed political donations to political parties from foreign countries.-Sanjeev Sirohi Advocate- Posted: 2018/7/22
protection of child and Juvenile under Indian contract act 1872: The children who is below the age of 18 years is against the fundamentals of the general contract act. If a child is employed in a shop or other place then there is a contract.-ojasvijain- Posted: 2018/7/22
Discharge Application: Discharge application is the remedy provided to the person who has been charged maliciously. If the false allegations have been made against him, he can file an application for discharge. He is entitled to acquittal if the evidence provided to the court is not sufficient to prove the offence.-Naincy Goyal- Posted: 2018/7/22
Vishaka case 1997: The women of today being self-dependent and though holding good positions face harassment, inequality, and biasness at workplace. Sexual offence is a serious offence which has destroyed the reputation of many a public figure.-Mirza- Posted: 2018/7/22
Rights of Muslim Women-An Analysis Under Personal Law: Today, the issues of women rights in Muslim personal Law is highly controversial. Specially, Muslim women rights relating to marriage, triple talaq divorce, inheritance, maintenance has got much consideration now days.-Ritika Sahu- Posted: 2018/7/22
Case Analysis-The Patna Case: The Patna Case took eminent place in the Indian legal history because it had reveled the of the system judicial administration.-Poonam kumari- Posted: 2018/7/22
Case Analysis-Mohori Bibee v/s dharmodas Ghose: Mohori Bibee V/S Dharmodas Ghose[1] is a case that covers the ambit of minors agreement. This case basically deals with a minor's contract or a contract with a minor. In India, an agreement or a contract with a minor-Simran Mishra- Posted: 2018/7/22
Educational rights of minorities under article 30 A prime source of inequality: Ancient India is considered to be a land of minorities from previous times which consists of various groups- racial, religious, linguistic and cultural. In India, people were divided by difference of religion, language, race, culture and socio-economic factors.-Sakshi Vaishnav- Posted: 2018/7/22
P2P Lending In India: Peer-to-peer lending or commonly known as P2P lending are platforms which aims at providing individuals alternate sources to fund their capital requirements.-Sheethal Menon- Posted: 2018/7/19
Violation of Woman right in Sabrimala Temple: The famous temple of Lord Ayappa is in controversy because of barred the entry of women from the 10 to 50 years. Supporter of North entry of women argue that this is a tradition -Rajesh Yadav- Posted: 2018/7/19
Registering Trademark Under new Trademark Rules, 2017: A trademark is a distinctive mark in the form of the word, symbol, name, sound, numerals, wrapper, packaging labels, tagline, logo or a combination of these used to identify a good or service and to distinguish it from other similar goods or services originating from different businesses.-Kumar Abhinav- Posted: 2018/7/18
Should Uniform Civil Code be implemented in India: I personally do not understand why religion should be given this vast, expansive jurisdiction, so as to cover the whole of life and to prevent the legislature from encroaching upon that field. After all, what are we having this liberty for? We are having this liberty in order to reform our social system, which is so full of inequities, discriminations and other things, which conflict with our fundamental rights.- Kanishk Ritu Khullar- Posted: 2018/7/18
Validity of Shariah Court: Now days All India Personal law board says that they are going to open the Shariah Court in India.-Rajesh Yadav- Posted: 2018/7/12
Augmentation of False FIRs: What are the different Remedies available in Indian Laws against False Cases: With increasing crime rate, atrocities and mayhem suffered by poor, women and senior citizens in India, the Indian Judiciary have espoused a very strict mode to deal with such type of complaints of offences and deterrence has been also used by the Indian Judiciary to punish the convicts and to control such crime.- Kanishk Ritu Khullar- Posted: 2018/7/11
Rights of Accused Persons: Our constitution is based on fundamental that "Let Hundreds Go Unpunished, But Never Punish An Innocent Person" Right to get a fair representation in a criminal procedure is a facet of Right to Equality (Article 14). Article 20-Gursimran Kaur- Posted: 2018/7/10
Case Note on Vega Auto Accessories (P) Ltd. v. S.K. Jain Bros. Helmet (I) Pvt: The plaintiff has sued the defendant for permanent injunction restraining infringement of registered design in relation to helmets, and for ancillary reliefs.the Plaintiff filed a suit before the High Court of Delhi alleging piracy-infringement of registered design of its Vega brand auto helmet.-Chauhan- Posted: 2018/7/10
Case Analysis-Mohd Ahmad Khan v/s Shah Bano Begum: Mohd. Ahmad Khanv/Sshah Bano Begum - (Air 1985 Scr (3) 844) - Triple Talaq Landmark Case Bench Of Judges: Y.V Chandrachud, D.A Desai, O.Chinnappa Reddy, E.S Venkataramiah, Rangnath Misra-Simran Mishra- Posted: 2018/7/10
Cyber Stalking: Challenges In Regulating Cyberstalking At The Cyber Space: This 21stcentury fulfilled by the information technology and the usage of the modern technologies is increased. Information technology widened its usage throughout the world and it's become the axis of today's global and technology development.-Aravinthraj- Posted: 2018/7/10
Unconstitutional Reservation Policy of Aligarh Muslim University: Reservation System in AMU which is totally Contrary to our constitution According to guidelines of Indira Sawney case Reservation can not be more than 50 % while in Aligarh Muslim university 50 % reservation is only for internal student-Rajesh Yadav- Posted: 2018/7/6
AFSPA and Human Right: A accused is presumed to innocent until allegation proves but According to section 4 of Armed forces special Power ACT Any Armed forces personnel can shoot to kill in case of the commission or suspicion of the commission of offences and It is also contrary to the Article 21 which talk about the Right to life and personal liberty.-Rajesh Yadav- Posted: 2018/7/6
Article 370: The root Reason of Kashmir problem: Now days after the imposing of governor rule in Jammu and Kashmir, The issue of Article 370 is again in controversy I am totally in favour of the abolishment of Article 370 -Rajesh Yadav- Posted: 2018/7/6
Statutory Restrictions on Allotment of Securities: An overview: A company makes an offer to subscribe to its shares by way of an application. "The allotment of shares precedes the issue of shares. Allotment of shares means appropriation of unissued shares to any particular person preliminary to the issue of shares.-Divya Aggarwal- Posted: 2018/7/6
Introduction to Corporate Governance: The executive directors of the company lost the sense of business ethics and earnings became the only motive. Directors were not prepared to show losses which led to the use of unethical practices like forging books of accounts to show higher earnings.-Aachal Sah- Posted: 2018/7/6
Defamation in Law of Torts: Meaning, essentials and defences: Defamation is injury to the reputation of a person. If a person injures the reputation of another he does so at his own risk, as in the case of an interference with the property. A man’s reputation is his property, and if possible, more valuable, than other property.-Vanshika Sharma- Posted: 2018/7/6
Case Note on M/s Crocs Inc. USA v. M/s Liberty Shoes: Citation: CS (COMM) No. 772/2016 - Judgment: In favour of Liberty Shoes Ltd. - Coram: Hon’ble Justice Valmiki J. Mehta-Chauhan- Posted: 2018/7/6
Analysis of Public Policy with respect to The Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996: Justice Burroughs once described 'public policy' as an unruly horse; when once you get astride it you never know where it will carry you. The Indian position on 'public policy' as a ground for setting aside an arbitral award befits this description.-Annie agrawal- Posted: 2018/7/6
Right To Information A Journey of Transparency: The Right to Information Act 2005 is nothing but proved as the best structure formed for the information seekers because when it comes to the rights of the citizen the issues and the problems-Padmini chouhan- Posted: 2018/7/6
An Insight into 2015 Amendment Act and 2018 Amendment Bill Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996: Arbitration in India has been riddled with issues including excessive cost, protracted proceedings leading to extensive delays. In order to remedy such issues and create greater confidence in parties to choose India as a seat for arbitration,-Archit Sehgal- Posted: 2018/7/6
Legal Education System in India:Legal education is essentially a multi-disciplined, multi-purpose education which can develop the human resources and idealism needed to strengthen the legal system.-Meghna Bajpai- Posted: 2018/7/6
Impact of Intellectual Property Rights on Disembodied Knowledge Trade With Reference To Technology Transfer: In a globalised world, countries need not depend only upon their own resources to acquire the technologies they need for production. The other resources include those that can be acquired through trade related to technology blueprints, patents, the right to use patents and various kinds of technical services.-Pooja Vikram- Posted: 2018/7/6
Types of recruitments in personnel management : The nucleus of Public administration: Selecting and recruiting human resources for Public Administration is a management area that has been undergoing in – depth changes. An effective response is required to meet the challenges of a society in which growing knowledge and awareness of citizenship demand transparency and speediness of processes.-Kirti- Posted: 2018/7/5
Rule against perpetuity and its exceptions: A sine qua non of Property transfer: Perpetuity is an interest, which will not vest till a remote period. One cannot postpone the vesting of the property in the transferee beyond a certain limit. The period for which vesting may be lawfully postponed is called : “perpetuity periodâ€.-Kirti- Posted: 2018/7/2
Res Gestae Section 6 Indian Evidence Act,1872: Through this short article the author wants to put forward the various aspects of the doctrine of Res gestae as found under section 6 of The Indian Evidence Act,1872. -Moumita Mallick- Posted: 2018/7/2
Commercial Surrogacy: Legal, Social and Ethical Concerns: With the advent of assisted reproductive technologies surrogate parenting has risen sharply in recent years. Cross-border commercial surrogacy arrangements are on the rise due to globalization of travel and communications. International commercial surrogacy-poojaisshining- Posted: 2018/7/2
A To Z of Trips: An Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights: As a part of WTO Agreement, the implementation of the TRIPS patent regime was the primary requirement in order to enable participation in multilateral trading system. The researcher has given an in depth view of the factors responsible for and outcomes of the TRIPS Agreement.-poojaisshining- Posted: 2018/7/2
Intellectual Property Rights and their Nature: The Concept of Institutional Arbitration: certain issues that exist in the Institutional Arbitration in India and identifies areas for reform in the Indian arbitration, to strengthen the existing arbitration mechanisms, and also to put forward focus areas for promoting institutional arbitration in India.-poojaisshining- Posted: 2018/7/2
Environment Protection And Law A Brief Conspectus: the problem of environmental pollution and legislative framework towards protection of environment, with the questions; whether the existing specific statutes are sufficient to tackle the environment problem? What are the loopholes in the present legal system?-poojaisshining- Posted: 2018/7/2
Indian Constitution is in danger: After the forming of Modi government this question has been raised by the opposition parties that our constitution is in danger BJP government is trying to change the constitution-Rajesh Yadav-Posted: 2018/6/29
The most grievous assault acid attack is common in India Why: Acid Attack also known as acid throwing is a form of violent assault which is defined as the act of throwing acid intentionally on the body of another to disfigure, maim, torture or kill. Acid attack is the cruel, violent, immoral form of crime in the society.-Rozlina Hussain- Posted: 2018/6/29
Privileged Documents under CPC An analytical insight: A privilege may not be a right, but, under the constitution of the country, I do not gather that any broad distinction is drawn between the rights and the privileges that were enjoyed and that were-Kirti- Posted: 2018/6/28
Juveniles in the Hands of Narcotic Drugs: Study on Drug Abuse: India is a country having all resource and source to live. Many intelligent knowledgeable people lead our country who becomes legend on people's heart because of their thought, in that many leaders point out about children. Dr. APJ quotes that "Children are future bone to the country".-Monisha- Posted: 2018/6/27
Quashing of FIR/Criminal Proceedings Under Section 482 of CrPC: Black's law dictionary defines quash as to overthrow / to abate / to vacate / to annul / to make void. In simplest terms, quashing of criminal proceedings would mean ceasing the legal machinery which had been set in motion. -Albab Alam- Posted: 2018/6/27
Uniform civil code One Nation, One law: After the shayra bano case Uniform Civil code is again in controversy and it is also one of the major agenda of NDA government.-Rajesh Yadav- Posted: 2018/6/27
Limpidity in Realty: A Reality: If you are a resident of one of the metropolitan cities of our nation, India or even the second tier cities for that matter, chances are you would have observed a significant rise in the construction of high rises in your respective city.17,526,isthe number of housing projects launched between 2011 and 2015 in India.-Umair Arshad Ansari- Posted: 2018/6/27
Violations of Human Rights of Prison Inmates: Prisoners have also some rights to some extent as a normal human being when they are behind the prison. In India there is no any codified rights of the prisoners-Shilpi-Posted: 2018/6/27
Relationship between the President and PM in India: The President along with the Lok Sabha & Rajya Sabha, respectively form the Indian Parliament. The President of India does get elected directly as the Prime Minister, rather his election is an indirect one through an Electoral College which consist of members of both the Houses of Parliament and elected members of Vidhan Sabha and union territories.-Sanjana Chakraborty- Posted: 2018/6/27
Definition of Drug: In the Context of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Laws: Being a British Colony, Indian Laws are influenced with Common Law system and drug is not a new concept.[3]It has its origin from old French word ‘DROUGUE'-Vijayalakshmi- Posted: 2018/6/27
Uniform Civil Code: Sweeping away communal segregation: Part IV of the Indian Constitution provides the directive principles of the state, one of which is Article 44 which has not been into force as it is regarded non justifiable.-Pratibha elin lakra- Posted: 2018/6/26
The Role of Employees State Insurance Corporation In Securing Social Security: Social security is an important component of any social development agenda and is as relevant as physical security in the evolving concept of human security. Right to social security is a human security.-Nivedha krishnamurti- Posted: 2018/6/26
Foster care in India-An alternative family based care: Foster Care is a non-institutional child care alternative whereby the child lives with an extended or unrelated family for temporary care. This caters to children whose biological parents are unable to care for them for variegated reasons or who is separated from his/her family.-Aishwarya Surana- Posted: 2018/6/26
Role of Trade Unions in India: Trade Unionism had made its headway owing to growth of industrialization and capitalism. The Indian trade union movement is now over fifty years old. It has passed through several stages in its career.-Vipin Sharma- Posted: 2018/6/26
Contemporary congruity of Right to Information: An Intra-national dimension: A democratic society survives by accepting new ideas, experimenting with them, and rejecting them if found unimportant. Therefore it is necessary that whatever ideas the government or its other members hold must be freely put before the public.-Kirti- Posted: 2018/6/26
Business Armour or Public Interest: The dual matrix of Trademarks motto-An Intercontinental Stance: Recent emphasis on the effect of the grant of trademark rights on competition has focused largely on substantive commercial concern and reputation-Kirti-Posted: 2018/6/26
Section 73 and 74 of Indian Contract Act: Contract is a promise supported by some consideration upon which the remedy of specific performance or that of damages is available-Sapna- Posted: 2018/6/26
5 Types of Adultery You Probably Didn't Know About: Adultery is one of the most exceedingly terrible things that can happen to a marriage and abuses all that you've worked with your accomplice in such an excruciating way.-mk04260- Posted: 2018/6/26
How to become a criminal lawyer: Criminal law directs legislative authorizations (e.g. detainment, fine and so on.) against acts apparent to be unfavorable to the interests of society. It comprises essentially of two perspectives, a) substantive law, which characterizes acts culpable under criminal law (e.g. Indian Penal Code) and b) procedural law, which endorses the way in which the substantive law is authorized.-mk04260- Posted: 2018/6/26
The Legality of Employment Bond Contracts: Section 74 of the Contract Act provides that in the event of a breach of a contract in which there was a stipulation that a sum or penalty is to be paid incase of such breach, then the party complaining of the breach is entitled to receive from the defaulting party such sum or penalty.-Abhinav Benjamin- Posted: 2018/6/21
Laws related to Electronic Voting Machine All you Need to know about E.V.M: Preamble of Constitution of India says that;India is ‘Republic & Democratic’ country. Which makes elections in India an inherent part of politics and it have been conducted since Independence almost every year at block level, State level or at National level (General elections)-Kanishk Khullar- Posted: 2018/6/21
Infringement of Trademark Rights and Remedies Involved In It: Trademark infringement is the unapproved utilization of a trademark or administration stamp on or regarding products and additionally benefits in a way that is probably going to cause disarray, trickiness, or oversight about the wellspring of the merchandise or potentially benefits.-Sindhuja K- Posted: 2018/6/21
A Elucidate Study on Issue and Challenge In Triple Talaq At Present Scenario And Global Perspective: Hasan and Talaq-e-Biddat (triple talaq). While the previous two are revocable, the last one is unalterable. It is for the most part predominant among India's Muslim people group that take after the Hanafi School of Islamic Law.-Sindhuja K- Posted: 2018/6/21
Jurisprudential Voyage of Freedom of Information: Explosion of information and exclusion from information are two competing trends in our cosmos of human rights and democracy versus Government by secrecy.-Adithya Anil Variath- Posted: 2018/6/14
Human Trafficking Prevention Under Section 370 of IPC, 1860: Gross violations of human rights make “Human Trafficking†a serious global concern. Anti-trafficking laws in India are covered under a wide range of complex patchworks, ranging from Indian Penal Code, Immoral Traffic Prevention Act (ITPA) also known as PITA Act, -Anjali Rautela- Posted: 2018/6/14
Basics of a Police Complaint: This is an article on the basics of a Police Complaint, what to write, how to write, do's and don'ts while writing a Police Complaint by Advocate Gurmeet Singh, who is an Advocate practicing in Hon'ble Supreme Court and Various High Courts including Delhi High Court, Lucknow High Court, Nainital High Court, Allahabad High Court and Delhi District Courts.-Gurmeet Singh- Posted: 2018/6/14
The Maternity Benefit (Amendment) Act, 2017 A Big and Positive step towards improvement in securing the employment rights of women: Maternity leave and parental leave is absolutely vital for strengthening families. It’s an issue for men, women and even baby in the womb and newborn baby.-Koneru Anuradha- Posted: 2018/6/14
Death Penalty should be abolished or not: Now Days this question is a very controversial that Death penalty should be aboished or not I am totally in favour of the decriminalisation of death penalty.-Rajesh Yadav- Posted: 2018/6/14
Predatory Pricing: In common parlance, Predatory pricing may be defined as pricing below an appropriate measure of cost for the purpose of eliminating competitors in the short run and reducing competition in the long run.-Mandar- Posted: 2018/6/14
Attachment of Property Under Execution Proceedings: Every civil suit is accompanied by three stages which starts from the initiation or institution of suit, adjudication of suit and finally the implementation of the litigation.-Gauri Thampi- Posted: 2018/6/14
India's Historic Perspective and Modern Outlook of Women's body: Prostitution v. Surrogacy: A woman's body is constantly being exploited by the society. Prostitution is a form of sexual exploitation. In surrogacy there is a contract, whereby the woman agrees to bear child for someone who is unable to do so.- Urvashi Dhonde- Posted: 2018/6/14
Uttarakhand HC On Solitary Confinement - State of Uttarakhand v Mehtab, Sushil and Bhura: landmark judgment in the case of State of Uttarakhand v 1. Mehtab s/o Tahir Hassan 2. Sushil @Bhura s/o Gulab Singh Criminal Reference No. 1 of 2014 on April 27, 2018 in 99 pages wherein it held that the practice to keep the convict in custodial segregation/solitary confinement before the exhaustion of his constitutional, legal and fundamental rights is unconstitutional-Sanjeev Sirohi, Advocate- Posted: 2018/6/12
Right of Adult Couple To Live Together Without Marriage: SC: It has to be stated at the very outset that in a landmark judgment with far reaching consequences, the Supreme Court on May 6, 2018 in Nandkumar & Anr v The State of Kerala & Ors in Criminal Appeal No. 597 of 2018 arising out of SLP (Crl.) No. 4488 of 2017-sanjeevsirohimrt- Posted: 2018/6/12
Free Mentally Ill Children And Formulate Policies For Them: Uttarakhand High Court: It must be lauded right at the outset the landmark judgment delivered by the Uttarakhand High Court on June 1, 2018 which shall benefit all those mentally ill children who have to face untold sufferings and discrimination-Sanjeev Sirohi, Advocate- Posted: 2018/6/12
Public Service Commission: Articles 315 to 323 in Part XIV of the Constitution of India provides for the establishment of Public Service Commission for the Union and a Public Service Commission for each State.-Vishnu Kavya- Posted: 2018/6/12
Triple Talaq Bill Needs Protective Approach Rather Than Punitive nature: With the 42nd amendment of the constitution of India in the year 1976 added the word ‘secular’ to the preamble to declare India as secular nation. Secularism is the principle of the separation of government institutions and persons mandated to represent the state from religious institution and religious dignitaries -Koneru Anuradha- Posted: 2018/6/12
Why India needs a Uniform civil Code: Recently After the judgment of Shayra Bano Uniform civil code is again in publicity and it is one of the major agenda of NDA government and recently Law commission board asked a personal law board that why they are against it-Rajesh Yadav- Posted: 2018/6/1
Whether the press conference hold by 4 senior most judges of supreme court was contempt of court: Contempt of court is the offense of being disobedient to or disrespectful towards a court of law. Being disrespectful to legal authorities in the courtroom, or willfully failing to obey a court order may attract Contempt of Court proceedings.-Pawan Bharti- Posted: 2018/5/26
Why Is BJP Opposed To High Court Bench In West UP: BJP after always repeatedly assuring the lawyers of West UP that they will make sure that a high court bench is created soon here as soon as it comes to power has reneged on its tall promises and has done virtually nothing on this score till now-Sanjeev Sirohi, Advocate- Posted: 2018/5/25
Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 An Assessment: The Payment of Gratuity Act 1972 is a social security enactment. An Act to provide for a scheme for the payment of gratuity to employees engaged in factories, mines, oilfields, plantations, ports, Railway companies, shops or other establishments.-Ankush Garg- Posted: 2018/5/22
Ways in which Artificial Intelligence is Transforming Copyright Law: Most of us have watched and heard about Benedict Cumberbatch starrer the Imitation Games which revolves around the life of English mathematician Alan Turing who was one of the first people to work on the concept of intelligent machines.-Archi Bhatia- Posted: 2018/5/22
Applicability of Limitation Act to Initiate Insolvency process against debtor under Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code: Insolvency is the situation in where debtor is not in a position to pay back his creditor and bankruptcy is the legal declaration of Insolvency. posted: 2018/5/22
Protecting Marriages Across Castes: Eight years after the National Commission for Women (NCW) proposed a special law to punish honour killings incited by khap panchayats, the Supreme Court has said that adults are free to marry persons of their own choice and hurting couples, or summoning them before clan members, groups, or a khap, is absolutely illegal-Nikhil Choudhary- Posted: 2018/5/22
Crypto-Currencies: Today crypto currencies have become a global phenomenon known to most people. While still somehow geeky and not understood by most people, banks, governments and many companies are aware of its importance.-Nikhil Choudhary- Posted: 2018/5/22
WPA AND PCA ACT and analysis and study of conviction rates under the act: The Wild Bird and Animal Protection Act, 1912was enacted by the British government, which empowered the provincial government to declare the whole year or any part thereof as close time.-Tamanna Pankaj- Posted: 2018/5/17
Right to Democracy: The word democracy stems from the Greek language: demos (the people) and kratos (govern). It is a type of state as well as an order of society. Democracyembodies a moral principle. Its means that every man has value.-Vishnu Kavya- Posted: 2018/5/17
Effect of Amendment Act of 2015 on Section 36, Arbitration and Conciliation Act: The Arbitration & Conciliation Act, 1996 (Principal Act) was amended by way of the Arbitration and Conciliation (Amendment) Act, 2015 (Amendment Act) with effect from 23 October, 2015.-Siddharth Manocha- Posted: 2018/5/15
The Factories Act,1948:The main objectives of the Act, is to regulate the working conditions in factories, to regulate health, safety welfare, and annual leave and enact special provision in respect of young persons, women and children who work in the factories.-Smriti tiwari- Posted: 2018/5/15
Dissenting opinion of Bench in Rakesh Kumar Paul VS. State of Assam: The hon’ble Supreme Court in this case by a majority of 2:1 held that case in which punishment with imprisonment extending 10 years shall for the purpose of “default bail†fall within section-167 (a) (ii) of the code and in such case, if charge-sheet is not filled within 60 days, the accused shall be entitled to be released on bail.-Jenika Chopra- Posted: 2018/5/15
Education in India - Can private schools arbitrarily hike fees: Charging of exorbitant fees in private schools is a major cause of concern in India. Steep hike in tuition fees along with additional costs such as fees for transport, extra-curricular activities and sports will add much burden on parents.-Nikhil Choudhary- Posted: 2018/5/12
National Control Over International Trade Scope in present era: Economic liberalization, rapid technological change and aggressive competition continue to alter the environment in which industries operate.-Ankush Garg- Posted: 2018/5/12
Elections in India: Free and fair elections are held for the continuity of good governance in democracy like India. A debate which has periodically taken place in this country is about holding simultaneous elections to the state legislative assemblies and the Lok Sabha.-Nikhil Choudhary- Posted: 2018/5/12
Religion and Equality in Liberal Constitutionalism: Liberal Constitutionalism has been a driving force in modern time theorizing justice and democracy. Liberal Constitutionalism suggests that justice and democracy can be intertwined into a cohesive political order.-Mohd Arif & Dippyaman Bhattarchaya- Posted: 2018/5/9
Copyright: Ownership and Assignment of Rights: Copyright, a unique intellectual property meant for the creative brothers and sisters around the world isres incorporalis.In that sense, it has no tangible existence but is a proprietary right and can be disposed of.-Jenika Chopra- Posted: 2018/5/9
Do not Copy My Puffy White Shirt: Intellectual Property Rights and Fashion Industry: ntellectual property law is not one category of law; it is an umbrella category for protection of embodied ideas, or intangible property.-Krupa Gajjar- Posted: 2018/5/9
Legal Process of Getting CENOMAR Attested in India: Tying a knot in a foreign country requires a lot of legal proceedings. You need to prove your bachelorhood. The foreign immigration authority won’t accept any verbal claims.-Lovely Sharma- Posted: 2018/5/9
Admissions and Confessions under Indian Evidence Act,1972: An admission is a statement,8A[oral or documentary or contained in electronic form], which suggests any inference as to any fact in issue or relevant fact, and which is made by any of the persons, and under the circumstances, hereinafter mentioned.-Gursimran Kaur- Posted: 2018/5/9
Doctrine of Constructive Notice and Doctrine of Indoor Management in Company Law: Section 2 (20) of Companies Act, 2013 Company means a company incorporated under this Act or under any previous company law. -Krupa Gajjar- Posted: 2018/5/3
Special Provisions relating to lay-off, retrenchment and closure under Industrial Disputes Act: Chapter V-B was added in the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 through amendment under Article 32 of the Constitution. -Krupa Gajjar- Posted: 2018/5/3
Data Exclusivity A Necessary Evil: Data Exclusivity is a concept of protection of test data in the form of publicly undisclosed information. In this way, while each new creation is ensured by patent, the need emerges to assess the circumstance in creating countries where a generic drugs-Gaurav Prakash Pathak- Posted: 2018/1/1
Provisions Relating Undertrials under United Nations And Other International Organisations: It has been adopted by the First United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders, held at Geneva in 1955, and approved by the Economic and Social Council by its resolution 663C (XXIV) of 31 July 1957 and 2076 (LXII) of 13 May 1977.-Dr.Sarju Gupta- Posted: 2018/4/30
AI is Set to Transform Indias Healthcare: Where is the Legal Framework: Machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) is making rapid strides in the healthcare sector in India. Global technology leaders such as Microsoft, Google and Siemens as well as dozens of new Indian startups are introducing promising AI solutions to address the country’s burgeoning healthcare needs.-Aryan Vij- Posted: 2018/4/28
The Reliability of Forensic Sciences: Forensic science is the employment of scientific discipline and technology in the field of civil and criminal laws. Essentially this field of science propounds various standards, regulations and guidelines in regard of the permissibility of evidence in both criminal and civil procedures.-Arundhati And Shubhangi- Posted: 2018/4/28
Fertility Services Regulation Needs Re and New Thinking: The above statement can be considered as a universal fact. In other words, one can say that every single family in every nation contributes collectively to make this world go on and on. The human race has evolved in many different ways spanning a time period of thousands of years but the urge to procreate has not changed.-Koneru anuradha- Posted: 2018/4/28
How can we deal with the problem of Rape: How To Deal With The Growing Crime of Rape In India? What can we do to stop Rape in India?-Roopali- Posted: 2018/4/22
Fundamental Duties: The 42nd Amendment Act, 1976 added a Chapter IV-A which consist of only one Article 51-A which dealt with a Code of Ten Fundamental Duties for citizens.-smriti tiwari- Posted: 2018/4/22
Police Clearance Certificate for Visa in India: If we look at the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) data, it receives approximately 6 million applications annually. India’s share is about 65,000 H-1B visa applications for the FY 2019-Semlovelysharma- Posted: 2018/4/20
International Terrorism: Historical Development: International terrorism is a greatest threat to democracy. It poses a great threat not just to human life, human rights, dignity and democratic values but it is steadily rising at an alarming rate.-Dr.Renu Saini- Posted: 2018/4/18
Fundamental Right To Privacy Hinders Room For Section 377: India has been living a futile dream of being developed whilst holding the baggage from its past. The irony being a country that preaches Right to Equality for all its citizens, explicitly lets Section 377 decide the fate of its minority.-Mehr Bajaj- Posted: 2018/4/18
Indian Government Innovative and Magnificent Steps Towards Consumer Awareness, Education and Protection: An Overview: The issues relating to consumer welfare affects the entire people around us, since everyone is a consumer in one way or the other John F. Kennedy[1] rightly stated that “Consumers, by definition, include us all.-Koneru anuradha- Posted: 2018/4/18
Should Your Privacy Die With You?: Privacy of an individual is recognized as a human right world over. According the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR),“everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life, his home and his correspondenceâ€-Sowjanya S- Posted: 2018/4/18
Decoding the Foreign Exchange Management Cross Border Merger Regulations, 2018: Reserve Bank of India (RBI) vide its Notification dated March 20, 2018 provided for the much awaited Foreign Exchange Management (Cross Border Merger) Regulations (Regulations) with clear and cut out details with respect to both Inbound and Outbond merger.-Pratyush Jain- Posted: 2018/4/18
Unconscionability and Standard Form Contracts: The Research question that this paper aims to address is whether genuine consent is given by the parties assenting to the terms in cases involving the use of Standard Form Contracts and whether such contracts should be enforceable as a rule without exception. -Zico bahl- Posted: 2018/4/14
Judicial Activism in Protection and Promotion of Women in India with special reference to Indian Constitution: who constitute half a human population have been discriminated harassed and exploited irrespective of the country to which they belong, un-mind of the religion which they profess and oblivious of the timeframe in which they live.-Koneru anuradha- Posted: 2018/4/14
No means No: Discounting Marital Status: The offence of rape is exploitation of a woman, without her consent or obtaining of consent by inducing some fear, threat, by a forceful sexual intercourse.- Posted: 2018/4/14
Shortcomings of Product Liability Laws In India: The recent move to place the Consumer Protection Bill 2018 (hereinafter Bill) in Indian Parliament which seeks to replace the Consumer Protection Act 1986 is a cohesive approach towards the globalization and the incorporation of more democratized norms to promote an efficient market economy.-Vishu Surana- Posted: 2018/4/14
Role of United Nations in Combating Terrorism: Terrorism has been a dark feature of human behaviour since the dawn of recorded history. It is deeply rooted in human experience. It is an affornt to civilization.-Renu Saini- Posted: 2018/4/14
Doctrine of Indoor Management: There are various principles in the corporate world that help determine the relationship which ensures the safety of various stakeholders in the company in the transactions that they undertake.-Sushmita Singh- Posted: 2018/4/9
GDPR Is a Data Science Law for European Bloc: GDPR or General Data Protection Regulation is a legislation to secure the rights of the consumers. Its approval was taken in 2016. The European companies nailed on it two years ago. Now, it’s likely to come into effect from May 2018.-Semlovelysharma- Posted: 2018/4/9
Insolvency And Bankruptcy Code, 2016: The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 (“IBCâ€) is the bankruptcy law of India which seeks to consolidate and amend the existing laws by creating a single law for insolvency and bankruptcy. -Pintu Babu- Posted: 2018/4/9
Are NRIs Eligible to Appear in Civil Services Exam in India?: The non-resident diaspora across the world is willing to participate in the Civil Services exam. Pravasi Bhartiya Divas emerges as a great platform to remove the rift of physical distance.-Semlovelysharma- Posted: 2018/4/9
Corrective measures in India: Punishment as a means to reform the offender was not considered as such during Hindu and Mughal period in India.-Brijeah kumar gautam- Posted: 2018/4/9
Study of Ambudsman: Any developing system of administration gives importance to the existence of a mechanism for handling the results of the administrative faults, and the recognition of a right of every member of the society to know what happens in the government files.-Renuka- Posted: 2018/4/9
An Effective Electoral System: The paper begins with a conceptualization of an electoral system. This is followed by a discussion of different categories and types of electoral systems.-Mahalakshmi panneerselvam- Posted: 2018/4/9
Supreme court power of judicial review of administrative tribunal: The Judiciary plays a very important role as a protector of the constitutional values that the founding fathers have given us. They try to undo the harm that is being done by the legislature-Krishnamoorthy- Posted: 2018/4/8
A Study on Ganga Rejuvenation Programme: River Ganga is considered as our National River, but it was polluted more than other rivers. So, there was a need of cleaning the River Ganga.-Kovendhan_s- Posted: 2018/4/8
Breakdown And Fault Theories of Divorce under Family Law of India: Marriage in India is considered as a venture of two souls through which they get a societal status in society as called spouse.-Avinash Pandey- Posted: 2018/4/7
Rights of Disabled Persons: Disabilities can be physical in nature, cognitive, behavioral, or even emotional. This particular disabilities topic center contains mostly reference to physical and sensory forms of disability, as other forms are adequately covered in other topic centers.-Praveen. N- Posted: 2018/4/7
Grounds for Claiming Injunction over Irrevocable and Unconditional Bank Guarantees: Grounds for Claiming Injunction over Irrevocable and Unconditional Bank Guarantees-SahilModi- Posted: 2018/4/7
Is India Ready For Gender Neutrality: Before going into the core of the topic concerned, the first and the foremost task is to understand the meaning and essence of the subject matter which is Gender Neutrality.-Megha Ahuja- Posted: 2018/4/7
Child Labour In India: Child labour has been a major concern in the world because it affects the children both mentally and physically and it also destroys the future of children. Child labour is one the serious issue not only in India but also in other developing countries.-Kabishna Senthilkumar- Posted: 2018/4/7
Challenges Faced By Endeavours To Achieve Uniform Civil Code: The issue of the Uniform Civil Code has recently resurfaced in India’s political discourse, particularly because many Muslim women who have been affected by personal laws have begun knocking on the door of Supreme Court to protect their fundamental equality and freedom-Megha Ahuja- Posted: 2018/4/4
Law of Extradition and Treaties with some countries at international level: According to Starke-The term extradition denotes the process whereby under the treaty or upon a basis of reciprocity one state surrenders to another state at its request a person accused or convicted of a criminal offence committed against the laws of the requesting state, such requesting state is competent to try the alleged offender.-Abhishek Puri- Posted: 2018/4/4
The Trail of clinical drugs on Human beings: India with well trained skilled professionals and vast pharmacy companies offers unique opportunities for conducting clinical trials.-Jaishree Shivamaithy- Posted: 2018/4/4
Legal Pronouncements for Compensation under Section 166 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988: Motor accidents are a fairly commonplace occurrence in our daily lives. Motor accidents occur very frequently and lead to considerable loss of life and property.- Spitisarkar- Posted: 2018/4/3
Bias: Bias means an operative prejudice, whether conscious or unconscious, in relation to a party or issue. Such operative prejudice may be the result of a preconceived opinion or a predisposition or a predetermination to decide a case in a particular manner, so much so that it does not leave the mind open.-Gokul prasad- Posted: 2018/4/2
Right To Social Security: Right to social security is a kind of natural right and it isrecognized as a basic human right by most of the international personality.-Sri Ranjani.M- Posted: 2018/4/2
Development of the Rule of Law: The British people strongly believed in the Divine Theory of State. The king was given the power to govern the people by the Divine Authority (God). This theory propagates that, “King can do no wrong, king is above lawâ€. -PreethiRamanujam- Posted: 2018/4/2
Administration of Justice in Madras, Bombay, Calcutta (1600-1726): In 1639, an Englishman, Francis Day acquired a piece of land from Hindu Raja of Chandragiri, for the East India Company. It was known as Madraspatnam. The company constructed a factory on this land called FORT ST. GEORGE in 1640. -PreethiRamanujam- Posted: 2018/4/2
The Free Sea of Hugo Grotius: The researcher in this paper chose Hugo Grotius as a Jurist to present about his part of work in Jurisprudence. Hugo Grotius was also known as Huig de Groot, was a Dutch Jurist. He born on 10 April 1855 in Delft, Holland, Dutch Republic during Dutch Revolt.-PreethiRamanujam- Posted: 2018/4/2
Legal Aid and Awareness in India: Issues and Challenges: India is a country with mass population and of illiterate. Majority of people are not aware of the legal systems prevailing in the country and also of their constitutional rights.-Sripriya.T- Posted: 2018/4/2
Rights of the disabled: The American Psychiatric Association defines insanity as a psychological pattern or syndrome marked by distress and disability.-Sowmiya- Posted: 2018/3/30
Juvenile Justice Board: Adult Offences:The paper is an attempt to give an account upon the ineffectiveness of Juvenile Justice Board to examine and determine the juveniles in conflict with law in the age group of 16-18, involved in adult heinous offences as provided in the Juvenile Justice -Kavya Rajendran- Posted: 2018/3/30
USCIS Will Accept H1B Visa Petitions from April1, 2018: Are you willing to be employed in the USA, The previous year (2017) proved not a good one for the aspirants who intended to work there. Those who had filed a petition to get H1B visa underwent a sinking feeling.-Semlovelysharma- Posted: 2018/3/30
Validity of Sale by a Co-owner of Interest in Undivided Immovable Property to Third Party without Getting a Decree: whether a sale of immovable property or an interest in immovable property which is jointly owned by two persons, or more than two persons, or when such interest in property had arisen from bequest, can be made to a third party without intervention of Courts-SahilModi- Posted: 2018/3/30
Freedom Of Speech And Expression: The freedom of speech and expression is regarded as first condition of liberty. It occupies a preferred and important position in the hierarchy of the liberty, it is truly said about the freedom of speech that it is the mother of all the other liberties.-B. Lavanya- Posted: 2018/3/30
Legal Education In India: The law commission of India defines Legal education as a science which imparts to students knowledge of certain principles and provisions of law to enable them to enter the legal profession. Law, legal education and development have become inter-related concepts in modern developing countries.- Jayaram Swathy- Posted: 2018/3/30
Rights of Prisoners:The word prisoner means any person who is kept under custody in jail or prison because he/she committed an act prohibited by law of the land. A prisoner also known as an inmate is anyone who against their will is deprived of liberty.-Jayaram Swathy- Posted: 2018/3/30
Privacy Settings to Support Cyber Law by Securing FB Data: Would you ever take this act granted? Matthew Oczkowski, the head product of the aforesaid consulting firm, harvested the data of 50 million Facebook users.-Lovely Sharma- Posted: 2018/3/30
Why Is Illegal Sand Mining Harmful: Sand mining is the extraction of sand through an open pit but sometimes mined from inland dunes from oceans ,riverbeds and beaches.-Suchitra Tekumalla- Posted: 2018/3/28
Conditions of bail in 498a: Once the FIR under section. 498a/406 is registered it is better option to take anticipatory bail in the offences as read in the FIR. I have already discussed the chances of anticipatory bail U/s. 498a and 406-Adv. Nitish Banka- Posted: 2018/3/28
Right To Education - Article 21(A): Education is one of the important part in each and every human life. If a person was educated he acquires knowledge, learns behavioural activities and methods to survive in the society.-A Arun- Posted: 2018/3/28
Legal Issues of Globalization: By transforming borders and de-territorializing behavior, globalization raises a host of questions and concerns fundamental to law. Many commentators argue that international law and national law are no longer adequate categories for the totality of "law"-Hilal ahmad sheikh- Posted: 2018/3/28
Administrative Powers And Discretionary Powers: It has already been emphasized in the previous pages that with the abandonment of laissez faire and advent of the modern philosophy of a “welfare†and “social service†state, the administrative organ in practically every democratic country is performing more and more functions-Arun prasad- Posted: 2018/3/28
Open Government And Right To Information: An open government is guided by the principal of transparency, accountability, participation and collaboration. open government is a topic of growing importance in administrative law.-Sumi Arnica.M- Posted: 2018/3/28
Rights of Scheduled Caste: The position of schedule caste and schedule tribe is always a question mark for the society .being a developing country we are saying that we are giving an equal status to them as compared with other caste but in reality -Hari Haran- Posted: 2018/3/28
Death Of Democracy - How Democracy Devolves Into Dictatorship: As Churchill put it, Democracy is the worst form of government, except all the others. It is a tried and tested path to ensure rights of the people and accountability of the people.-Gvathvaidh- Posted: 2018/3/25
Types of Writs In Indian Constitution: The supreme court, and High courts have power to issue writs in the nature of habeas corpus , quo warranto , mandamus , certiorari ,prohibition etc., under Arts. 32 and 226 respectively.- Ajay c- Posted: 2018/3/25
Violation of Human Rights By Police Authorities: Police are one of the most important organisations of the society. The policemen, therefore, happen to be the most visible representatives of the government.-Dinesh V- Posted: 2018/3/25
Double Jeopardy: Double jeopardy is a procedural defence that prevents an accused person from being tried again on the same (or similar) charges and on the same facts, following a valid acquittal or conviction.-Alexbennyhook- Posted: 2018/3/25
Harmful Effects of Tax Competition: Tax Competition relates to the phenomenon where a sovereign state having the ability and competence tends to affect the tax system of another country intentionally or unintentionally by incorporating various tax differentials in its domestic tax system.-Sahil Modi- Posted: 2018/3/25
Injunction Over Encashment of Performance Bank Guarantee: In Himadri Chemicals Industries Limited v. Coal Tar Refining Co., (2007) 8 SCC 110 apex court laid down the principles for grant or refusal to grant of injunction to restrain enforcement of a bank guarantee -Sahil Modi- Posted: 2018/3/25
Education System-Its Position In India: Learning is an art. Education is the process of acquiring knowledge not only through learning but also through experience. Education should not be there only for learning subjects like Mathematics, Science-Soniya- Posted: 2018/3/25
Gender Equality: Gender equality, also known as sexual equality, is the state of equal ease of access to resources and opportunities regardless of gender, including economic participation and decision-making; and the state of valuing different behaviors, aspirations and needs equally, regardless of gender. -harirahul- Posted: 2018/3/23
Custodial Violence Indian Perspective: ustodial violence and abuse of police power have emerged a major issue of human rights concern and one of the root obstacles to democracy and development of human well being in contemporary societies.-Abiyaa Raju- Posted: 2018/3/22
Compliance of broker under Real Estate Regulation Act, 2017: The purpose to enforce this act by the parliament is to regulate the Real Estate sector which was earlier totally unaccountable and uncontrolled by the government of India. -Arpit Jain- Posted: 2018/3/20
Retention of Discretion: This chapter is concerned with various principles of administrative law which require decision makers to retain the discretion which they are granted.-Abinesh Angappan- Posted: 2018/3/20
Role of Indian Judiciary in Protecting Victims Rights: Victim plays an important role in the criminal justice system but his/her welfare is not given due regard by the state instrumentality. Thus, the role of High Courts or the Supreme Court in our country in affirming and establishing their rights is dwelt in this article.-sayyedarif51- Posted: 2018/3/19
Space Laws in India:Space has heightened the curiosity of mankind for centuries. Due to the advancement in technology, there’s fierce competition amongst nations for the next space war. -sayyedarif51- Posted: 2018/3/19
Why ban the Womb for Rent: Surrogacy in India, is a practice or business, whichever way one would like to view it, that is worth 2 Billion U.S.D., annually and has grown exponentially over the years, due to the affordable as well as low Costs associated with the entire process of Surrogacy, as compared to the rest of the world.-Sanjana Grace Varma- Posted: 2018/3/19
A Study on the Relevance of Rights to Information with Independence of Judiciary: Fundamental Right and is ensured according to Article 19 and 21 of the Constitution of India and was instituted by Parliament of India in 2005. This exploration paper will examine in detail the disposition of legal especially in Supreme Court- Jegathambal Subbaiah- Posted: 2018/3/19
Lokpal: The word "Lokpal" is derived from the sanskrit word "loka" meaning people and "pala" meaning protector or caretaker. Together it means "protector of people". The aim of passing such a law is it to eradicate corruption at all levels of the Indian polity.-Advaith Raj- Posted: 2018/3/19
An Account on Traffic Congestion: As the world’s second-most populous country after China, India has more truly congested than any other nation. Vehicles in India are distributed unevenly. Traffic is well known for moving at the pace of its slowest component.-Subha- Posted: 2018/3/19
Right To Property: International Convention on The Elemination of All Forms of Ratial Discrimination - Which states in Article 5 that everyone has the right to equality before the law without distinction as to race, colour and national or ethnic origin, including the right to own property alone as well as in association with others†and “the right to inherit. -Shetty- Posted: 2018/3/19
Audi Alteram Partem: In India, the principles of natural justice are the grounds of Article 14 and 21 of the Constitution. Article 14 enshrines that every person should be treated equally. Article 21 in its judgment of Maneka Gandhi vs. The Union of India-Ashwini Dhanapalan- Posted: 2018/3/19
Doctrine of Public Trust: Public trust doctrine serves two purposes: it mandates affirmative state action for effective management of resources and empowers citizens to question ineffective management of natural resources. -Neha Verma- Posted: 2018/3/19
A Legal framework about Child Prostitution: The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, 1990: It defines ‘child prostitution’ as sexual exploitation of a child below the age of 18 for remuneration in cash or kind.-Aarthi Rajapandian- Posted: 2018/3/19
Reasons For the Growth of Administrative Law: The most notable and important development of the modern state is the rapid growth of Administrative law. The growth which took place in the 20thcentury can be considered as a radical change.-Janane magesh- Posted: 2018/3/17
Easy Ways to Register Unregistered Birth via NABC in India: If you don’t have any idea of where to do that, do remember that the Municipal Corporation (MC) is the competent authority.-Semlovelysharma- Posted: 2018/3/17
Anticipatory Bail: The right to liberty is the natural right and also the fundamental right of an individual. However, a person has to respect the rights of others recognized by law like the inviolability of their body and their property. -Madhubala- Posted: 2018/3/16
Problems of Under-Trails In India: The issues of under -trials go unnoticed .The main intention of this article is to bring into light the problems and issues faced by under-trials in prison . ARTICLE 21 of constitution of India guarantees right to life and personal liberty-Kaushika manohar- Posted: 2018/3/16
Football And Diplomacy: Football is not just physical, it is a mind game, the more you play with your mind, the better it would be the result. It is a universal game which plays an important role in developing heartwarming relations between various countries.-Kanimozhi- Posted: 2018/3/16
Doctrine of Separation of Powers:As the concept of ‘Separation of Powers’ explained by Wade and Philips, it means three different things:- That the same persons should not form part of more than one of the three organs of Government, e.g. the Ministers should not sit in Parliament. -Nivetha- Posted: 2018/3/15
Aadhaar card: An Invasion to privacy: Aadhaar is a 12-digit unique-identity number issued to all Indian residents based on their biometric and demographic data. The data is collected by the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI), is a statutory authority established in January 2009 by the Government of India-Pavithraa- Posted: 2018/3/15
The Rights of the Disabled:Disabilities is an umbrella term, covering impairments, activity limitations, and participation restrictions. An impairment is a problem in body function or structure; an activity limitation is a difficulty encountered by an individual in executing a task or action -Poorani- Posted: 2018/3/13
The Rights of Scheduled Tribes:The Scheduled Tribes are various officially disadvantaged groups of historically disadvantaged people in India. The terms are recognized in the Constitution of India and the various groups are designated in one or other categories. Dr. B. R. Ambedkar in Drafting Committee drafted Constitution of India in 1950. -Preethi- Posted: 2018/3/13
Transparency In Employment Generation And Provision: A nation to achieve its sustainable development has to engage in activities which would promote the empowerment of the citizens, by taking up measures and policies that will satisfy the diversified public.-Fredrick Russel Lionel- Posted: 2018/3/13
Privatization of Administration Services As Deception: Recommendations by the Niti aayoh on July 2017 stating privatization of certain administrative services have sparked interest in the recruitment of administrative personnel based on efficiency and who posses technical knowledge such that services to the citizen can be done more efficiently and effectively-RKSM Aditya Chokkanadha Naicker- Posted: 2018/3/13
Medical Negligence In Sports: No human is impeccable, everyone makes mistakes, we would have come across many cases where the skilled medical practitioners have been negligent while identifying injuries-Kanimozhi- Posted: 2018/3/13
Regulatory Negligence-A Concept of Administrative Law: Administrative law is defined as the torso of law constructed by the agencies and departments of the government.-Kanimozhi- Posted: 2018/3/10
Triple Talaq: The term "talaq" refers to the repudiation of marriage by husband under Muslim law. The practice of triple talaq has been prevailing since ancient times in India.-Neha Verma- Posted: 2018/3/10
Right To Privacy: Privacy per se is an undisputed right of an individual comprehensively bonded with his/her life. Privacy becomes matter of controversy when it is mishandled/intruded illegitimately by erroneous individuals.-elanjchezhienkd- Posted: 2018/3/8
Options in Securities issued to Foreign Investors - A Legal Option: Optionality clauses (also referred as options in this paper) are choice given to the holder of the securities in a contract which can be an investment agreement, joint venture or other similar kind of arrangements including acquisition and takeover transactions. Options, as the name suggests, are not the obligation but an entitlement or right to buy or sell securities in terms of pre-determined arrangement.-Arpit Shivhare- Posted: 2018/3/8
Administration of Laws Against Trafficking In India: Human trafficking is a universal problem as it is one of the largest money generating business in the world having generated around $150 billion in 2014 alone.-Chloe Moses- Posted: 2018/3/6
Uniform Civil Code Towards Empowerment of Women In India: India is a secular state that is state does not have any religion of its own. All religion is equal for a state. Article 44 of Indian Constitution as a Directive principle of state policy provides that state shall secure to every citizen of India a uniform civil code.-Megha Garg- Posted: 2018/3/6
No, Trade secrets are no alternative to Patent protection: Today's startups are mostly technology driven. Many startups are using or developing their own technology to provide their products or services to the target market.-Ujjwal Kumar Jha- Posted: 2018/3/1
Theories of Corporate Personalities:Corporate sole and corporate aggregate are treated as persons by law. There are various theories which are developed to show the nature of personality.-Akshay khanna- Posted: 2018/3/1
Administration of Islamic law in Nigeria: The federal republic of Nigeria is located in west Africa.But this country wasn't a federal republic at first.The state was in a tyrannical rule by the military regimes of Nigeria which ended on 29 May 1999 after reinstating a civilian government.-Hirendhar- Posted: 2018/3/1
How Can You Get Your Birth Certificate Reissued in India: Is the date of birth in your certificate incorrect I bet that you would have made several rounds of the Municipal Corporation. Only a few ones manage to withdraw it in one and two attempts. But the rest stays trapped. You can get out of it with handful valid information about how to obtain the birth certificate. They will guide you all through its withdrawal process.-Lovely Sharma- Posted: 2018/3/1
Case Note on The state Cyber Cell v Yogesh Pandurang Prabhu: This case deals with the Section 509 of Indian Penal Code, 1860 and Section 67 and 67A of Information Technology Act, 2000. This case deals with the sending of obscene emails sent by the accused to -Akshay khanna- Posted: 2018/2/28
Indian Government is taking steps for renovating IPR system in India:Mr. Arun Jately has released a new and renovated IPR policy that seeks to encourage innovation and improve access to healthcare, food security, and environmental protection.-Ujjwal Kumar Jha- Posted: 2018/2/28
Panchayati Raj Institution In West Bengal: The glimmering light of Swaraj is gradually spreading to every village. Panchayat Raj is an interconnected and interdependent pattern of democracy, a system of sharing powers and responsibilities with the people. The study has examined the role of Panchyati leadership in realizing the objectives of West Bengal Panchayati Act 1994 -Debaditya Das- Posted: 2018/2/23
Rehabilitation of Trafficked Children in India: Socio and Legal framework:The Ministry of Women and Child Development told parliament that 19,223 women and children were trafficked a year ago against 15,448 of every 2015, with the highest number of victims recorded in West Bengal.-Dinesh Kumar- Posted: 2018/2/23
Immoral Trafficking of Minor Girl Child in India & Laws to protect them:Trafficked minor girl children are used for prostitution, forced into marriage, illegally adopted, used as cheap or unpaid labour, used for sport and organ harvesting. Some children are recruited into armed groups. Minor girl Child prostitution has the highest supply of trafficked children.- Dinesh Kumar- Posted: 2018/2/23
Protection of Children's Human Rights in India: Children are the future custodians of sovereignty, rule of law, - justice, liberty, equality, fraternity and finally international peace and security.- Dinesh Kumar- Posted: 2018/2/22
Voluntary Liquidation of Corporate Person Under The Insolvency And Bankruptcy Code, 2016: In India, the bad debts are going on increasing. Compared to any other country, the process of resolving the insolvency is time consuming. This makes our country to become weak in economy.-Archana J R- Posted: 2018/2/22
Software Patentability : In Indian Context: There is no legal or conclusive definition of a software patent. A suggested definition of software patent has been proposed by the Foundation for a Free Information Infrastructure (FFII) as being a patent on any performance of a computer realized by means of a computer program.-Ajay Sharma- Posted: 2018/2/21
Law of Torts: Fundamentals and Urgent Reformations: It is often said that 'India needs change'. Various Laws and Rules are challenged every other day, which may or may not be targeting at a better tomorrow. From decision of Indian Rupee Devaluation of 1991 to Demonetization of 2016, every other legal policy of Indian Government has been questioned for once.-Naman Sharma- Posted: 2018/2/19
Revolt of Four Indian Judges Motives, Ethics, International Precedents and Remedies: On Friday January 12, 2018, something unprecedented happened in India. Four Supreme Court judges, Justices Kurian Joseph, Ranjan Gogoi, J. Chelameswar, and Madan Lokur, revolted against Dipak Misra, the Chief Justice of India (CJI). This was a remarkable event considering that the Supreme Court of India has five senior judges.- Dr.Sastry- Posted: 2018/2/19
Towards Equality-from declassification to decriminalization, LGBT: This article aims to throw light upon the prevailing discrimination against the people belonging to a lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or a queer community and mind set of the society perceived from the pre-colonial period onwards which needs to be liberated so as to have progressive laws for a better India.-Shivani pankaj- Posted: 2018/2/18
Protection of Women From Sexual Harassment At Workplace: Sexual harassment at workplace is a universal problem in the world whether it be a developed nation or a developing nation or an underdeveloped nation, atrocities and cruelties against women is common everywhere.- Sheethal Menon- Posted: 2018/2/17
Doctrine of Equivalents and prior history estoppel: A patent is a monopoly right granted by a national or regional patent office to an inventor who has created something new, useful and non-obvious. Any invention demands huge investment of time, and resources in the form of research and development.-Sudha- Posted: 2018/2/17
Software Protection: International Instruments And Trends: Software in its simplest sense can be understood as a set of instructions provided to the computer in order to produce the desired result. In other words, when the programs, explanations, procedures, commands etc.-Sudha- Posted: 2018/2/17
Sexual Violence In Armed Conflicts- A Violation of International Humanitarian Law: International Humanitarian Law seeks to mitigate the effects of war. However sexual violence was an aspect which was widely prevalent during armed conflicts and the trend still continues.-Sheethal Menon- Posted: 2018/2/17
Constituents of Tort: Elements of Tort, wrongful act, legal damage, legeal remedy,Damnum sine injuria and Injuria sine damno, pigeon hole theory, etc. -Albab Alam- Posted: 2018/1/24
Women in Terrorism : Terrorism is the act of unlawful violence done by a group of people to achieve certain goals, or to create terror of themselves or a party amongst the people.-Raja Hanuman- Posted: 2018/1/24
Reference, Revision And Review: In India, there are three tiers Judiciary i.e. District Courts, High Courts and hon’ble Supreme Court of India. The appeal, review and revision lies in all the three Courts depending on which Court’s Order is being challenged.-Anupam Shivam- Posted: 2018/1/20
Benami Property: A concise analysis: After the attack of black money by demonetization of high value currency notes, Prime Minister Narendra Modi is preparing to take action on 'benami' properties to reduce the corruption.-Tanu Rathor- Posted: 2018/1/20
A critical study on social security and working of the unorganised workers social security act 2008 : Social security is an important component of any social security development agenda and is as relevant as physical security in the evolving concept of human security. India being a socialistic democratic state, has a commitment of providing social and economic justice to its citizens for the survival of democracy.-preethi k- Posted: 2018/1/20
Summoning of Defendant: Last month I had an opportunity to go through a brief of a civil suit which has been decreed by the civil court through an ex-parte judgment and decree and the defendant, who seek reversal of the said judgment, has failed to convince -Sh. Usman Karim-ud-Din- Posted: 2018/1/20
Do We Have An Obligation To Obey Law: Do we have an obligation to obey any law, no matter how unjust or evil the law is? Provided only that it is a valid rule of the legal system in which we happen to be physically located? Reassessment of the relation between law and ethics justifies a new look at the classic statement of legal obligation.-Astha- Posted: 2018/1/17
Benefit To Arise Out of Land: The article discusses along with case laws the term benefit to arise out of land as defined under transfer of property.-Astha- Posted: 2018/1/17
Chances of getting Anticipatory Bail in cases of 498a/406: The Supreme court quoted that the sections under 498a and 406 under the Indian penal code are widely misused and for no reason the husband and family members are prosecuted and jailed thereby tarnishing the reputation of the family the sections are exactly termed as legal terrorism.-Advocate Nitish Banka- Posted: 2018/1/16
Insurance Frauds Deserve Special Legislative Attention And Effective Judicial Action: The principal legislation regulating the insurance business in India is the Insurance Act, 1938. Some other existing legislations in the field are - the Life Insurance Corporation LIC Act, 1956, the Marine Insurance Act, 1963, the General Insurance Business (Nationalization) Act, 1972 and the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority IRDA Act, 1999. The provisions of the Indian Contract Act, 1872 are applicable to the contracts of insurance, whether for life or non-life.-Adithya Variath- Posted: 2018/1/16
Remedy of Compensation under Article 32: Compensation to victims is a perceived guideline of law being upheld through the conventional common courts.The seed of compensation for the breach of the rights implicit in Article 21 was first sowed in Khatri, Sant Bir and Veena Sethi, which sprouted with such a vigorous growth that it finally enabled the Court to hold that the State is liable to pay compensation.-Javid Ahmad Bagth- Posted: 2018/1/16
Single Brand Retail Trading: Anomalies in Foreign Direct Investment Policy, 2017:DIPP in its consolidated FDI policy, 2017 has prescribed significant changes to single brand retail trading sector to supersede the changes prescribed in the consolidated FDI policy, 2016. However, these changes in the 2017 Policy come with certain anomalies as well which consequently calls for a clarification from DIPP. -Ritika Sharma- Posted: 2018/01/15
Applicability of Limitation act on Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code: Any new advancement, be it in the field of law or any other form of art or science, would require time as it is to be understood, accepted, settled and interpreted. The new legal framework on insolvency and bankruptcy has brought a catena of changes in the prior existent law. -Parul Chutani- Posted: 2018/01/15
Insider Trading Laws In India In Comparison With Laws In UK And US: In the year 2009, Mr. Rajat K Gupta, a former Goldman Sachs board member, while delivering a speech at a leading business school in India said, “Try to make other people successful, if you work on making other people successful, they will in turn make you successful beyond your dreamsâ€.-kirthanasingh- Posted: 2018/01/15
To Be Raped Or Not To Be Raped: The Indian legal system is marred with the burden of the Great Indian tussle between the aged Indian Judiciary and the Indian Legislation. It is this tussle that has led to judgments like the Independent Thought v Union of India to arise to clarify the law on family-related matters like child marriage, and more specifically child marital rape.-Arushi Gupta- Posted: 2018/01/15
Necessary Party And Proper Party in CPC: Explanation on what is Necessary Party and Proper Party in CPC-P Ramakrishna Patro- Posted: 2018/01/15
The West Bengal Municipal Act 1993:: Municipal Bodies have been accorded constitutional status in the 74th Constitutional Amendment Act of 1992 and raised to the status of ‘Government’ at the local level.-Debaditya Das- Posted: 2018/01/15
Right to Maintenance of a Muslim Women: The right to maintenance is available to a Muslim wife under the Muslim law even when the wife leaves the society of the husband if it is justified by the circumstances.-Astha Mishra- Posted: 2018/01/15
Making India Ready for Virtual Currency: In this era of technology due to transformation in the global economy, new ways of exchange of goods, assets and services have emerged. There exists a complete market over the internet where one can easily select and purchase goods through digital money that is by means of their debit or credit cards.-Upasana Dahiya & Gaurav Redhal- Posted: 2018/01/15
Borrowing And Lending Money By Residents of India To NRI: The lending and borrowing between residents of India and Non-Resident Indians are regulated by the Ministry of Finance and the Reserve Bank of India.-Shubham Kumar- Posted: 2018/1/9
How to Apply Birth Certificate Online in India?: Birth certificate is an essential asset to prove ones identity. The application for the birth proof can be submitted within 21 days of the birth.-semlovelysharma- Posted: 2018/1/9
Phone Tapping Right To Privacy Under Article 21: In the recent times technology has become the part and parcel of our lives. The world has transformed into a global village where our lives have become more connected than ever. It is quite obvious that with the development of social media and sophisticated technology our lives have become less private. Hence it became more important than ever to secure the privacy of individuals.-poojabhardwaj- Posted: 2018/1/9
Speedy Dispute Resolution Arbitration Act, and MSMED Act: Prohibited Judicial Intervention In Execution Proceedings of An Award Passed In Arbitral Proceedings.-Prakash Yadav- Posted: 2018/1/9
Right to legal representation: A Lawyer can help delineate the issues, present the factual contentions in an ordinary manner, cross-examine witnesses and otherwise safeguard the interests of the party concerned.-nivedha krishnamurti- Posted: 2018/1/9
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